• فهرست مقالات Microfinance

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        1 - کاهش فقر و تامین مالی خرد (مطالعه موردی بانک کشاورزی)
        نرگس خاکی
        از مهمترین اهداف دولت نهم، از بین بردن فقر و فراهم آوردن شرایط مناسب زندگی برای همه افراد جامعه است. این امر در اصل 43 قانون اساسی و ماده 100 قانون جامع و همچنین سند چشم انداز توسعه کشور در بیست سال آینده به منظور تعیین خط فقر، تبیین برنامه‌های توانمندسازی متناسب و ساما چکیده کامل
        از مهمترین اهداف دولت نهم، از بین بردن فقر و فراهم آوردن شرایط مناسب زندگی برای همه افراد جامعه است. این امر در اصل 43 قانون اساسی و ماده 100 قانون جامع و همچنین سند چشم انداز توسعه کشور در بیست سال آینده به منظور تعیین خط فقر، تبیین برنامه‌های توانمندسازی متناسب و ساماندهی نظام خدمات حمایتهای اجتماعی تاکید شده است به دنبال این هدف، ابزارها و راهکارهای متفاوتی در مدت فعالیت دولت نهم بکار گرفته شده که از جمله آنها می‌توان به توزیع سهام عدالت، کاهش نرخ سود بانکها، تغییر[1]در ترکیب بودجه کشور و تامین مالی خرد... اشاره کرد هر چند تمام راهکارهای فوق با هدف ایجاد عدالت در بین همه افرادجامعه بوده است، اما به دلیل وجود مشکلات ساختاری در اقتصاد ایران، برخی از راهکارهای فوق منجربه تنزل موقعیت اقتصادی در بعضی از بخشهای اقتصاد شده است. در مقاله حاضر تلاش شده وضعیت موجود کشور به لحاظ رفاه و فقر و راهکارهای مقابله با آن به اختصار مورد بررسی قرار گیرد. یکی از راه حلهای مقابله با فقر تامین مالی خرد است و بانک کشاورزی به عنوان نمونه در زمینه کارهای انجام شده در این مورد، مورد مطالعه قرارخواهد گرفت .روش پژوهش به صورت کتابخانه ای بوده و در نهایت با توجه به تجربه موفق بسیاری کشورها روش تامین مالی خرد بعنوان روشی موثر در از بین بردن فقر پیشنهاد می شود. پرونده مقاله
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        2 - Role of Micro Finance in Women’s Empowerment (A Study on Rural Area of Patna India)
        Hemant Kumar
        Microfinance is a type of banking service that is provided to unemployed or low-income individuals or groups who would otherwise have no other means of gaining financial services. Micro finance through Self Help Group (SHG) has been recognized internationally as the mod چکیده کامل
        Microfinance is a type of banking service that is provided to unemployed or low-income individuals or groups who would otherwise have no other means of gaining financial services. Micro finance through Self Help Group (SHG) has been recognized internationally as the modern tool to combat poverty and for rural development. Micro finance and SHGs are effective in reducing poverty, empowering women and creating awareness which finally results in sustainable development of the nation. The main aim of microfinance is to empower women. In this paper the role played by Microfinance in women’s empowerment are considered into three dimensions namely psychological, social and economic. The study is undertaken in rural areas of Patna region. Both primary and secondary data’s are used. Primary data is enumerated from a field survey in the study region. Secondary data is collected from NGOs’ reports books, website, and relevant documents. The researcher has used percentage method, simple correlation coefficient, paired t test and cross tabulation for analysis purpose. Analysis showed that there is a gradual increase in the all the three factors among rural women’s. From the interaction among the respondents it is noticed that some members are expecting the NGO to come up with more training sessions in income generating activities. All they need is a way to develop their skills and talents by participating in various training programs. There is a definite improvement in psychological well-being and social empowerment among rural women as a result of participating in micro finance through SHG program. پرونده مقاله
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        3 - The Role of Microfinance in Poverty Reduction in the Bauchi State of Nigeria
        Emmanuel Kaka
        The study aimed at examining the role of microfinance in poverty alleviation in the Bauchi state of Nigeria. Data were collected from the respondent using a questionnaire. The study samples are made up of 50 DEC microfinance clients and non-clients. The sample responden چکیده کامل
        The study aimed at examining the role of microfinance in poverty alleviation in the Bauchi state of Nigeria. Data were collected from the respondent using a questionnaire. The study samples are made up of 50 DEC microfinance clients and non-clients. The sample respondents included 30 clients and 20 non-clients of DEC microfinance in Bauchi state of Nigeria. The Tobit regression model was used in the data analysis. This study discovered micro-credit and the nature of the business to be negative but significantly related to poverty reduction. Duration of membership and qualification was found to be significant and positively related to poverty reduction. The study concluded that microfinance institutions should establish a system that can be used to properly monitor the activities of the field staff during the distribution and collection of micro-credit. This mechanism or system if adequately put in place, would ensure that the field workers do not take undue advantage of the microfinance beneficiaries. پرونده مقاله
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        4 - Essays on Loan Disbursed to Microfinance Institutions by Financial Institutions: Insights from India.
        Ashraf Rehman
        The paper attempts to examine the trends of loan disbursed to Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) by various financial institutions over the past 15 years. To fulfil the objective, the study employs secondary data from NABARD and draws a comparative framework of the growth چکیده کامل
        The paper attempts to examine the trends of loan disbursed to Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) by various financial institutions over the past 15 years. To fulfil the objective, the study employs secondary data from NABARD and draws a comparative framework of the growth gate and percentage share of loan dispersed to Microfinance Institutions by different commercial and public banks and financial institutions. The findings of the study reveal that over the past 15 years, commercial banks dominated the disbursement shares with 50 percent loan disbursed to MFIs. Also, the growth rate of the loan disbursed by commercial banks was the highest with 26.58 percent. However, the analysis in the study revealed that COVID-19 registered a decline in the loan disbursements followed by a hike in post pandemic period, which is likely due to the demand for the financial services by various businesses or households, which suffered an economic blow during the pandemic. پرونده مقاله
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        5 - Assessing the customer's satisfaction with the Service quality of Microfinance Institutions in Iran (Case Study: Shahed Microfinance Institution)
        Eslam Karimi Mojtaba Abbasi Ghadi
        One of the primary measures considered in the customer relationship management (CRM) of banks and financial institutions is assessing the service environment in various forms of needs assessment and satisfaction assessment. Customer satisfaction refers to the evaluation چکیده کامل
        One of the primary measures considered in the customer relationship management (CRM) of banks and financial institutions is assessing the service environment in various forms of needs assessment and satisfaction assessment. Customer satisfaction refers to the evaluation and judgment of customers regarding the perceived quality of the service provided according to their expectations. Countries have designed and implemented various indicators to measure customer satisfaction, known as the national index. Each of these customer satisfaction indicators has strengths and weaknesses. In this research, we used Iran's national customer satisfaction index as a composite index of existing indices. We evaluated it in Shahed Shahed Financial Institution. On the one hand seek to confirm and apply the combined customer satisfaction index in organizations and financial institutions. On the other hand, For the first time, this combined index is used to measure the satisfaction of customers of Shahed Microfinance institution. This research study is helpful for managers of microfinance institutions by providing practical recommendations. پرونده مقاله
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        6 - Financing Microenterprises: Creating a Potential Value-Based Hybrid Model for Islamic Microfinance
        Fuzia Jan Sofi
        The main purpose of this paper is to examine the relevance of Islamic microfinance in the light of ongoing erosion of confidence in the viability of current financial system, full of speculatory finance in the prevailing global financial market. For example, the sub-pri چکیده کامل
        The main purpose of this paper is to examine the relevance of Islamic microfinance in the light of ongoing erosion of confidence in the viability of current financial system, full of speculatory finance in the prevailing global financial market. For example, the sub-prime crisis of 2007-2008 in the US with its effects all over the world was mainly due to the inadequate market discipline which in turn enhanced more and more lending, high leverage and finally led to bank failures and economic slowdown. The critics of this financial meltdown basically relate it to the interest-based financing mechanism. The paper tries to find the possibility of Islamic (Interest-free) Microfinance as a remedy for this financial instability in this context. The paper mainly focuses the Indian scenario where a large section of Muslim population does not have access to Microcredit due to both religious and political factors. Therefore, at this juncture an attempt is made to find the prospect of microfinance from an Islamic perspective which is imperative for adopting an economic system concerned with fulfilling human needs and creating opportunities for the poor. Besides, the concerned paper suggests a “Potential Value Based Hybrid Model for Islamic Microfinance,” by outlining the features as well as the shortcomings of conventional Microfinance. پرونده مقاله
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        7 - Small and Medium Enterprises Financing in Bangladesh: The Missing Middle
        M. Badrul Haider T. Akhter
        This paper aims to comprehend the intrinsic limitations of the market players in the financial system and how these create a situation of `missing middle` for small and medium industries (SME) financing in Bangladesh. A clear dualism prevails in the manufacturing indust چکیده کامل
        This paper aims to comprehend the intrinsic limitations of the market players in the financial system and how these create a situation of `missing middle` for small and medium industries (SME) financing in Bangladesh. A clear dualism prevails in the manufacturing industry of this country. While the SMEs maintains the biggest share in establishments and employment creation, large enterprises (LEs) contributes to the massive amounts of manufacturing value addition. Banks and other financial institutions furnish bulk of their financing to the export oriented large industries. Based on three surveys of these industries conducted by the World Bank (WB), Center for Policy Dialogue (CPD) Bangladesh and other organizations, and related literature and other published data, inferences are drawn that efficiency of these industries could be enhanced through assuring their fair participation in the formal financial sector. The development of SMEs in Bangladesh may be concentrated on some high performing firms who lie in extremes, the top end or the lowest end of SME cluster. Formal financing problem is more acute for those who are in the middle of this segment. Unlike many other papers in this area, the current one for the first time tries to understand the extent of the financing gap for these `missing middle`. پرونده مقاله
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        8 - احتمال نکول تسهیلات پرداختی اولین بانک قرضه‌های کوچک در استان هرات افغانستان
        محمد صادق محمدی مصطفی کریم زاده مهدی بهنامه
        هدف این مقاله بررسی عوامل موثر بر احتمال نکول تسهیلات بانکی از جانب مشتریان و تعیین ضریب اهمیت هر یک از متغیرهای اصلی مرتبط با احتمال نکول می‌باشد. بدین منظور با استفاده از رگرسیون لاجیت، مدلی برای افزایش توانایی مدیران این بانک در جهت حل مشکل عدم بازپرداخت به موقع تسه چکیده کامل
        هدف این مقاله بررسی عوامل موثر بر احتمال نکول تسهیلات بانکی از جانب مشتریان و تعیین ضریب اهمیت هر یک از متغیرهای اصلی مرتبط با احتمال نکول می‌باشد. بدین منظور با استفاده از رگرسیون لاجیت، مدلی برای افزایش توانایی مدیران این بانک در جهت حل مشکل عدم بازپرداخت به موقع تسهیلات اعتباری ارائه شده است. نتایج نشان داد درآمد ماهیانه وام گیرنده، رابطه وام گیرنده با ضامن، سرمایه تحت ضمانت ضامن، تجربه و ثبات شغلی وام‌گیرنده، مدت زمان بازپرداخت وام و سابقه ارتباط وام گیرنده با بانک، اثر معکوس بر ریسک اعتباری و مبلغ وام اثر مستقیم بر ریسک اعتباری مشتریان دارند. پیشنهاد می شود در هنگام اعطای تسهیلات به مشتریان بانک، متغیرهای شناسایی شده در مدل نهایی مورد توجه قرار گیرند و با استفاده از مدل عرضه شده برای اعطای وام تصمیم‌گیری شود. پرونده مقاله
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        9 - Impact of Microfinance on Smallholder Cassava and Rice Farms Productivity in Makurdi Metropolis, Benue State, Nigeria
        Francis Ogebe Ayuba Ali Ishaaqa Olagunju
        This study was undertaken to investigate the impact of microfinance on agricultural productivity by smallholder farmers in Makurdi Metropolis of Benue State, Nigeria. Data were randomly collected from 120 farmers consisting of 60 credit beneficiaries (CB) and 60 non-cre چکیده کامل
        This study was undertaken to investigate the impact of microfinance on agricultural productivity by smallholder farmers in Makurdi Metropolis of Benue State, Nigeria. Data were randomly collected from 120 farmers consisting of 60 credit beneficiaries (CB) and 60 non-credit beneficiaries (NCB) by which were analyzed through descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. The results of the regression analysis showed a clear impact of microfinance credit on agricultural productivity. Findings revealed that, the accessed credits help farmers to purchase inputs and improve farming technologies which ultimately transformed into higher productivity of the credit beneficiaries as CB farmers realized higher yields (52.1 bags) compared to the NCB farmers (24.6 bags). This is partly because the CB were relatively better in the use of inputs such as adoption of improved seeds, use of fertilizers and affordability of hired labor which ultimately enhanced their farm productivity. The study concluded that though microfinance credits has significant impact on agricultural productivity under smallholder farmers, access to microfinance credits by smallholder farmers in the study area is constrained by lack of microfinance credit information, high interest rates, and inadequate supply of credit institutions as well as risk averse nature of some farmers. Thus, in order to enhance agricultural productivity and improve the well-being of smallholder farmers, it is recommended that smallholder farmers should be facilitated to form “Savings and Credits Cooperative Unions” (SACCOS) for collective responsibilities of accessing credits and paying loans. پرونده مقاله
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        10 - Microfinance Paths and Economic Empowerment of Women Borrowers: Evidence from Iran­
        مرضیه فراشی مهدی رحیمیان سعید غلامرضایی
        The relationship between women's empowerment and microfinance has been studied in many countries, including Iran. But, few studies have examined the impact of women's microfinance consumption path on their empowerment. Therefore, this study aims to answer the important چکیده کامل
        The relationship between women's empowerment and microfinance has been studied in many countries, including Iran. But, few studies have examined the impact of women's microfinance consumption path on their empowerment. Therefore, this study aims to answer the important question of what effect the path of microcredit consumption has on women's empowerment. Given the importance of the type of loan used in women’s economic empowerment, 13 ways of spending by women were identified. These routes can be divided into three general paths: (1) starting a small business, (2) indirectly investing with the possibility of return, and (3) spending the loan without the possibility of its return. The main question was how much women are empowered if they choose each of these paths. The statistical population consisted of 800 women in Nahavand Township. The sample size was determined to be 260 people according to Krejcie and Morgan’s table taken by the stratified sampling technique with the proportional assignment. The questionnaire's reliability and validity were confirmed by computing Cronbach's alpha coefficient (more than 0.7) and content validity, respectively. Data were analyzed by SPSS20 software. The results showed that women in the first path became more empowered than the other two groups. The other two paths did not make a significant difference in the empowerment level although the second path slightly outperformed the third path in empowering the women. Credit-paying institutions must exercise greater control over how women use their credit by fundamentally reviewing payment laws. پرونده مقاله