Elastic Wave Propagation at Imperfect Boundary of Micropolar Elastic Solid and Fluid Saturated Porous Solid Half-Space
Subject Areas : Engineering
V Kaliraman
R.K Poonia
1 - Department of Mathematics, Chaudhary Devi Lal University, Sirsa, Haryana, India
2 - Department of Mathematics, Chandigarh University, Gharuan, Mohali, Punjab, India
Keywords: Amplitude ratios, Stiffness, Reflection, Longitudinal wave, Transmission, Transverse wave, Porous solid, Micro polar elastic solid,
Abstract :
This paper deals with the reflection and transmission of elastic waves from imperfect interface separating a micropolar elastic solid half-space and a fluid saturated porous solid half-space. Longitudinal and transverse waves impinge obliquely at the interface. Amplitude ratios of various reflected and transmitted waves are obtained and computed numerically for a specific model and results obtained are depicted graphically with angle of incidence of incident waves. It is found that these amplitude ratios depend on angle of incidence of the incident wave, imperfect boundary and material properties of half-spaces. From the present study, a special case when fluid saturated porous half-space reduces to empty porous solid is also deduced and discussed graphically.
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