• فهرست مقالات professional identity

      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        1 - تاثیر جهت‌گیری اخلاقی، هویت حرفه‌ای و اعتماد سرپرست بر قصد افشاگری حسابرس با توجه به نقش تعدیلگر ترس از تلافی
        مریم عزیزیان رحمان ساعدی
        هدف از این پژوهش، تاثیر جهت گیری اخلاقی، هویت حرفه‌ای و اعتماد سرپرست بر قصد افشاگری حسابرس با توجه به نقش تعدیلگر ترس از تلافی می‌باشد. روش تحقیق در این پژوهش به لحاظ ماهیت موضوع و اهداف آن از نوع پیمایشی می‌باشد و ابزارگردآوری داده ها پرسشنامه است که روایی و پایایی آن چکیده کامل
        هدف از این پژوهش، تاثیر جهت گیری اخلاقی، هویت حرفه‌ای و اعتماد سرپرست بر قصد افشاگری حسابرس با توجه به نقش تعدیلگر ترس از تلافی می‌باشد. روش تحقیق در این پژوهش به لحاظ ماهیت موضوع و اهداف آن از نوع پیمایشی می‌باشد و ابزارگردآوری داده ها پرسشنامه است که روایی و پایایی آن نیز تایید گردیده است. جامعه آماری کلیه کمک حسابرسان، حسابرسان، حسابرسان ارشد، سرپرستان ارشد، سرپرستان و مدیران شاغل در مؤسسات حسابرسی عضو جامعه حسابداران رسمی در ایران است و با استفاده فرمول کوکران و روش نمونه‌گیری حجم نمونه 357 نفر در نظر گرفته شد. به‌منظور تجزیه‌وتحلیل داده‌ها در این پژوهش، از آزمون‌های کلموگروف- اسمیرنوف، جهت تست نرمالیته و از معادلات ساختاری جهت تأیید فرضیه‌ها استفاده شد. نتایج حاکی از این بود که جهت‌گیری اخلاقی، هویت حرفه‌ای و اعتماد سرپرست بر قصد افشاگری حسابرس تاثیر مثبت و معنادار دارد. همچنین نتایج نشان داد که ترس از تلافی می-تواند تاثیر این سه متغیر را بر قصد افشاگری حسابرس تعدیل نماید. پرونده مقاله
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        2 - طراحی چارچوب شناخت هویت حرفه‌ای دانشجویان پزشکی بر اساس برنامه درسی پنهان: رویکرد فراترکیب
        مهدی محمدی رضا ناصری جهرمی فاطمه میرغفاری سولماز خادمی فروزان طاهری مریم صیدی
        یکی از مضامین مهم و کلیدی در برنامه درسی پنهان دانشجویان پزشکی، القای هویت حرفه‌ای به آنان می‌باشد. از این رو هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی طراحی چارچوب شناخت هویت حرفه‌ای دانشجویان پزشکی بر اساس برنامه درسی پنهان بود. این پژوهش کیفی با استفاده از روش شش مرحله‌ای ساندلوسکی و بار چکیده کامل
        یکی از مضامین مهم و کلیدی در برنامه درسی پنهان دانشجویان پزشکی، القای هویت حرفه‌ای به آنان می‌باشد. از این رو هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی طراحی چارچوب شناخت هویت حرفه‌ای دانشجویان پزشکی بر اساس برنامه درسی پنهان بود. این پژوهش کیفی با استفاده از روش شش مرحله‌ای ساندلوسکی و باروسو انجام شده است. تیم فراترکیب متشکل از چهار نفر متخصص برنامه‌ریزی درسی و یک نفر متخصص در روش پژوهش فراترکیب بود. 18 منبع پژوهشی مرتبط، مبنای تحلیل قرار گرفت که نتیجه آن استخراج سه مقوله اصلی از جمله هویت مرتبط با فرایندهای حرفه‌ای (رعایت اخلاق پزشکی، تعلق به حرفه پزشکی و انگیزه شغلی)، هویت مرتبط با پیامدهای حرفه‌ای (توسعه یادگیری و بهسازی و تاب‌آوری) و هویت مرتبط با شایستگی‌های حرفه‌ای (شایستگی حرفه‌ای و شایستگی بالینی) می‌باشد. اعتبار داده‌ها با استفاده از تکنیک‌های اعتبارپذیری، انتقال‌پذیری و هم‌سوسازی داده‌ها و اعتمادپذیری به داده‌ها نیز با هدایت دقیق جریان جمع‌آوری اطلاعات و هم‌سوسازی پژوهش‌گران تائید شد. بر اساس نتایج پژوهش، تجربیات مربوط به برنامه درسی پنهان و غیررسمی باید به طور رسمی توسط مربیان پزشکی مورد توجه قرار گیرد. همچنین اساتید با فراهم ساختن فرصت‌های بیشتر برای تأمل در برنامه درسی پزشکی، شکل‌گیری اثربخش هویت حرفه‌ای دانشجویان را تسریع می‌نمایند. پرونده مقاله
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        3 - A Comparative Study on Novice and Experienced EFL Teachers’ Expected and Feared Possible Selves: A Mixed-Methods Approach
        Narges Alimohamadi Behdokht  Mall-Amiri
        Professional identity constitutes a main part of the English language teaching (ELT) system. This study aimed at investigating and comparing male and female novice and experienced EFL teachers’ expected and feared possible selves. In so doing, a sequential exploratory m چکیده کامل
        Professional identity constitutes a main part of the English language teaching (ELT) system. This study aimed at investigating and comparing male and female novice and experienced EFL teachers’ expected and feared possible selves. In so doing, a sequential exploratory mixed methods design was used. The target population of the study included all male and female EFL teachers teaching at private language institutes of Iran. The sample of the study included a total number of 30 (15 males and 15 females) EFL teachers from private language institutes in different provinces of Iran through available sampling. Fifteen teachers were categorized as novice teachers (those with 1-5 years of teaching experience) and fifteen ones as experienced teachers (those with more than 5 years of teaching experience). To collect the data, a written reflective journal was used. The collected data were analyzed through qualitative thematic analysis. The results showed that the following expected possible selves were identified for novice and experienced EFL teachers: Professional Improvement, Enthusiasm to Learn Teaching Online, Building Warm Relations with Students, and Seeking to Learn New Teaching Methods. Moreover, the following feared possible selves were identified for novice and experienced EFL teachers: Being Known as an Unsuccessful Teacher, Lack of Ability to Manage Students, Being Exhausted, and Losing Job Satisfaction. Moreover, the results showed that experienced and novice EFL teachers do not significantly differ regarding their expected and feared possible selves. Finally, it was shown that male and female EFL teachers do not significantly differ regarding their expected and feared possible selves. The results have implications for EFL teachers, teacher education curriculum planners, teacher trainers and future researchers. پرونده مقاله
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        4 - An Investigation on EFL Teachers’ Defining their Possible Selves in the Future: Teaching Experience in Focus
        Leila Amanati Davud Kuhi Mahnaz saeidi
        Possible selves of teachers are not formed overnight, but it is a continuous process on which different factors such as teaching experience may have a significant impact. This study aimed at investigating EFL teachers’ defining their possible selves in the future چکیده کامل
        Possible selves of teachers are not formed overnight, but it is a continuous process on which different factors such as teaching experience may have a significant impact. This study aimed at investigating EFL teachers’ defining their possible selves in the future with a focus on their teaching experience. In so doing, a survey design was used. ََA total number of 180 (90 males and 90 females) English language teachers from high schools (N=90) in North West area of Iran participated in the study through available sampling. To collect the data, the Expected Self-goals Questionnaire, and The Selves I Fear Questionnaire were used. The results showed that prospective teachers of public schools feared that they seem uninspired and were more task-focused than quality-focused; new teachers feared that they cannot control classes and were more task-focused than quality-focused; and experienced teachers of public schools sought to reach professional development and were more quality-focused than task-focused. Further, it was shown that three categories of teachers’ expected selves were significantly different. Moreover, three categories of teachers’ expected selves were different significantly concerning both expected quality-focused and expected task-oriented dimensions. More specifically, prospective teachers reported lower levels of expected professionalism and higher levels of expected learning to teach than the two other categories of teachers. The results of the current study may shed light on our knowledge of EFL teachers’ possible selves as well as the effect of teaching experience on the construction/reconstruction of EFL teachers’ possible selves. پرونده مقاله
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        5 - Modeling Bipolar EFL Teachers’ Professional Identity Pattern: Investigating the Effectiveness of a Positive Thinking Training Course
        Mahdieh Ghalandari Neda Fatehi Rad Peyman Seifadini
        Bipolar disorder, as a known disorder throughout the world, negatively affects people personally and socially. In addition, it leads to malfunction and dysfunction in their profession. To help bipolar people, a variety of approaches have been proposed among which positi چکیده کامل
        Bipolar disorder, as a known disorder throughout the world, negatively affects people personally and socially. In addition, it leads to malfunction and dysfunction in their profession. To help bipolar people, a variety of approaches have been proposed among which positive thinking training can be mentioned. Moreover, professional identity is of importance in the quality of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers’ teaching. This study, using a grounded theory design, aimed at modeling bipolar EFL teachers’ professional identity patterns before and after training on positive thinking. The participants consisted of 25 bipolar EFL teachers (16 males and 9 females) who were purposefully selected from EFL teachers teaching in private language institutes in Kerman, Iran. Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale and a semi-structured interview were used to collect the data. Concerning the results, a model was proposed wherein, before positive thinking training, the bipolar EFL teachers had a fear of teaching failure, did not emphasize students’ needs, used mainstream teaching methods, had the fear of being known as unknowledgeable, and had the fear of being known as irresponsible and unaccountable. However, after positive thinking training, the bipolar EFL teachers had good communication, classroom management, and motivational skills, were more willing to reach professional development and more proficient in the English language, used the best teaching methods, and had good verbal skills. The findings have some implications for EFL teacher education administrators and bipolar EFL teachers. پرونده مقاله
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        6 - توسعه هویت حرفه‌ای حلقه میانجی‌ ارتباط رهبری تحولی بر نوآوری آموزش عالی
        سعید خالقدادی روح اله باقری مجد
        هدف: هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی تاثیر رهبری تحولی بر نوآوری آموزش عالی با میانجیگیری توسعه هویت حرفه‌ای از نظر اعضا هیات علمی دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان بوده است. روش: روش پژوهش همبستگی بود که در جامعه اعضا هیات علمی دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان با نمونه 166 نفری براساس تصادفی ط چکیده کامل
        هدف: هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی تاثیر رهبری تحولی بر نوآوری آموزش عالی با میانجیگیری توسعه هویت حرفه‌ای از نظر اعضا هیات علمی دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان بوده است. روش: روش پژوهش همبستگی بود که در جامعه اعضا هیات علمی دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان با نمونه 166 نفری براساس تصادفی طبقه‌ای اجرا شده است. ابزار پژوهش سه پرسشنامه رهبری تحولی، نوآوری آموزش عالی و توسعه هویت حرفه‌ای بوده است. روایی تأییدی و پایایی ترکیبی و کرانباخ هر سه ابزار مناسب گزارش شد. روش تجزیه و تحلیل با استفاده از نرم‌افزار PLS2، مدل معادلات ساختاری بوده است. یافته‌ها: نتایج نشان داد، رهبری تحولی بر نوآوری آموزش عالی و توسعه هویت حرفه‌ای به صورت مستقیم و غیرمستقیم موثر بوده است. توسعه هویت حرفه‌ای بر نوآوری فرایند و محصول آموزش عالی به صورت مستقیم و غیر مستقیم موثر بود. همچنین نوآوری فرایند بر نوآوری محصول اثر داشت. نتیجه‌گیری: می‌توان گفت در نوآوری آموزش عالی فاکتورهای رهبری و هویت حرفه‌ای دارای نقش سازنده می‌باشند. به بیان دیگر مهارت‌های نرم اهمیت ویژه بر پذیرش نوآوری در فرایند و محصول دارند. پرونده مقاله
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        7 - Promoting Professional Identity Formation of Novice EFL Teachers in E-teaching Through Online Image Management (OIM) Strategies
        راضیه فلاح عزیزه چالاک حسین حیدری تبریزی
        Although the EFL teachers' challenges in developing and enhancing Professional Identity Formation (PIF) in face-to-face and virtual instruction contexts have extensively been explored, there were a limited set of practical and advantageous strategies, particularly for t چکیده کامل
        Although the EFL teachers' challenges in developing and enhancing Professional Identity Formation (PIF) in face-to-face and virtual instruction contexts have extensively been explored, there were a limited set of practical and advantageous strategies, particularly for the novice teachers, in promoting their PIF in E-teaching especially since the emergence of changed priority of teaching contexts amid the COVID-19 outbreak. Accordingly, this study attempted to check the Iranian novice EFL teachers’ PIF, uncover the potential impacts of utilizing Online Image Management (OIM) strategies in promoting their PIF, and identify the most-preferred OIM strategies. Based on the convenience sampling, 184 male and female Iranian novice EFL teachers were selected to participate in this quasi-experimental study. Two instruments, including a Questionnaire of Perceived Professional Identity (QPPI) and a series of Quantitative Online Interviews (QOIs), were used to collect the data via the virtual platform of Survey Planet. The descriptive statistics and Independent Samples t-Test packages in R were utilized to analyze the data. The results confirmed the low levels of professional identity among Iranian novice EFL teachers, verified the significant effects of OIM strategies in promoting PIF of Iranian novice EFL teachers, and shed light on reflection practices and strategies in enhancing digital literacy as the most-favored OIM strategies in promoting PIF among these teachers. This study may provide implications for EFL teachers and trainers in helping novice EFL teachers to promote their PIF with OIM strategies. پرونده مقاله
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        8 - The Relationship among University Lecturers’ Institutional identity, Professional Identity, and Teaching Efficacy
        دلنیا اسماعیلی adel Dastgoshadeh
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among Iranian EFL university lecturers’ professional and institutional identity, and their teaching efficacy. To this end, 100 EFL university lecturers from different branches of Islamic Azad Universiti چکیده کامل
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among Iranian EFL university lecturers’ professional and institutional identity, and their teaching efficacy. To this end, 100 EFL university lecturers from different branches of Islamic Azad Universities, including Kermanshah, Isfahan and Hamedan, took part in the study by completing the Professional Identity Questionnaire, the Institutional Identity Questionnaire, and the Teachers’ Efficacy Scale. The sampling strategy for selection of the participants of this study was convenience sampling. To answer the research questions, Pearson product-moment correlation and Multiple-regression analyses were run. The results showed that there exists a statistically significant positive relationship between EFL university lecturers' a) professional identity and teaching efficacy, and b) institutional identity and teaching efficacy. پرونده مقاله
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        9 - Relationship between Professional Identity and Reflectivity: A Case of Iranian EFL Teachers
        pouria Aghaei Mohammad Bavali Fatemeh Behjat
        EFL teachers’ professional identity is a multi-dimensional and complicated concept. It is influenced by many other issues in the educational context such as reflective practice. This study intended to explore the relationship between professional identity and refl چکیده کامل
        EFL teachers’ professional identity is a multi-dimensional and complicated concept. It is influenced by many other issues in the educational context such as reflective practice. This study intended to explore the relationship between professional identity and reflectivity of Iranian EFL teachers. It also aimed to examine how high and low reflective teachers perceive the professional identity components. The participants were 89 EFL teachers teaching at three universities in Shiraz, Iran. Their selection was based on convenience sampling. The participants were asked to fill out two questionnaires including teacher professional identity questionnaire (Liou, 2008) and teacher reflectivity questionnaire (Akbari et al., 2010). Pearson product correlation coefficient revealed that there was a positive relationship between EFL teachers’ professional identity and reflectivity. Furthermore, the findings of regression analysis indicated that reflectivity could predict EFL teachers’ professional identity. Furthermore, the participants were categorized into two high and low reflective groups. Two groups were interviewed to examine the professional identity perceptions used by high and low reflective teachers. The thematic analysis showed that high reflective teachers used and implemented much more professional identity components in their teaching practice in comparison to the low reflective teachers. پرونده مقاله
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        10 - Iranian TEFL Ph.D. Candidates’ Conception of Professional Identity Development in Doctoral Education <br> DOR: 20.1001.1.23223898.2021.
        Armaghan Ghalehshahzari Esmail Faghih Massood Yazdani Moghaddam
        The present study investigated the TEFL Ph.D. candidates&rsquo; conception (TPCs) of professional identity development (PID) during doctoral program. To this end, under a mixed-method design, two instruments were used to collect data: a four-point Likert-scale researche چکیده کامل
        The present study investigated the TEFL Ph.D. candidates&rsquo; conception (TPCs) of professional identity development (PID) during doctoral program. To this end, under a mixed-method design, two instruments were used to collect data: a four-point Likert-scale researcher-made questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. First, the questionnaire was mailed to 80 Iranian Ph.D. students selected through simple random sampling. Then, to yield an in-depth understanding of how they develop their professional identity, 10 participants with more than 10 years of teaching experience were asked to take part in the interview. The results obtained from the analysis of the elicited data indicated that majority of the participants believed that lack of practical professional development courses, lack of scholarship, lack of employer support, the high cost of Ph.D. opportunities, and trivial increase in job satisfaction and security were among the hurdles of to their professional identity development. Regarding the factors influencing some participants&rsquo; withdrawal from Ph.D. studies, the results revealed that feeling of isolation and lack of dissertation writing groups were the most significant reasons. The findings of the study can have some pedagogical implications for teacher education programs in that they can be used to emphasize their strengths, eliminate their weaknesses, and to provide stakeholders with ample opportunities to improve the quality of doctoral education. پرونده مقاله
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        11 - Professional Identity Reflection of Iranian EFL Instructors in E-Teaching: Focus on Achievement Orientation Theory
        Raziyeh Fallah Azizeh Chalak Hossein Heidari Tabrizi
        While the main focus of the studies in the literature is centered around EFL teachers&rsquo; identity construction in face-to-face classes regarding certain cliche factors, the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the potential of investigating EFL teachers' professional iden چکیده کامل
        While the main focus of the studies in the literature is centered around EFL teachers&rsquo; identity construction in face-to-face classes regarding certain cliche factors, the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the potential of investigating EFL teachers' professional identity reflection in the developing contexts of distance education. Thus, this study examined the possible association between Iranian EFL instructors' Professional Identity Reflection (PIR) and their use of Achievement Orientation Strategies (AOSs) in the dynamic setting of E-teaching. Besides, this study evaluated the prediction power of the AOSs in determining the PIR of Iranian EFL instructors. One hundred four male and female Iranian EFL instructors were selected based on convenience sampling to participate in this quantitative correlational research. Two instruments, including Measure of Teachers Achievement (MoTA) and Questionnaire of Professional Identity (QPI), were used to collect the required data on the online platform of Type form. The R software's correlation and multiple regression packages were utilized to analyze the gathered data. The results indicated a robust direct association between the PIR of Iranian EFL instructors in E-teaching and their use of AOSs. Moreover, three out of four AOSs significantly predicted the PIR of Iranian EFL instructors in E-Teaching. Furthermore, the mastery-approach strategy had the most predicting power among the other AOSs. This study provides practical interdisciplinary benefits for EFL teachers, EFL teacher trainers, and educational psychologists in training EFL teachers who are aware of how their views toward achieving specific academic goals in E-teaching influence their professional identity in E-teaching. پرونده مقاله
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        12 - Impact of Elementary Learners’ L1 in Consciousness-raising Tasks on Their L2 Writing Accuracy
        Saeideh Fatahzade Sajad Shafiee Fariba Rahimi Esfahani
        While the main focus of the studies in the literature is centered around EFL teachers&rsquo; identity construction in face-to-face classes regarding certain cliche factors, the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the potential of investigating EFL teachers' professional iden چکیده کامل
        While the main focus of the studies in the literature is centered around EFL teachers&rsquo; identity construction in face-to-face classes regarding certain cliche factors, the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the potential of investigating EFL teachers' professional identity reflection in the developing contexts of distance education. Thus, this study examined the possible association between Iranian EFL instructors' Professional Identity Reflection (PIR) and their use of Achievement Orientation Strategies (AOSs) in the dynamic setting of E-teaching. Besides, this study evaluated the prediction power of the AOSs in determining the PIR of Iranian EFL instructors. One hundred four male and female Iranian EFL instructors were selected based on convenience sampling to participate in this quantitative correlational research. Two instruments, including Measure of Teachers Achievement (MoTA) and Questionnaire of Professional Identity (QPI), were used to collect the required data on the online platform of Type form. The R software's correlation and multiple regression packages were utilized to analyze the gathered data. The results indicated a robust direct association between the PIR of Iranian EFL instructors in E-teaching and their use of AOSs. Moreover, three out of four AOSs significantly predicted the PIR of Iranian EFL instructors in E-Teaching. Furthermore, the mastery-approach strategy had the most predicting power among the other AOSs. This study provides practical interdisciplinary benefits for EFL teachers, EFL teacher trainers, and educational psychologists in training EFL teachers who are aware of how their views toward achieving specific academic goals in E-teaching influence their professional identity in E-teaching. پرونده مقاله
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        13 - Development of EFL Teachers’ Engagement and Professional Identity: The Effect of Discussing Teacher Competences via E- Collaborative Discussion Forum
        Masoumeh Ghamoushi Zohre Mohamadi Zenouzagh
        This study is a mixed method research that investigated the effect of electronic collaborative discussion forum on Iranian EFL teachers' engagement and professional identity and their development in terms of teachers&lsquo; competences as they were engaged in collaborat چکیده کامل
        This study is a mixed method research that investigated the effect of electronic collaborative discussion forum on Iranian EFL teachers' engagement and professional identity and their development in terms of teachers&lsquo; competences as they were engaged in collaborative teacher inquiry. For this purpose, 5 EFL teachers participated in 11 online forum discussion sessions. Before participating in discussions, their lev- el of engagement and professional identity were examined through administering two questionnaires. In order to investigate the effect of e-collaborative discussions, multidimensional scale of teacher engage- ment and questionnaire for investigating teacher's professional identity were administered twice in pretest and posttest. The results of Wilcoxon signed rank tests revealed significant difference from pretest to- wards posttest in teachers' engagement and professional identity. The content of the participants' discus- sion on an online forum was analyzed using Nvivo software through which categories and subcategories that indicate teacher competences emerged deductively. The major categories are technical competence, critical competence, personal competence and clinical competence. These four major categories include subcategories that represent teacher professional development. In the light of the results, important impli- cations are suggested for teaching practitioners. پرونده مقاله
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        14 - شناسایی ابعاد، مؤلفه‌ها و شاخص‌های آموزش زبان مبتنی بر هویت حرفه‌ای (سهولت کسب و کار)
        محمد جواد زنگنه اینالو مجتبی معظمی اسماعیل کاوسی محسن عامری شهرابی
        چکیدههدف اصلی پژوهش شناسایی ابعاد و مؤلفه‌های آموزش زبان مبتنی بر هویت حرفه‌ای است. بخش کیفی در دو گام به شناسایی ابعاد و مؤلفه‌ها با تکنیک تحلیل مضمون و بخش کمی با تحلیل کیو (روش آمیخته) انجام گرفت. نتایج کیفی برای 20 نفر از خبرگان ارسال گردید. روش کار نمونه گیری هدفمن چکیده کامل
        چکیدههدف اصلی پژوهش شناسایی ابعاد و مؤلفه‌های آموزش زبان مبتنی بر هویت حرفه‌ای است. بخش کیفی در دو گام به شناسایی ابعاد و مؤلفه‌ها با تکنیک تحلیل مضمون و بخش کمی با تحلیل کیو (روش آمیخته) انجام گرفت. نتایج کیفی برای 20 نفر از خبرگان ارسال گردید. روش کار نمونه گیری هدفمند و گلوله برفی است. نرم افزار بخش کیفی مکس کیودا و بخش کمی SPSS است. پس از جمع آوری نتایج، کارتها توزیع و اندازه کفایت داده‌ها با استفاده از آزمون کرویت بارتلت و آزمون کیزر-میر- اولکین تایید و استخراج عامل‌ها با استفاده از چرخش واریماکس صورت گرفت. نتایج تحلیل منجر به استخراج 7 بعد: "فلسفه ذهن و یادگیری"؛ "قوه/چرخه یادگیری و زمینه سازی آن"؛ "قوه تفکر و پرورش آن"؛ "نقش مغز در یادگیری"؛ "مکانیسم‌های فعال سازی مغز و حافظه"؛ "تبدیل و انتقال چندگانه داده ها"؛ و "الگوها/مدارها و تصاویر عصبی" شناسایی و استخراج گردیدند. کلمات کلیدی: هویت حرفه ای، آموزش زبان انگلیسی، یادگیری، کسب و کار پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        15 - تأثیر هویت حرفه‌ای حسابرس بر رابطه خودکارآمدی مذاکرات حسابرس و صاحبکار با بی‌طرفی
        زهره عارف منش مهران موسوی
        چکیدهمقاله حاضر در ابتدا به بررسی رابطه خودکارآمدی مذاکرات حسابرس با صاحبکار بر بی‌طرفی حسابرس می‌پردازد و سپس، نقش تعدیل‌کننده هویت حرفه‌ای حسابرس در رابطه خودکارآمدی مذاکرات حسابرس با صاحبکار و بی‌طرفی حسابرس را مورد بررسی قرار می‌دهد. جامعه آماری تحقیق، حسابرسان شا چکیده کامل
        چکیدهمقاله حاضر در ابتدا به بررسی رابطه خودکارآمدی مذاکرات حسابرس با صاحبکار بر بی‌طرفی حسابرس می‌پردازد و سپس، نقش تعدیل‌کننده هویت حرفه‌ای حسابرس در رابطه خودکارآمدی مذاکرات حسابرس با صاحبکار و بی‌طرفی حسابرس را مورد بررسی قرار می‌دهد. جامعه آماری تحقیق، حسابرسان شاغل در مؤسسات حسابرسی شهر یزد طی دوره زمانی سال‌های 99-1398 بوده که برای محاسبه حجم نمونه از فرمول کوکران در حالت جامعه آماری با تعداد نامحدود و برای انتخاب نمونه از روش نمونه‌گیری تصادفی ساده استفاده شده است. بعد از تأیید پایایی و روایی پرسشنامه، داده‌ها با استفاده از مدلسازی معادلات ساختاری در نرم‌افزار PLS تجزیه‌وتحلیل شده است. نتایج حاصل از 210 پرسشنامه تکمیلی نشان داد که تأثیر خودکارآمدی مذاکرات بر بی‌طرفی حسابرس مثبت و معنی‌دار است و نقش تعدیل‌گر هویت حرفه‌ای در رابطه خودکارآمدی مذاکرات با بی‌طرفی حسابرس مورد تأیید قرار گرفت. ضریب متغیر تعدیل‌گر مثبت است و دلالت بر این دارد که رابطه خودکارآمدی مذاکرات با بی‌طرفی حسابرس با حضور هویت حرفه‌ای تقویت می‌شود. توجه به خودکارآمدی حسابرس به منزله یک برنامه توسعه‌محور در حرفه حسابرسی و همینطور توجه به عوامل فردی و سازمانی مؤثر بر هویت حرفه‌ای حسابرس، ازجمله مواردی است که می‌تواند با توجه به یافته‌های پژوهش مدنظر قرارگیرد .The Effect of Auditor's Professional Identity on the Relationship between the Self-efficacy of Auditor-client Negotiations and ObjectivityAbstractThe present study first examines the relationship between auditor's negotiations self-efficacy and auditor's objectivity and then, examines the mpderating role of auditor's professional identity in the relationship between auditor's negotiations self-efficacy and auditor's objectivity. The statistical population of the study are auditors working in Yazd auditing institutes. For sample size calculation, the Cochran's formula in unlimited statistical population mood was used and sample was selected by the simple random sampling method. After confirming the reliability and validity of the questionnaire, the data were analyzed using structural equation modeling in PLS. The results of 210 completed questionnaires show that the effect of auditor's negotiations self-efficacy on auditor objectivity is positive and significant and the moderating role of auditor's professional identity in the relationship between auditor's negotiations self-efficacy and auditor's objectivity is confirmed. The Coefficient of moderating variable is positive and indicate that the relationship between auditor's negotiations self-efficacy and auditor's objectivity strengthens in the presence o professional identity. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        16 - The relationship between Iranian English language teachers’ professional identity and teacher cognition in their professional development
        Najme Bagheri Mohammad Reza Esfandiari Forough Rahimi
        This study, delving into the relationship between Iranian English language teachers' professional identity and their cognition during professional development, employed a qualitative data collection approach. Comprising 10 Iranian EFL teachers from various institutes an چکیده کامل
        This study, delving into the relationship between Iranian English language teachers' professional identity and their cognition during professional development, employed a qualitative data collection approach. Comprising 10 Iranian EFL teachers from various institutes and schools, the study included 10 English language teachers, evenly divided between 5 females and 5 males above the age of 24. Ten participants, split equally between genders, were interviewed for the research. Analyzed using thematic analysis and the Nvivo program, the interview data explored the relationship between three key variables: teacher professional identity, teacher cognition, and teacher professional development. This analysis revealed a significant relationship between teacher cognition, professional identity, and professional development, highlighting their interconnectedness and emphasizing the inherent essence of teaching. To improve their overall experience and effectiveness in the field, teachers should actively seek to enhance their educational professionalization. Professional development holds particular significance as it contributes to teachers' growth, enhancing their effectiveness in their roles. By revealing the factors most influencing teachers, this study may provide valuable insights to the government and administrators, urging them to implement changes. To stay updated with recent teaching trends, teachers need to actively participate in diverse professional development activities. پرونده مقاله
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        17 - ارائه مدل علی هویت حرفه‌ای مدیران مدارس متوسطه بر اساس فرهنگ یادگیری و نقش میانجی رشد حرفه‌ای
        جواد باقری اصل رفیق حسنی فردین عبداللهی
        پژوهش حاضر باهدف ارائه مدل علی هویت حرفه‌ای مدیران مدارس متوسطه بر اساس فرهنگ یادگیری و نقش میانجی رشد حرفه‌ای انجام گرفت. این پژوهش کاربردی و با روش همبستگی از نوع مدل یابی علی (مدل یابی معادلات ساختاری) می‌باشد. جامعه آماری شامل کلیه مدیران مدارس متوسطه شهرستان کرمانش چکیده کامل
        پژوهش حاضر باهدف ارائه مدل علی هویت حرفه‌ای مدیران مدارس متوسطه بر اساس فرهنگ یادگیری و نقش میانجی رشد حرفه‌ای انجام گرفت. این پژوهش کاربردی و با روش همبستگی از نوع مدل یابی علی (مدل یابی معادلات ساختاری) می‌باشد. جامعه آماری شامل کلیه مدیران مدارس متوسطه شهرستان کرمانشاه بودند که به شیوه نمونه‌گیری در دسترس انتخاب شدند. برای گرداوری داده‌ها از پرسشنامه محقق ساخته هویت حرفه‌ای و دو پرسشنامه استاندارد فرهنگ یادگیری و رشد حرفه‌ای بهره گرفته ‌شد. روایی محتوایی و سازهای پرسشنامه‌ها تأیید و پایایی پرسشنامه‌ها به ترتیب 89/0، 79/0 و 83/0 به دست آمد. یافته‌ها نشان داد که فرهنگ یادگیری با میزان ضریب بتا (552/0 =β) در سطح معناداری (05/0˃P) بر هویت حرفه‌ای اثر مثبت و مستقیم دارد؛ رشد حرفه‌ای با میزان ضریب بتا (324/0 =β) در سطح معناداری (05/0˃P) بر هویت حرفه‌ای اثر مثبت و مستقیم دارد؛ فرهنگ یادگیری با میزان ضریب بتا (553/0 =β) در سطح معناداری (05/0˃P) بر رشد حرفه‌ای اثر مثبت و مستقیم دارد؛ همچنین فرهنگ یادگیری با میزان ضریب بتا (194/0 =β) در سطح معناداری (05/0˃P) بر هویت حرفه‌ای از طریق نقش میانجی رشد حرفه‌ای اثرگذار است. بر این اساس می‌توان نتیجه گرفت ازآنجاکه منبع نفوذ مدیران، هویت حرفه‌ای آن‌هاست؛ استفاده از این مدل، رهبران نظام آموزشی را قادر مي‌سازد تا افراد شایسته، کارآمد و مؤثرتری را جهت پذیرش مسئولیت خطیر و سرنوشت‌ساز مدیریت مدارس متوسطه انتخاب کنند. همچنین تأمل بر هویت حرفه‌ای سبب تکامل شخصی و حرفه‌ای شدن مدیران می‌شود و آن‌ها را قادر می‌سازد تا اهداف حرفه‌ای خود و نحوه رسیدن به آن‌ها را روشن ساخته و بر شکل‌دهی مسیر شغلی خود اثرگذار باشند. پرونده مقاله