Impact of Using the STAD Model of Cooperative Learning on Autonomy and Attitude of Iranian Secondary School EFL Learners
Subject Areas : Journal of Language, Culture, and Translation
1 - دکترای آموزش زبان انگلیسی، وزارت آموزش و پرورش، ایران
Keywords: Attitude, Autonomy, Cooperative learning, Iranian EFL learners, STAD,
Abstract :
This quasi-experimental study investigated the impact of cooperative learning on Iranian secondary school EFL learners’ Autonomy and attitude. To achieve the purpose of the study, 142 EFL students were selected based on their performance on the Oxford Quick Placement Test (OQPT). The students were divided into an experimental group receiving treatment through the STAD model of cooperative learning and a control group devoid of the stated treatment. To recognize the entry behaviors of the participants, pretests were run. The same educational content was taught to both EG and CG during an educational term. Furthermore, to disclose the effect of treatment, an autonomy posttest similar to the pretest but in rearranged order in options and items, and also an attitude posttest with the same characteristics were administered to the students in both groups at the end of the instruction. Moreover, the mean scores of autonomy and attitude questionnaires were compared via a one-way ANCOVA, and chi-square respectively. The outcomes showed the rejection of both null hypotheses consequently concluding that cooperative learning had a significant effect on the autonomy and attitude of Iranian EFL learners.
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