Analysis of Stress Intensity Factors in Hollow Cylinders Reinforced by an Effective Coating Containing Multiple Cracks
Subject Areas : Journal of Simulation and Analysis of Novel Technologies in Mechanical Engineering
Mostafa Karimi
Alireza Hassani
1 - Assistant Professor
Fereydan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
2 - Youth and Elite Research Club, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Stress intensity factor, several cracks, Distribution dislocation technique, Torsional rigidity,
Abstract :
In this paper, the solution of an isotropic hollow cylinder, with an isotropic coating, weakened by multiple radial cracks is studied. The hollow cylinder and its coating are under Saint-Venant torsional loading. The series solution is then derived for displacement and stress fields in the cross section of the cylinder containing a Volterra-type screw dislocation. The dislocation solution is employed to derive a set of Cauchy singular integral equations for the analysis of multiple curved cracks. The solution to these equations is used to determine the torsional rigidity of the domain and the stress intensity factors (SIFs) for the tips of the cracks. Finally, several examples are presented to show the effect of the coating on the reduction of the mechanical stress intensity factor in the hollow cylinder.According to the above review, the fracture problem of the shafts under torsion is an interesting problem. It is worth noting that all of the above mentioned works were limited to the shafts with particular orientation and geometry
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