The Relationship between Iranian English Language Teachers’ Professional Identity and Teacher Cognition in their Professional Development: A Quantitative Study
محورهای موضوعی : Journal of Studies in Learning and Teaching EnglishNajme Bagheri 1 , Mohammad Reza Esfandiari 2 , Forough Rahimi 3
1 - Department of Foreign Languages, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
2 - Department of Foreign Languages, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
3 - Department of English Language, School of Paramedical Sciences, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
کلید واژه: Teacher cognition, teacher professional identity, teacher professional development,
چکیده مقاله :
This study investigated the relationship between Iranian English language teachers’ professional identity and teacher cognition in their professional development. To investigate the current issue, the current study applied the quantitative methods approach of data collection. The participants of this study comprised 100 Iranian EFL teachers from some institutes and schools. The study included 100 English language teachers with 50 females and 50 males, aged above 24. To this end, three types of instruments were applied to collect research data. They are described as follows: Teacher Professional Identity Scale (TPIS), Horwitz’s beliefs questionnaire about language learning Inventory (BALLI), Teacher professional development. Three data analyses were used in this study: Kolmogorov-Smirnov (Normality), Cronbach’s alpha (reliability), Pearson correlation (relationship). The findings indicated that there was a positive relationship between teacher cognition and teacher professional development. This analysis revealed that teacher cognition and professional identity had a significant relationship with professional development. The findings can support EFL policymakers, supervisors, managers, and teacher trainers to grasp a better picture of teacher cognition, teacher professional identity in their professional development.
This study investigated the relationship between Iranian English language teachers’ professional identity and teacher cognition in their professional development. To investigate the current issue, the current study applied the quantitative methods approach of data collection. The participants of this study comprised 100 Iranian EFL teachers from some institutes and schools. The study included 100 English language teachers with 50 females and 50 males, aged above 24. To this end, three types of instruments were applied to collect research data. They are described as follows: Teacher Professional Identity Scale (TPIS), Horwitz’s beliefs questionnaire about language learning Inventory (BALLI), Teacher professional development. Three data analyses were used in this study: Kolmogorov-Smirnov (Normality), Cronbach’s alpha (reliability), Pearson correlation (relationship). The findings indicated that there was a positive relationship between teacher cognition and teacher professional development. This analysis revealed that teacher cognition and professional identity had a significant relationship with professional development. The findings can support EFL policymakers, supervisors, managers, and teacher trainers to grasp a better picture of teacher cognition, teacher professional identity in their professional development.
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