Nonlinear Finite Element Eccentric Low-Velocity Impact Analysis of Rectangular Laminated Composite Plates Subjected to In-phase/Anti-phase Biaxial Preloads
Subject Areas : EngineeringM Shariyat 1 * , M Moradi 2 , S Samaee 3
1 - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology
2 - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology
3 - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology
Keywords: Finite Element, Eccentric low-velocity impact, Composite plate, Contact law, Preload,
Abstract :
All impact analyses performed so far for the composite plates, have treated central impacts. Furthermore, investigations on influences of the in-plane biaxial compression, tension, or tension-compression preloads on various responses of the low-velocity impact, especially the indentation, have not been performed so far. In the present research, a finite element formulation is presented for response prediction of a low-velocity eccentric impact between a rigid spherical indenter and a laminated composite rectangular plate with asymmetric lamination scheme. Different contact laws are considered for the loading and unloading phases. A parametric study is performed to investigate influence of the specifications of the plates and the indenter, the eccentric value, and the in-plane preloads on the indentation and force time histories. Results show that the compressive and tensile in-plane preloads reduce and increase the contact force (and consequently, the indentation values), respectively. Therefore, the extensive tensile preloads may lead to higher damages.
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