• Enitan.Seyi Curative potential of Gbogbonise Epa Ijebu herbal remedy in male Wistar rats infected with Salmonella enterica serovar typhi [ Vol.13, Issue 3 - Summer Year 2022]
  • Erhirhie.Earnest سمیت مزمن شش ماهه عصاره اتانولی برگ Dryopteris filix –mas (L.) روی موش صحرایی نژاد ویستار [ Vol.13, Issue 2 - Spring Year 2022]
  • Ezihe.Christian Prophylactic effects of Ixora coccinea leaf on the haematological, biochemical, and atherogenic profile in male Wistar rats administered anticancer drug Cisplatin [ Vol.13, Issue 3 - Summer Year 2022]