The Relationship between Language Learning Strategies, Field of Study, Gender, and Language Proficiency
Subject Areas : Research in English Language PedagogyHabibollah Mashhady 1 * , Nasser Fallah 2
1 - University of Zabol
2 - University of Zabol
Keywords: field of study, gender, Language Learning Strategies, language proficiency,
Abstract :
The present study aimed at exploring the potential relationship between language learning strategies (LLS) and factors such as major fields of study, sex, and language proficiency among university students across different fields such as medicine, sciences, engineering, humanities, and English. To this end, 200 master students were collected and tested. In addition, 25 English teachers were included. The findings showed that there was no significant difference among English students and students of other fields of study in terms of strategy use. It was also found that there was no significant relationship between language learning strategies and variables of sex, and language proficiency. Another line of the findings indicated that students enjoyed a high level of metacognitive knowledge of what they were doing. Finally, to examine how students viewed their language needs across different fields of study, the fourth-year students of medicine, engineering, science, and humanities were asked to express their own ideas about the present status of ESP courses. After analyzing the students’ responses to the questionnaire, it could be understood that ESP courses had not been beneficial because they were far away from the students’ needs and expectations. Key words: Language Learning Strategies Language Proficiency Field of Study Gender
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