Designing and Validating a Critical Pedagogy-Based Teacher Effectiveness Scale for Iranian EFL Teachers
Subject Areas :
Keywords: Critical Pedagogy, Banking Education, Effective Teachers, Teacher Effectiveness,
Abstract :
One of the significant factors in EFL learning is teacher effectiveness which is of high importance since teachers are really and directly engaged in language learning as the final aim of English classes. This study aimed at designing and validating a Critical Pedagogy-Based Teacher Effectiveness Scale for Iranian EFL teachers. In so doing, an exploratory mixed-methods design was used. The participants of the qualitative phase included 20 male and female Iranian English teachers who were selected through available sampling. In the quantitative phase, 200 male and female Iranian English teachers participated through available sampling. To collect the data, a semi-structured interview was used. To analyze the data, qualitative thematic analysis, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Cronbach’s Alpha Test were used. According to the results, the Critical Pedagogy-Based Teacher Effectiveness Scale for Iranian EFL teachers was developed in 42 Likert items in three sub-scales including pedagogical effectiveness (items 1 to 23), socio-cultural effectiveness (items 24 to 33), and empowering effectiveness (items 34 to 42). Six items were omitted in EFA and 36 items remained in the final scale. It was designed in a four-point Likert range from 1= strongly disagree to 4= strongly agree. It was shown that the developed scale is valid and reliable. The findings have some implications for EFL teachers, learners, teacher education instructors and policy makers
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