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    Biannual Journal of Islamic Approaches in Education

    This Biannual Journal was approved based on the approval of the first meeting of the commission for determining the credibility of publications of the vice-chancellor of educational and technical sciences of Islamic Azad University dated 02/22/1403. In order to publish the latest scientific and research findings, researchers are invited to compile their articles based on the expected format of the journal and send them through the journal system. Respecting the rules of ethics in publications, this publication is subject to the rules of the Committee on Ethics in Publishing (COPE) and follows the executive regulations of the law on preventing and dealing with fraud in scientific works. This publication is published under the license (CC-By 4.0) and people can use its contents only if they cite the original article published in this publication.

         Country of publication: Iran
         Licensee and publisher: Islamic Azad University, Shiraz branch
         Start of publication: Autumn 2024
         Publication type: electronic
         Publication period: Biannual
         Social networks: Google Scholar, Linkedin, Academic Resource Index,
         Arbitration policy: two-sided blind arbitration (closed)
         Journal language: English
         Specialized area: Islamic Education
         Journal type: scientific research
         Eligible articles: research and review
         Free and open access to articles: Yes
         Indexed: Yes
         Digital Object Recognizer (DOR)
         Judging time: at least 2 to 4 weeks

    The Main subjects of the quarterly:

    1. Introduction of theories, approaches, patterns, models, methods and principles of Islamic Education
    2. Recognizing the challenges, damages, threats of Islamic Education
    3. Recognizing opportunities, capacities, potentials and best educational experiences in Islamic Education
    4. Teaching Process - effective learning in Islamic Education
    5. Empowerment of human resources in educational systems, including families, schools, universities, etc., in line with the Islamic Education