• فهرست مقالات Prunus

      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        1 - بررسی تاثیر منطقه رشد و جهات مختلف درخت بر قهوه‌‌ای شدن فیزیولوژیک و برخی از خصوصیات ظاهری میوه آلو (رقم شابلون) (Prunus saliciana cv. Shablon)
        سید مجتبی حسینی اسماعیل سیفی محمد علی آقاجانی
        عارضه قهوه‌‌ای شدن گوشت آلو رقم شابلون یکی از عوارض مهم در استان گلستان می‌‌باشد. با توجه ‌‌به این مشکل، پژوهش حاضر به‌‌منظور بررسی اثر شرایط اقلیمی موثر بر بروز این عارضه و سایر صفات فیزیکوشیمیایی میوه در قالب طرح آشیانه‌ای در سه تکرار انجام شد. اثر تیمارهای مختلف شامل چکیده کامل
        عارضه قهوه‌‌ای شدن گوشت آلو رقم شابلون یکی از عوارض مهم در استان گلستان می‌‌باشد. با توجه ‌‌به این مشکل، پژوهش حاضر به‌‌منظور بررسی اثر شرایط اقلیمی موثر بر بروز این عارضه و سایر صفات فیزیکوشیمیایی میوه در قالب طرح آشیانه‌ای در سه تکرار انجام شد. اثر تیمارهای مختلف شامل منطقه (آزاد شهر، بندرگز، گنبد و آق قلا) بر صفات تعداد کل میوه، عملکرد و درصد آلودگی نشان داد که تیمار منطقه تاثیر معنی‌‌داری بر صفات ذکر شده داشت. نتایج نشان داد که بیش‌ترین تعداد کل میوه و عملکرد مربوط به منطقه بندرگز و کمترین مقادیر مربوط ‌‌به منطقه آزادشهر بود. همچنین بیش‌ترین درصد آلودگی مربوط به منطقه بندرگز بود و در منطقه‌‌ گنبد و آق‌‌قلا هیچ آلودگی مشاهده نشد. تجزیه داده‌ها در مناطق آلوده (آزادشهر و بندرگز) نشان داد که منطقه تاثیر معنی‌‌داری بر صفات ظاهری میوه داشت. همچنین اثر نوع میوه در جهت در منطقه بر کل صفات شیمیایی معنی‌‌دار بود. نتایج حاصل از مقایسه میانگین‌‌ها نشان داد که بیش‌ترین میزان وزن، طول و قطر میوه و همچنین بیش‌ترین وزن عرض و ضخامت هسته و بیش‌ترین درصد گوشت در میوه‌‌های آزادشهر مشاهده شد. بیش‌ترین مقدار مواد جامد محلول مربوط به میوه سالم جنوب غربی درخت در بندرگز و کمترین مقدار مربوط به میوه سالم شمال غربی درخت در آزادشهر بود. صفات ظاهری میوه (وزن میوه، طول میوه، قطر میوه، نسبت طول به قطر میوه) همبستگی معنی‌‌داری با صفات ظاهری هسته (طول هسته، قطر هسته، نسبت طول به قطر هسته و ضخامت هسته) و وزن گوشت میوه داشت. از بین صفات ظاهری، وزن میوه، طول میوه، قطر میوه، عرض هسته و ضخامت هسته و از بین صفات شیمیایی فقط اسیدیته کل با pH همبستگی معنی‌‌دار داشت. پرونده مقاله
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        2 - Evaluation of the effect of ultrasound-assisted variables on phenolic compounds extraction from almond(Prunus amygdalus) hull
        ویکتوریا مسعودی اعظم اعرابی
        Background & aims: Extraction of major phenolic compounds from agricultural crop residues is important for the development of value-added products. Almond (Prunus amygdalus) is one of the most indigenous fruit crops that is grown in large quantities in Iran. Almond چکیده کامل
        Background & aims: Extraction of major phenolic compounds from agricultural crop residues is important for the development of value-added products. Almond (Prunus amygdalus) is one of the most indigenous fruit crops that is grown in large quantities in Iran. Almond hulls are considered as by-product which are used only for animal feed. The aim of this study was to compare the phenolic compounds extraction yield from almond hulls using ultrasound and percolation methods. Experimental: An optimization procedure using central composite design (CCD) with 4 factors (solvent, frequency, time and temperature) at 5 levels was used in order to investigate the effect of these parameters on the extraction. Finally, the effect of solid to solvent ratio on phenolic compounds extraction was evaluated and compared with soxhlet method. Results: The results indicated that the optimum extraction conditions is found to be 86% ethanol, 50 °C , 75 min and 163 Hz for temperature, time and frequency, respectively. In addition, the extraction of phenolic compounds was evaluated in different ratios of solid to solvent (10: 1, 20: 1, 30: 1, 40: 1(w / w) at the optimum conditions and antioxidant activity of the extracts was measured by DPPH method. The maximum extraction of phenolic compounds was obtained in the ratio of 40: 1(w / w) with the amount of 1134.19± 0.23 mg/g of dry matter. The maximum free radical scavenging activity of the extract was 87.42% for ultrasound extraction which was significantly (α<0.05) different from percolation method. Recommended applications/industries: Application of new techniques including ultrasound in the extraction of phenolic compounds can be an effective method not only to increase the extraction yield of phenolic compounds but also due to the shorter extraction time, less damage is done to these compounds. پرونده مقاله
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        3 - Effect of postharvest oxalic acid treatment on ethylene production, quality parameters, and antioxidant potential of peach fruit during cold storage.
        Farhang Razavi Jafar Hajilou Gholamreza Dehgan Rahim Nagshi Band Hassani
        The effects of postharvest oxalic acid (OA) treatment on ethylene production, fruit quality, bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of peach fruit, were examined. Fruits were treated with oxalic acid immediately after harvest and stored at 1° C and 90% relativ چکیده کامل
        The effects of postharvest oxalic acid (OA) treatment on ethylene production, fruit quality, bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of peach fruit, were examined. Fruits were treated with oxalic acid immediately after harvest and stored at 1° C and 90% relative humidity for 28 days. The oxalic acid treated peach fruit exhibited significantly lower levels of ethylene production, pH, total soluble solids and weight loss and higher levels of firmness and titratable acidity than control. Also, OA treated fruit exhibited significantly higher total antioxidant capacity, which resulted from higher total phenols and flavonoids accumulation. During storage, activity of peroxidase, catalase, and superoxide dismutase enzymes increased in both control and treated peaches, and peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activities in OA treated fruit were significantly greater than those in control. But, there was no significant difference in catalase activity between OA treated and control fruit. Results suggested that OA treatments could be a promising strategy to delay softening and enhance the phenolic content and antioxidant activity of peaches. پرونده مقاله
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        4 - مطالعه میکروسکوپی تشکیل و نمو جوانه گل در بادام Prunus amygdalus L.
        علی ایمانی سمیرا مفخمی مهرآبادی
        مطاالعات تکوینی و زیست شناسی گل جایگاه ویژه ای در علم گیاه شناسی دارد. در این پژوهش زمان شروع گل انگیزی و مراحل تکامل جوانه گل در ارقام بادام زود، میان و دیرگل بررسی شد. بدین منظور قبل از آغاز گل انگیزی و القاء تا پایان تمایز یابی از جوانه 86مریستم رویشی تا زمان شکفتن گ چکیده کامل
        مطاالعات تکوینی و زیست شناسی گل جایگاه ویژه ای در علم گیاه شناسی دارد. در این پژوهش زمان شروع گل انگیزی و مراحل تکامل جوانه گل در ارقام بادام زود، میان و دیرگل بررسی شد. بدین منظور قبل از آغاز گل انگیزی و القاء تا پایان تمایز یابی از جوانه 86مریستم رویشی تا زمان شکفتن گل های تشکیل شده در سال بعد(اواسط خرداد های درصد پریموردیای مادگی انجام شد. 50 روز یک بار نمونه برداری تا تشکیل10 ساله به فاصله هر 10موجود از درختان نمونه (Formalin FAA ها در ماده تثبیت کننده - قرار داده شد تا برای مراحل بعدی تهیه Acetic- acid- Alchol) برش های میکروسکوپی آماده ذخیره شدند. برای مطالعه دقیق ساختمان مریستم، بافت ها و اندام های رویشی و زایشی جوانه ها با استفاده از روش سلول- بافت شناسی از جوانه به وسیله میکروتوم برش FAA های تثبیت شده در ماده های به میکروتوم تهیه شد. نتایج آزمایش نشان داد که عمل گل انگیزی(تخت شدن مریستم گنبدی شکل در رقم 6ضخامت H انجام گرفت. این در حالی است که این عمل در رقم زودگل انتخابی 1386 شهریور 9 (فرانیس) در12دیرگل شاهرود A مرداد و رقم میان گل انتخابیَ 17 در مرداد اتفاق افتاد. برانگیختن پریموردیای کاسبرگ ها در رقم زود گل 27 - در 93 A ، رقم میان گل انتخابی َHانتخابی 22 شهریور و 2 شهریور، 9(فرانیس) به ترتیب در 12 - و رقم دیر گل شاهرود 93 A ، میان گل انتخابی H صورت گرفت.القای پریموردیای گلبرگ ها درارقام زود گل انتخابی 1386شهریور - و دیر گل 93 صورت گرفت. القای پریموردیای پرچم 1386 شهریور 26 و 24 ،22(فرانیس) به ترتیب در 12شاهرود ها در ارقام زود A ، میان گل انتخابی Hگل انتخابی 1386 مهر 28 مهر و 18 ، مهر 9 (فرانیس) به ترتیب در12 - و دیرگل شاهرود 93 A ، میان گل انتخابی H انجام گرفت. تمایزیابی پریموردیای مادگی در ارقام زودگل انتخابی - و دیر گل شاهرود 93 مشاهده گردید. در حالت کلی،در این مطالعه آن یافت شد که 1386 آبان9 مهر و 29 ، مهر18 (فرانیس) به ترتیب در12 فرآیند مراحل شکل گیری گل در ارقام زود گل . میان گل و دیرگل به ویژه زمان القای گل بین آنها مشابه نیست . پرونده مقاله
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        5 - Improving Growth and Performance of Young Almond Trees in Nursery by Optimizing Mineral Nutrition
        Masoud Shafiei Hossein Ali Asadi-Gharneh Soheil Karimi
        Short growing season restricts production of standard-sized fruit trees in nurseries at cold regions. Enhancing plant growth by optimizing program of mineral nutrition may solve the problem. This study evaluated efficiency of fertilizers [urea, sulfur coated urea (SCU), چکیده کامل
        Short growing season restricts production of standard-sized fruit trees in nurseries at cold regions. Enhancing plant growth by optimizing program of mineral nutrition may solve the problem. This study evaluated efficiency of fertilizers [urea, sulfur coated urea (SCU), or foliar applications of a NPK compound fertilizer] for optimizing the growth of seedling rootstocks and grafted young almond trees at the nursery in a cold region. At the end of the first growing season, the growth and quality of the almond seedlings were evaluated and they were budded in September. At the following season, the treatments were repeated on the grafted trees and grafting success and performance of the young almond trees were evaluated. The result showed that application of 600 kg ha-1 SCU and urea were the most successful treatments on enhancing the growth of the seedlings. Application of 400 and 600 kg ha-1 urea and SCU, and 30 kg ha-1 NPK resulted in the highest grafting success at the second season. The largest shoots of scion were found in the 400-600 kg ha-1 urea and SCU treatments. The highest leaf greenness and chlorophyll concentration were found in the 600 kg SCU ha-1 and 30 kg ha-1 NPK treatments. The highest leaf potassium and phosphorus concentrations were found in 30 kg ha-1 NPK treatment. The highest leaf nitrogen concentration was detected in treated plants with 400 and 600 kg SCU and 600 kg urea per hectare. According to the results, application of 400 kg ha-1 SCU is recommended to obtain young standard-sized almond plants in the nurseries. پرونده مقاله
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        6 - Optimization of the Sterilization and Establishment Steps for Almonds 2-22 Genotype
        Fatemeh Alizadeh Arimi Abbas Yadollahi Ali Imani Mohammad Fakoor-Aryan
        The almond is one of the most important nut crops in many countries, including Iran. On the other hand, due to the difficult rooting in conventional propagation methods such as cuttings, its propagation has faced challenges. Therefore, this study was aimed at optimizing چکیده کامل
        The almond is one of the most important nut crops in many countries, including Iran. On the other hand, due to the difficult rooting in conventional propagation methods such as cuttings, its propagation has faced challenges. Therefore, this study was aimed at optimizing in vitro culture conditions for the promising 2-22 genotype as a high-yield and late-blooming cultivar. To this end, after collecting apical and lateral buds of 2-22 genotype, surface sterilization and establishment treatments were applied to explants. The second-order equation is selected for the central compound design (CCD) with two variables (HgCl2 and NaClO) to obtain a good fit in the sterilization treatment. The results showed that 1.8 % NaClO for 12 min + 0.1 % HgCl2 for 3 min and 1.5 % NaClO for 8 min with 81.25%, and 100% of healthy seedlings were the best treatment in contamination control and explant Viability, respectively. The experimental establishment was conducted as a factorial experiment using a completely randomized design (CRD) with four replications. The establishment treatments indicated that the WPM medium was more effective than the MS medium and Knop medium. The hormonal composition of 1 mgL-1 BA + 0.05 mgL-1 IBA had the best results in the percentage of the establishment (72.25%), number of foliage (7.24), and shoot length (13.77 mm). پرونده مقاله
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        7 - Diversity of Nut and Seedling Characteristics and Its Relationship to Habitat Climate in Some Almond Species
        Sama Rahimi Ali Gharaghani Saeid Eshghi
        This study carried out to evaluate variations and relationships of nut size, seedling morphological attributes and habitat climatic parameters in of Prunus scoparia (Spach) C. K. Schneid populations in comparison to three other almond species. A total of 10 populations چکیده کامل
        This study carried out to evaluate variations and relationships of nut size, seedling morphological attributes and habitat climatic parameters in of Prunus scoparia (Spach) C. K. Schneid populations in comparison to three other almond species. A total of 10 populations including seven populations of P. scoparia and three of other almond species including P. elaeagnifolia Spach., P. eburnea Spach., and P. dulcis Mill. were raised from seeds in greenhouse condition. Results showed noticeable variations in the studied seedlings characteristics within and among the populations. Among P. scoparia, Nourabad, Shiraz and Lordegan populations were superior to other populations in most of the measured traits. Useful correlations were observed between nut and seedling traits, among them, the highest correlation (r = 0.89) was between nut weight and leaf width. Altitude and annual precipitation correlated positively with some of the nut and seedling characteristics (ranging from r = 0.13 to r = 0.33). Based on principal components analysis (PCA), the first three components explained 76.2 % of the total variation of morphological characteristics. Using cluster analysis as well as a bi-plot of PCA, the genotypes classified into two main clusters of wild and domesticated populations. The main cluster of the wild populations divided into three sub-clusters based on their botanical categorization, whilst P. scoparia populations clustered based on geographic proximity and climate similarity. Results may have important implications for managing these genetic resources as well as their use in future breeding programs especially for the development of new rootstocks for almond and stone fruits. پرونده مقاله
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        8 - Diversity of Nut and Kernel Weight, Oil Content, and the Main Fatty Acids of some Almond Cultivars and Genotypes
        Sohila Khojand Mehrshad Zeinalabedini Reza Azizinezhad Ali Imani Mohammad Reza Ghaffari
        To investigate the effects of cultivars on dry nut weight, kernel weight, oil content, and the main fatty acids of some cultivars and genotypes of almond, this study was conducted in 2019 in randomized complete blocks design with three replications. The findings reveale چکیده کامل
        To investigate the effects of cultivars on dry nut weight, kernel weight, oil content, and the main fatty acids of some cultivars and genotypes of almond, this study was conducted in 2019 in randomized complete blocks design with three replications. The findings revealed that the influence of genotype on all measured traits is significant. The results of oil content showed that D124 had the highest values in terms of oil content. Also, examination of kernel weight shows that there are significant differences between cultivars. So that the highest amount of kernel weight is related to genotype D at 2.19 grams, while the lowest amount of kernel weight is related to A5-17genotype at 0.52 grams. The investigation of nut weight analysis showed that genotype D had the highest value (6.40grams). All the traits considered in this research can be said that the D124 genotype and cultivars of Sahand, Shahroud 6, Saba, and Ruby respectively had oil content of 62.24, 62.12, 61.62, 60.41 and. 60.29 percent. In total, regarding to the all traits considered in this study, genotype D124 in the amount of 62.24% and then cultivars, Sahand, Shahroud 6, Saba, Ruby with oil values of 62.12%, 61.62%, 60.41% and 60.29, respectively. Also, palmitic acid, oleic acid, and linoleic acid in D124, Sahand, Shahroud 6, Saba, and Ruby were (5.44, 73.30 and 21.14%), (4.85, 76.33, and 18.48%), (5.64, 80.11 and 14.31%), (5.30, 73.89 and 20.80%) and (5.21, 77.44, and 16.32%) respectively. These are identified as the best cultivars and genotypes in terms of food quality in the climatic conditions of Karaj, which can be used for nutritional or technical applications to provide conditions for almond production and cultivation development. پرونده مقاله
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        9 - Application of Random Amplified Microsatellite Polymorphism (RAMP) in Prunus Characterization and Mapping
        M. Rasouli P. Martínez-Gómez R. Karimi
        Random amplified microsatellite polymorphism (RAMP) is a PCR-based marker which uses a combination of two classes of markers: Simple sequence repeat (SSR) and Random amplified DNA polymorphism (RAPD) markers. RAMP has been demonstrated to be a potentially valuable molec چکیده کامل
        Random amplified microsatellite polymorphism (RAMP) is a PCR-based marker which uses a combination of two classes of markers: Simple sequence repeat (SSR) and Random amplified DNA polymorphism (RAPD) markers. RAMP has been demonstrated to be a potentially valuable molecular marker for the study of genetic relationships in cultivated plant species. The objective of this study was to optimize the application of RAMP markers for the molecular characterization of a F1 almond progeny from the cross between ‘Tuono’ and ‘Shahrood-12’ cultivar. In this first study, genomic DNA was extracted from young leaf tissues and PCR reactions were done using two nuclear SSR markers (assaying forward and reverse primers) and two selected RAPD primers. In addition, to check the transferability of these RAMP markers across Prunus genus, a F1 apricot progeny from the cross between the North American cultivar ‘Goldrich’ and the Spanish ‘Currot’ was assayed. Results showed the dominant nature of these markers with a great abundance and transferability although with a reduced polymorphism. پرونده مقاله
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        10 - Self-incompatibility in the Iranian Almond Cultivar ‘Mamaei’ Using Pollen Tube Growth, Fruit Set and PCR Technique
        A. Mousavi R. Babadaei R. Fatahi Z. Zamani F. Dicenta E. Ortega
        Self-incompatibility has been studied by using controlled pollination, pollen tube growth and PCR methods in the Iranian almond ‘Mamaei.’. Pollen tube growth and fruit set following self and cross-pollination treatments were evaluated. The percentage of in چکیده کامل
        Self-incompatibility has been studied by using controlled pollination, pollen tube growth and PCR methods in the Iranian almond ‘Mamaei.’. Pollen tube growth and fruit set following self and cross-pollination treatments were evaluated. The percentage of initial and final fruit set was determined for each treatment at 30 and 60 days after controlled pollination. Pollen germination and pollen tube growth were assessed by fluorescence microscopy at different times after self and cross pollination. Results showed that the percentage of the final fruit set was 0% after self-pollination, while values of 16.34%, 17.22%, 19.12%, and 21.15% were determined after cross-pollination with ‘Azar’, ‘Rabie’, ‘Shahrood-21’, and ‘Sefied’ cultivars as pollen sources, respectively. After 192 hours, observation of pollen tube growth showed that the percentage of reached pollen tubes at the style base from cross-pollination was significant but there were not any reached pollen tubes from self-pollination. According to the results of controlled pollination and pollen tube growth ‘Mamaei’ is self-incompatible. S-RNase assay was used to confirm these results. PCR amplification of genomic DNA from ‘Mamaei’ with EM-PC2consFD and EM-PC3consRD primers revealed the presence of two DNA fragments of sizes around 850 bp and 1250 bp on agarose gels. The size of the smaller fragment is similar to that of S25 almond RNase, while the size of the other fragment is different from all S1-S30 RNase alleles. S-genotype can be regarded as S25S x , with Sx being a new SRNase allele. پرونده مقاله
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        11 - Optimization of the Analysis of Almond DNA Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) Through Submarine Electrophoresis Using Different Agaroses and Staining Protocols
        M. Rasouli A. Mousavi B. Mohammadparast P. Martínez-Gómez
        Simple sequence repeat (SSR markers or microsatellites), based on the specific PCR amplification of DNA sequences, are becoming the markers of choice for molecular characterization of a wide range of plants because of their high polymorphism, abundance, and codominant i چکیده کامل
        Simple sequence repeat (SSR markers or microsatellites), based on the specific PCR amplification of DNA sequences, are becoming the markers of choice for molecular characterization of a wide range of plants because of their high polymorphism, abundance, and codominant inheritance. Different methods have been used for the analysis of the SSR amplified fragments being submarine agarose electrophoresis the more suitable method for the routine application. In this work we have performed a comparative study of the utilization of four different types of low melting (Metaphor®, Sea Kem®, and MS-8®) and regular (LD-2®) agaroses and two different staining protocols using Ethidium Bromide and Gel Red Nucleic Acid Gel Sating®. Almond cultivars assayed included the Spanish cultivars ‘Antoñeta’, ‘Marta’, ‘Penta’, ‘Tardona’ ‘Desmayo’ and ‘Guara’, the French cultivars ‘Ferragnés’ and ‘R1000’, the USA cultivar ‘Mission’, the Tunisian cultivar ‘Achaak’, the Italian cultivar ‘Tuono’ and the Australian cultivar ‘Chellaston’. SSR detection using Metaphor® agarose gel electrophoresis was the most efficient with higher resolution and would be able to resolve most of allelic variation in comparison with the other three agaroses assayed. In addition, gel staining using Ethidium Bromide showed similar results than the GelRedTM Nucleic Acid Gel Stain® although it is much more toxic. The use of MetaPhor® agarose and GelRedTM Nucleic Acid Gel Stain® appears good indicated for molecular characterization of mapping of population due to its good resolution in comparison with the rest of agaroses, less toxicity in comparison with the use of Ethidium Bromide, and lower cost and easier routine application in comparison with the automatic capillary sequencing. پرونده مقاله
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        12 - The Study of Phenotypic Variation of ‘Shahrood ’ × ‘Shahrood ’ Population and their Comparison with the Parents using Morphological Markers
        R. Tavakoli Banizi A. Imani M. Zeinalabedini M. Rasouli A. Ebrahimi S. Piri
        The plant genetic resources are important, because they have most valuable national basis resources in the each country. In this study, to grouping the almond progenies from ‘Shahrood ’ × ‘Shahrood ’ and comparing them in terms of heritabil چکیده کامل
        The plant genetic resources are important, because they have most valuable national basis resources in the each country. In this study, to grouping the almond progenies from ‘Shahrood ’ × ‘Shahrood ’ and comparing them in terms of heritability with their parents, measured on the basis of almond universal descriptor. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to compare morphological and phonological traits among study progenies. The important traits frequency such as flowering time, tree size, resistance to frost, growth habit, flower density and leaving time in all hybrid population and compare them with their parents showed their asymmetric distribution among them. The simple correlation coefficients traits showed that among some measured traits was a significant positive correlation. In other hand, the eigenvalue variance percentage and cumulative variance showed the among measure traits, three independent factors that their eigenvalue were more than seven, they could justified of total variance. Also the results of cluster analysis all cultivars were divided into three main groups. some of progenies likes ‘Shahrood ’ in third group, some other likes ‘Shahrood ’were in second group and some other that expression of phenotypic traits were additive mode, incomplete dominance or over dominance in first group. پرونده مقاله
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        13 - Evaluation of the Behavior of Native Iranian Almond Species as Rootstocks
        B. Madam M. Rahemi A. Mousavi P. Martínez-Gómez
        Iran is one of the most important regions for origin and diversification of wild almond species in the world. Over 20 species, naturally distributed in many regions, have been identified to date in Iran. These can be used as rootstocks in different Prunus species such a چکیده کامل
        Iran is one of the most important regions for origin and diversification of wild almond species in the world. Over 20 species, naturally distributed in many regions, have been identified to date in Iran. These can be used as rootstocks in different Prunus species such as almond or peach due to their adaptability to severe (drought) environmental conditions and resistance to some pests and diseases. Results showed that P. eburnea had the most stem biomass, and P. scoparia the least leaf area and the largest root system among the three species, which can indicate better adaptation to drought conditions. The correlations between the measured traits suggest that the relationship between shoot and root morphology is unique for each species. In addition, results indicated that P. eburnea had the highest seed germination percentage and P. elaeagnifolia the lowest. Finally, there was significant difference between wild rootstocks in grafting success, with P. scoparia and P elaeagnifolia showing the best behavior. پرونده مقاله
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        14 - Cytogenetical Analysis of Iranian Wild Almond Species
        M. Rasouli R. Tavakoli A. Imani E. Zarifi M. Ahmadi Majd P. Martínez-Gómez
        In this study, the karyo-systematic studies on the Iranian wild almond species A .communis L., A. corduchoruom Bornm., A. trichamygdalus woronow, Amygdalus lycioides Var. horrida Spach were done by the karyological methods. The meristem cells of the root tip were used f چکیده کامل
        In this study, the karyo-systematic studies on the Iranian wild almond species A .communis L., A. corduchoruom Bornm., A. trichamygdalus woronow, Amygdalus lycioides Var. horrida Spach were done by the karyological methods. The meristem cells of the root tip were used for these studies. In each species, ten suitable metaphase plates were chosen and photographed so that the morphology of the chromosomes was completely obvious. The standard karyotype was prepared for the species separately and the parameters of the chromosomes, including the total length of the chromosomes, long arm, short arm, arm ratio, and centromer index, were calculated. There was a significant difference between all of the species that can be employed to recognize the species. All of the studied species were diploid, and the numbers of the chromosomes was 2n=16. The base number of the chromosomes in all of the species was X=8. In Iran, the average size of chromosomes in species of this genus was 2.42 micrometer. . Also, there was a significant difference between all of the homologous chromosomes according to the measured cytological characters. The similarity and the difference between the species were evaluated on the basis of the cytological specificities. The domestic species of A. communis L. had the most similarity with the species of Amygdalus lycioides Var. horrida Spach, and the species of A. trichamygdalus woronow and A. corduchoruom Bornm, also had the most similarity with each other. Finally, the studied species were classified into two cytologically groups. پرونده مقاله
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        15 - Screening of Almond Hybrids for Drought Tolerance Using some Morphological and Physiological Traits
        Arvin Abdini Ali Imani Mousa Rasouli Mehrshad Zinalabdini Vahid Abdoosi
        In this research, twenty-two selected almond hybrids with their parents ‘A1-99’ (drought-sensitive) and ‘Tuono’ (relatively tolerant against drought), were investigated for screening drought tolerance using some morphological and physiological tr چکیده کامل
        In this research, twenty-two selected almond hybrids with their parents ‘A1-99’ (drought-sensitive) and ‘Tuono’ (relatively tolerant against drought), were investigated for screening drought tolerance using some morphological and physiological traits. This research was carried out in a complete randomized design with three replications at the Temperate Fruit Research Center of Horticultural Sciences Research Institute (HSRI) in years of 2014 and 2015. The results showed that by applying severe drought stress (30% FC), some morphological and physiological characteristics such as chlorophyll index (ChI), relative water content (RWC) of leaf decreased, while electrolyte leakage (EL) and Quantum efficiency of the photosystem II (Fv/Fm) increased. According to results, there were significant differences among genotypes, for example range of Fv/Fm among the selected hybrids varied from 550 to 879. Frequency of drought tolerance showed that 77. 27% of hybrids were susceptible to relatively susceptible and 22.72% were tolerant to relatively tolerant. Finally, according to the results from this study, ‘DT19’ hybrid was recognized as the most sensitive and ‘DT1’ hybrid was known as the most tolerant hybrid that could be introduced as promising and tolerant to drought stress for utilizing in the breeding programs. پرونده مقاله
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        16 - Identification of DNA Markers Linked to Blooming Time in Almond
        Mousa Rasouli Mohammad Reza Fattahi Moghaddam Ali Imani Zabihollah Zamani Pedro Martínez-Gómez
        In this study flowering time and other important morphologic traits were evaluated during two years in F1 almond progenies of seventy two seedlings from cross between the intermediate flowering Italian cultivar ‘Tuono’ and the extra-late blooming Iranian cul چکیده کامل
        In this study flowering time and other important morphologic traits were evaluated during two years in F1 almond progenies of seventy two seedlings from cross between the intermediate flowering Italian cultivar ‘Tuono’ and the extra-late blooming Iranian cultivar ‘Shahrood-12’. A modified-bulk segregant analysis in combination with the application of the 140 RAPD primers, 87 nuclear SSR markers spanning the whole almond genome and 5 chloroplast SSR markers, were used to identify molecular markers linked to flowering time. Results showed a quantitative inheritance of this trait in the studied progenies. The seedlings showed a wide range of flowering dates between both progenitors although some of these descendants were earlier in flowering than the early progenitor ‘Tuono’. Results showed that among RAPD markers evaluated, BA-17600,1000, BC-05320, BC-06800, BC-141750, BC-17600, BC-20250, OPC-05850 and OPC-09700,1100 markers were linked to late blooming time. In addition, markers BA-04720, BB-10630,BC-092000, BD-12510andOPC-12350 were linked to early blooming time. Two microsatellite loci (CPPCT008 and EPPCU2584) were also found to be tightly linked to flowering time. After construction the genetic map of population, QTL analysis was performed for blooming time. QTL analysis showed that OPC-09700,1100 and BA-17600,1000, markers were respectively located in 2 and 4 cM distance from one of the late flowering time loci. Also the BA-04720marker was located in 3 cM distances from one of the loci controlling early flowering time. These results are applicable in almond breeding programs for markers assisted strategy. The application of these results to other Prunus species has been also discussed. پرونده مقاله
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        17 - The Study of Morphological Traits and Identification of Self-incompatibility Alleles in Almond Cultivars and Genotypes
        Mousa Rasouli
        The evaluation of an almond collection using morphological variables and identification of self-incompatibility genotype is useful for selecting pollinizers and for the design of crossing in almond breeding programs. In this study, important morphological traits and sel چکیده کامل
        The evaluation of an almond collection using morphological variables and identification of self-incompatibility genotype is useful for selecting pollinizers and for the design of crossing in almond breeding programs. In this study, important morphological traits and self-incompatibilities in 71 almond cultivars and genotypes were studied. Simple and multiplex specific PCR analyses were used in order to identify self-incompatibility alleles. Based on the results, cultivars and genotypes including ‘Dir Ras–e-Savojbolagh’, ‘D-124’, ‘D-99’, ‘Shahrood 12’, ‘Tuono’, ‘Nonpareil’, ‘Price’, ‘Mirpanj-e-Tehran’, ‘Pakotahe-e- Taleghan’, ‘V-13-34’, ‘V-16-8, ‘V-11-10’, ‘Zarghan 10’, ‘Uromiyeh 68’, ‘Barg dorosht-e-Hamedan’ and ‘Yazd 60’ were late flowering and had the highest quality of nut and kernel characters. The result of the PCR method using combined primers AS1II and AmyC5R showed amplification of ten self-incompatibility alleles (S1, S2, S3, S5, S6, S7, S8, S10, S12,and S unknown allele) and three Sfalleles. Moreover, S1 had the highest frequencies in comparison with other known S-alleles. Also, unknown alleles with different sizes were detected and 58 new bands were found in some cultivars. پرونده مقاله
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        18 - Effects of Boron and Cold Stress on Germination of Almond Pollen in Vitro Culture
        M. Bigdeli Moheb A. Imani M. Shamili
        This study was carried out in order to determine the effects of boron and cold stress on pollen germination of almond hybrids in vitro culture, two different media including the absence and presence of boron (0 mg/l, and 100 mg/l) in 10% sucrose and 1% agar medium at 24 چکیده کامل
        This study was carried out in order to determine the effects of boron and cold stress on pollen germination of almond hybrids in vitro culture, two different media including the absence and presence of boron (0 mg/l, and 100 mg/l) in 10% sucrose and 1% agar medium at 24°C in dark conditions. The results showed that different treatments had a significant effect on the germination percentage. The highest pollen germination percentage in H24 and S8 almond hybrids was recorded as 98.35 % and 97%, 34% in vitro culture medium containing 100 ppm boric acid, 10% sucrose +1% agar, whereas these amounts were 87.56% and 89.46% in the basic medium without the presence of boric acid, respectively. In conclusion, in vitro pollen germination of almond was inhibited in the medium culture without boron and in cold stress, while it was increased in the medium with boron. Thus, boron can increase the almond yield. پرونده مقاله
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        19 - Effects of Pre-harvest Salicylic Acid Treatment on the Post-harvest Quality of Peach Cultivar Robin
        Ramin Salyari Esmaeil Seifi Feryal Varasteh Mahdi Alizadeh
        Peach is one of the most important horticultural crops and its storage and postharvest issues are increasingly taken into consideration. This experiment was conducted to the assessment of salicylic acid spray at 0, 1, 2, and 4 mmol concentrations, and salicylic acid sub چکیده کامل
        Peach is one of the most important horticultural crops and its storage and postharvest issues are increasingly taken into consideration. This experiment was conducted to the assessment of salicylic acid spray at 0, 1, 2, and 4 mmol concentrations, and salicylic acid submergence in 2 mmol concentration on the post-harvest quality of peach cultivar Robin, and the measurement in the four storage times in 2014-2015. In this experiment, the weight loss, volume decrease, length decrease, diameter decrease, pH, total acidity, total soluble solids, vitamin c, antioxidant capacity, total phenol, total flavonoid, and fruit Peach is one of the most important horticultural crops and its storage and postharvest issues are increasingly taken into consideration. This experiment was conducted to the assessment of salicylic acid spray at 0, 1, 2, and 4 mmol concentrations, and salicylic acid submergence in 2 mmol concentration on the post-harvest quality of peach cultivar Robin, and the measurement in the four storage times in 2014-2015. In this experiment, the weight loss, volume decrease, length decrease, diameter decrease, pH, total acidity, total soluble solids, vitamin c, antioxidant capacity, total phenol, total flavonoid, and fruit firmness were measured. The results suggested that the salicylic acid treatment caused the inhibition of the weight losses, volume decrease, length decrease, and diameter decrease over the storage period and maintained the fruit firmness. The best result obtained from 2 mmol spray of salicylic acid before harvest. The lowest total soluble solids and pH were observed in 2 mmol salicylic acid spray in all the storage times, while in the other treatments such as control, their contents increased. The results also demonstrated that the highest vitamin C content was in 2 and 4 mmol salicylic acid spray and 2 mmol salicylic acid submergence treatment, and the highest total phenol content resulted from 15 days after storing in all the salicylic acid treatments. The treatment of salicylic acid did not have much effect on the total flavonoid content and antioxidant capacity. Among all the treatments, the spray of 2 mmol salicylic acid, two weeks before the fruit harvest, revealed the best result and can be considered in the enhancement of peach postharvest shelf life. پرونده مقاله
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        20 - Fractionation and In vitro Evaluation of Prunus persica Pulp Extract against Urolithasis
        Hema Arya Gautam Kumar Vandana . Minakshi Pandey
        The peach tree “Prunus persica” is widely cultivated in India, and its fruits which have been used for centuries in traditional Indian medicine, are also known as the Queen of the Fruits. Prunus persica has immense therapeutic potential, widespread use in folklore and a چکیده کامل
        The peach tree “Prunus persica” is widely cultivated in India, and its fruits which have been used for centuries in traditional Indian medicine, are also known as the Queen of the Fruits. Prunus persica has immense therapeutic potential, widespread use in folklore and ancient systems of medicine for its anti-urolithic and other medicinal properties, and is included in the Pashanbheda group of herbs mentioned in Ayurveda for the treatment of kidney stones. Moreover, with growing interest in phytopharmaceuticals in the present world, there always remains an urge for a comprehensive understanding of the phytochemicals responsible for the medicinal activity of herbal drugs, giving rise to the importance of conducting bioassay-guided fractionation. In this study, the anti-urolithiasis activity of different fractions of Prunus persica fruit extracts was evaluated via Nucleation, Aggregation, and Growth assays, and fraction III showed the highest effects in vitro. This study provides a pharmacological basis for using Prunus persica fruit extract in treating kidney stones. پرونده مقاله