• فهرست مقالات Biochemistry

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        1 - اثر آروماتراپی با اسانس زنجبیل بر واکنش‏های بی تحرکی تونیک و برخی از متابولیت‏های خونی خروس‎های اخته و غیراخته
        محمد جواد اسکندری فرهاد صمدیان رضا نقی ها مصطفی قادری زفره‎ای
        زمینه وهدف: گزارش شده است که آروماتراپی با اسانس‎ها در موش‎ها منجر به تغییر برخی از متغیرهای سرمی و کاهش اضطراب می شود. بنابراین هدف از پژوهش حاضر، بررسی تأثیر آروماتراپی با اسانس زنجبیل برمتغیرهای خونی و ترس القا شده در خروس‎های اخته و غیر اخته بود. روش ک چکیده کامل
        زمینه وهدف: گزارش شده است که آروماتراپی با اسانس‎ها در موش‎ها منجر به تغییر برخی از متغیرهای سرمی و کاهش اضطراب می شود. بنابراین هدف از پژوهش حاضر، بررسی تأثیر آروماتراپی با اسانس زنجبیل برمتغیرهای خونی و ترس القا شده در خروس‎های اخته و غیر اخته بود. روش کار: در این پژوهش از 10 خروس اخته و 10 خروس غیراخته استفاده شد. نصف پرندگان از هر گروه(5 خروس اخته و 5 خروس غیراخته) به طور انفرادی در اتاقکی تحت آروماتراپی قرار گرفتند و سایر پرنده‎های آزمایشی نیز در همان اتاقک در معرض بخار آب قرار داده شدند. همه پرنده ها بعد از خارج نمودن از اتاقک، به مدت 30 ثانیه به طور معلق از پا آویزان و بلافاصله آزمون TI بر روی آن ها صورت گرفت. دو هفته بعد از انجام این آزمون، روند آروماتراپی در همه پرنده ها تکرار و متغیرهای متابولیکی پلاسمای خون در قبل و بعد از آروماتراپی مورد سنجش قرار گرفت. یافته ها: آروماتراپی در گروه خروس‎های اخته منجر به کاهش مدت زمان سپری شده در بی تحرکی شد که دلالت بر تخفیف تنش القا شده در حین جمع آوری می نماید. آروماتراپی هم چنین منجر به افزایش سطوح گلوکز، پروتئین و اوره کل پلاسمایی گردید. نتیجه‌گیری:آروماتراپی احتمالاً با فعال نمودن سامانه سمپاتیکی و افزایش فشار خون، منجر به افزایش سطوح گلوکز، پروتئین و اوره پلاسمایی و کاهش تعداد دفعات لازم برای القای TI شده است. بنابراین استفاده از آروماتراپی در حین جمع آوری ممکن است برای کاهش پاسخ های هراس‎آمیز در خروس ها قابل توصیه باشد. پرونده مقاله
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        2 - The examination of the changes in serum biochemical factors caused by the ingestion of oral Sumac in dogs
        حسن میرمحمدی سام ترکان محسن جعفریان دهکردی
        Introduction and goal: Today, the researchers have found that many recent diseases are due to cellular oxidative stress which is caused by the imbalance of the formation and neutralization of free radicals. Including weak immune system, cancers, inflectional diseases, a چکیده کامل
        Introduction and goal: Today, the researchers have found that many recent diseases are due to cellular oxidative stress which is caused by the imbalance of the formation and neutralization of free radicals. Including weak immune system, cancers, inflectional diseases, aging body and Diabetes. Diabetes is the most common endocrine disease in the world that is referred to as the mother of the diseases for affecting the whole body such as digestive system, kidneys, eyes and most importantly cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis) which is the main cause of death in the developed world. Materials and Method: In this research 6 local dogs were used for 10 days and divided into 3 groups of 2:the control group, the group receiving 10 mg/kg of Sumac and the group receiving 5 mg/kg of Sumac. At the end of the oral Sumac ingestion, blood samples were taken and the relevant tests were done. Results and Discussion: The results of the present research indicated that adding Sumac powder in dog feed for 10 days, significantly decreased serum glucose, triglyceride and liver enzymes Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) parameters (p< 0.05). However, there was no significant differences between the cholesterol level of the examined groups during the research specified period of time (p> 0.05). Industrial / Practical recommendation: Considering that the results of the present study are consistent with similar research, anti-diabetic, anti-atherosclerotic and antioxidant effects of Sumac can be concluded. It can also be used as a replacement for chemical drugs. پرونده مقاله
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        3 - Effect of Sex and Genotype on Blood Serum Electrolytes and Biochemical Parameters of Nigerian Indigenous Chickens
        A.A. Ibrahim J. Aliyu N.I. Wada A.M. Hassan
        The effect of genotype and sex of Nigerian indigenous chickens (dwarf, Fulani ecotypes, neck, frizzle and normal feathered) on blood serum electrolytes and biochemical parameters were investigated using 40 chickens. The collected data were subjected to analysis via a 2 چکیده کامل
        The effect of genotype and sex of Nigerian indigenous chickens (dwarf, Fulani ecotypes, neck, frizzle and normal feathered) on blood serum electrolytes and biochemical parameters were investigated using 40 chickens. The collected data were subjected to analysis via a 2 way ANOVA. The results revealed serum levels of sodium, potassium, chloride, uric acid, glucose, total protein, creatinin, albumin and globulin were 145.23±27.18 mmoi/L, 8.05±2.39 mmoi/L, 106.33±11.27 mmoi/L, 3.57±1.47 mg/µL, 44.87±17.57 mg/dL, 72.20±8.42 g/L, 74.50±12.98 µmoi/L, 38.30±4.84 g/L and 33.30±5.95 g/L respectively. Creatinin in the female birds was significantly higher than in males (P<0.05). The serum chloride, potassium, globulin, glucose and uric acid were also significantly different across the genotype. Serum chloride and glucose were higher in dwarf chickens, whilst potassium was higher in neck chickens and higher globulin levels were observed in frizzle chickens compared to the other four genotypes. The study revealed a significant effect of sex on creatinin and genotype onvarious physiological characters of Nigerian indigenous chicken. پرونده مقاله
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        4 - Effect of Levels of Oyster Mushroom (<i>Pleurotus ostreatus</i>) on Performance and Blood Biochemical Characteristics in Japanese Quails (<i>Coturnix coturnix</i>)
        ا. اسعدی-دیزجی ح. اقدم شهریار ن. ماهری سیس
        This experiment was conducted to determine the effects of oyster mushroom on performance and blood biochemical characteristics in Japanese quails (Coturnix Japonica). A total of 240 seven day old mix sexes quail chicks were randomly allocated to four experimental groups چکیده کامل
        This experiment was conducted to determine the effects of oyster mushroom on performance and blood biochemical characteristics in Japanese quails (Coturnix Japonica). A total of 240 seven day old mix sexes quail chicks were randomly allocated to four experimental groups. Each treatment consisted of three replicate pens with 20 birds. Experimental groups included 0, 0.5, 1, 2% oyster mushroom in quail diet. Each replicate was housed in separate stainless floor pens under controlled temperature and light conditions. On 21st days of age, male and female chicks were separated. Weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion ratio were not significantly influenced by the dietary treatments. Total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) significantly decreased (P&lt;0.05) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol significantly increased (P&lt;0.05) by the 2% diet contain mushroom compared to the control, but plasma glucose, uric acid, total protein of quails were not significantly influenced by the dietary treatments. Inclusion of 2% mushroom in the diet, positively affected blood biochemical characteristics of quails. Therefore it seems that mushroom may be a beneficial component in quail diet. پرونده مقاله
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        5 - ارزیابی روابط بین صفات شیمیایی و بیوشیمیایی با عملکرد دانه ژنوتیپ‌های برنج از طریق مدل رگرسیون گام به گام در شرایط آب و هوایی شمال استان خوزستان
        محمدرضا زرگران خوزانی کاوه لیموچی
        این پژوهش با هدف شناسایی روابط و تأثیر گذاری مثبت و منفی صفات مرتبط با قند اندام‌ها و دوره‌های مختلف رشد، عناصر غذایی، بیوشیمی، آنزیم و هورمون به عنوان متغیر مستقل با عملکرد دانه به عنوان متغییر وابسته در 12 ژنوتیپ برنج هوازی سازگار با شرایط آب و هوایی خوزستان در قالب ط چکیده کامل
        این پژوهش با هدف شناسایی روابط و تأثیر گذاری مثبت و منفی صفات مرتبط با قند اندام‌ها و دوره‌های مختلف رشد، عناصر غذایی، بیوشیمی، آنزیم و هورمون به عنوان متغیر مستقل با عملکرد دانه به عنوان متغییر وابسته در 12 ژنوتیپ برنج هوازی سازگار با شرایط آب و هوایی خوزستان در قالب طرح بلوک‌های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار اجرا شد. درصد قند اندام‌های مختلف رویشی و زایشی در مرحله رسیدگی فیزیولوژیکی برگ پرچم و ریشه و در مرحله گرده افشانی ریشه، در بین عناصر غذایی نیتروژن در صفات بیوشیمیایی صفات مالون دی‌آلدئید، پروتئین، نشاسته و پرولین و در بین آنزیم و هورمون آبسیزیک اسید، کاتالاز و گایاکول توانستند به صورت معنی‌داری بر تغییرات عملکرد دانه اثر بگذارند. در این بین قند برگ پرچم در مرحله رسیدگی فیزیولوژیکی، نیتروژن، مالون دی‌آلدئید و آبسیزیک اسید به ترتیب با رابطه منفی، مثبت، منفی و منفی بیشترین درصد تغییرات معنی‌دار در سطح یک درصد را با عملکرد دانه دارا بودند. نتایج بدست آمده می‌تواند از اهداف مهم و اصلی اصلاح ژنتیکی ارقام برنج در راستای افزایش عملکرد دانه به عنوان محصول اقتصادی و استراتژیک نهایی گیاه باشد. پرونده مقاله
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        6 - The Effect of High Protein in the Feed Mixture on the Morphological Changes in the Kidneys of Quail Birds
        Ziad Alabdallah Aleksander Nikishov Yury Vatnikov Ali Al-Ragawi Sergey Seleznev
        The morphological and biochemical characters and effect of a highly protein diet on Japanese quail were investigated. Total participants in this study were twenty adult male and eighteen female Japanese quail, they were at three different old-stages; 30-days, 90-day and چکیده کامل
        The morphological and biochemical characters and effect of a highly protein diet on Japanese quail were investigated. Total participants in this study were twenty adult male and eighteen female Japanese quail, they were at three different old-stages; 30-days, 90-day and 180-day old. They were offered highly-protein food and water for two weeks. After two weeks, the serum has been centrifugated, hence different indicators including the total protein were assessed. Kidneys were examined with a light microscopy, their masses were estimated. Data analysis was performed using SPSS-22. we observed a decrease in width of middle lobe of kidneys in 90-days old quail birds (22%) and 180-days old quail birds (18%). The perimeter of anterior lobe has been increasing as the age increases, whereas it was a decrease in the middle lobe (35%) and posterior lobe (31%) in 90-days old quail birds. As compared between sex-based groups, it has been shown increase in absolute value of kidney weight among 90-days old (23%) and in 90-days old (7%) female quail birds. Absolute mass has been found more in left kidney at 30-days old (16%) and lower in the right kidney in all age groups female quail birds than that of males. A decrease in length of three lobes of the kidneys was observed in 180-days old females of quail birds (20%), whereas it has been found significantly increase in the width of front lobe (11%) in females quail birds. There was an increase in the amount of general protein and level of albumin in females and males in all age groups. The globin was higher in males than was in females. When comparing the ratio of phosphorus and calcium, it was observed that both of them were higher in females than males. Alkaline phosphate and hemoglobin were elevated in males in 180-days old. پرونده مقاله
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        7 - Features of the Biochemical Parameters of a Pendant Frog Blood in the Kazan City Lakes
        Nail Gosmanovich Nazarov Renat Irekovich Zamaletdinov Anton Olegovich Svinin Vladimir Vasilievich Zobov
        This esearch was performed aimed to study the biochemical parameters of the pond frog (Pelophylax lessonae) blood, from the populations inhabiting three biotopes of the Kazan city. Individuals of the pond frog Pelophylax lessonae were caught in July 2018 in three biotop چکیده کامل
        This esearch was performed aimed to study the biochemical parameters of the pond frog (Pelophylax lessonae) blood, from the populations inhabiting three biotopes of the Kazan city. Individuals of the pond frog Pelophylax lessonae were caught in July 2018 in three biotopes: a secondary reservoir near the Victory Park in Kazan, the Maloye Glubokoe karst lake and the Krugloye lake, which is a conditionally control area (a reserve). Determination of blood biochemical parameters included the analysis of glucose, lactate, total protein and hemoglobin. Two indicators were studied among the hematological signs: the content of erythrocytes and leukocytes. A lower content of glucose, total protein and an increased level of lactate were found in pond frogs from the population of the city center (Victory Park) in comparison with the conditionally control area and the "green zone" of the city. There was low hemoglobin content among the frogs from urban areas. The individuals from the P. lessonae population living in the Victory Park reservoir (urban population) showed a state of hypoglycemia, an increased blood lactate content, total protein, and hemoglobin decrease, and the increase of specific number of erythrocytes, which may indicate the conditions of hypoxia caused by high level of pollution of urban habitats and eutrophication of water bodies. Probably, various adaptive reactions are observed in anthropogenically disturbed amphibian habitats, consisting in erythrocyte number increase in response to the hemoglobin level decrease and also the change in the metabolic process intensity. پرونده مقاله