The Role of Damavand Mountain as Geological Heritage in line of Sustainable Development
Subject Areas : Geography and tourism planning, geography and urban planning, urban planning, architecture, geography and rural planning, political geography
Parvaneh Rezaei-Rouzbahani
1 - West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University ,Tehran ,Iran
Keywords: Keywords: Damavand, Geological Heritage, Mountain, Sustainable Development,
Abstract :
This research studied the Damavand mountain as a unique geological phenomenon in Amol County, Mazandaran Province with a special view on its role in sustainable tourism development. The methodological process was based on: the inventory and preliminary selection of geosite, a semi-quantitative geosite assessment, and the application of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) matrix to establish geotourism development strategies within a sustainability framework. Based on studies done, Damavand mountain is a real geosite with high geo-touristic potential which include: water fall, hot spring, glacier,volcanic crater which are a geological heritage with outstanding scientific, cultural, touristic ,industrial,and educational values. According to the results of the IELIG method in this study, the geosite of Damavand has ‘very high’ interest values considering their scientific, academic, and tourist interests and has the necessary conditions for geotourism development. The SWOT analysis reveals that travel itineraries that combine cultural heritage elements and geosites could offer a real alternative for the region’s sustainable development through geotourism.
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