Some new results concerning $e\text{-}\theta\text{-}$open sets
Subject Areas : General topology
D. Akalin
M. Özkoc
1 - Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Mu\v{g}la S{\i}tk{\i} Ko\c{c}man University, 48000, Mente\c{s}e-Mu\v{g}la, Turkey
2 - Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Mu\v{g}la S{\i}tk{\i} Ko\c{c}man University, 48000, Mente\c{s}e-Mu\v{g}la, Turkey
Keywords: $e$-$theta$-open set, $e$-open set, $e$-$\theta$-closed set, $e$-$\theta$-closure,
Abstract :
The main purpose of this paper is to study the class of $e\text{-}\theta$-open sets and explore some of their new properties. Also, we introduce and study some weak separation axioms by utilizing $e\text{-} \theta$-open sets. In addition, we define the notion of $e\text{-}\theta\text{-}$kernel and slightly $e\text{-}\theta\text{-}R_0$ spaces. Furthermore, we apply them to discuss some fundamental properties of the graph functions. We obtain not only some characterizations but also many new results.
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