Effect of Distributed Leadership on Teacher Engagement, Teacher Accountability, and Teacher Competencies
Subject Areas : Journal of Language, Culture, and Translationزهره جراح زاده 1 * , زهره محمدی زنوزق 2
1 - دانشجوی دکترا، گروه مترجمی و آموزش زبان انگلیسی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد کرج، کرج، ایران
2 - دانشیارگروه مترجمی و آموزش زبان انگلیسی، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد کرج، کرج، ایران
Keywords: Teacher engagement, Distributed leadership, Online discussion, Teacher accountability, Teacher competencies,
Abstract :
The current study is mixed-method research that inspected the effect of distributed leadership on 3 factors of teacher engagement, accountability, and competencies on 15 EFL instructors and their improvements toward the abovementioned elements. To this end, the research was conducted through 2 phases, comprised of a quantitative inquiry which was intended to determine the teachers’ level of engagement, accountability, and engagement through implementing 3 questionnaires. Then, the participants took part in online workshops concerning various issues of each questionnaire to share their perspectives toward them. The effect of online discussions regarding distributed leadership was depicted through implementing the questionnaires as the posttest. The second phase was qualitative and aimed to illustrate the participants’ attitudes, opinions, experiences, and solutions toward the abovementioned components through writing a reflective essay. Results of the study indicated a good amount of difference between the participants’ performance on the pretest and posttest of the teachers’ engagement, accountability, and competencies questionnaires. The contents of the participants’ reflective essays were analyzed and presented in the second phase of the study. The outcomes showed that distributed leadership was a novel concept for all the participants and with presented various issues concerning each component, they achieved new insights toward their students, society, colleagues, and profession. Moreover, the resulted manifested that the participants accomplished benefit solutions and perspectives through online discussions and could find ways to develop themselves toward clinical, technical, critical, and personal competencies, all of which can lead to having a better educational atmosphere and students’ achievement.
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