List of Articles Wound Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Investigation of antimicrobial effect of crude extract and three sub-fractions of Platychaete aucheri (Boiss.) Boiss against five standard microbial strains and clinical Escherichia coli isolates تینا ذبیحی نیک مژده حاکمی-والا فاطمه باقری بجستانی 10.18869/JHD.2017.15 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Histomorphological study of the effect of Biarum straussiis’ rhizome extract on cutaneous wound healing in a rat model سحر اکرادی طاهره مومنی اصفهانی محمد علیمرادی معصومه خان احمدی 10.30495/medherb.2021.679983 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Analysis of the correlation between phytochemical content and wound-healing potential of Lantana camara ethyl acetate and methanol extracts Irene Agbo Buyiswa Hlangothi Jenske Didloff Anna Hattingh Luanne Venable Sharlene Govender Maryna van de Venter 10.30495/medherb.2023.705956 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Selection of appropriate HLB values for a stable honey-shea butter emulsion and its efficacy in treating chemical burn wound. جانسون ایساک عایشا دابوری کنچوکوو بن- اومه بنت ایفانی فیلیپ بیلدرز 10.30495/medherb.2021.686191 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - Histomorphometric study on the effect of pine tree gum on wound healing of Wistar rats احمد روزبهانی الهام مقتدایی مصطفی نوربخش Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 6 - Rosa foetida Herrm. flowers as a future natural antibacterial agent against the main cause of skin burn wound infections, Pseudomonas aeroginosa. مائده رزقی سید رضا حسینی دوست ژینوس عسگرپناه