Reliability Availability Maintainability Dependability Analysis of Mirrored Distributed System
Subject Areas : Reliability theory
Muktar Umar Danjuma
Ibrahim Yusuf
Nasir Sufi
1 - Mathematics Faculty of Science Federal University Dutse Nigeria
2 - Department of Mathematical Sciences, Bayero University, Kano
3 - Department of Computer Science, Federal University Dutse, Nigeria
Keywords: Failure Rate, Repair Rate, server replication, directory servers, MTSF,
Abstract :
Computer network topologies are complex systems made up of large subsystems that are arranged in series-parallel configurations. The current paper dealt with the mathematical modeling of some reliability metrics used in determining the strength, reliability, and performance of a computer distributed system stationed in two locations A and B, all of which were configured as a series-parallel system. The system is made up of six series-parallel subsystems distributed between locations A and B. In location A, there are three subsystems: four clients running in parallel as subsystem 1, six directory servers running in parallel as subsystem 2, and two replica servers running in parallel as subsystem 3, while in location B, there are two replica servers running in parallel as subsystem 4, six directory servers running in parallel as subsystem 5, and four clients running in parallel as subsystem 6. Using the Markovian process, the goal is to build mathematical models of reliability, dependability, availability, and maintainability in order to assess the system's performance, strength, and effectiveness. The ordinary differential difference equations for each subsystem are obtained from the schematic diagrams and solved iteratively. In this work, the Ramd analysis is used to quantify the performance of a system in terms of reliability, maintainability, availability, and dependability. It is tabulated the impact of subsystem repair and failure rates on reliability, maintainability, availability, and dependability. Inspecting the network's essential subsystems and their maintenance priorities improves the system's stability, maintainability, availability, and dependability while also lowering maintenance costs.
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