Factors Affecting the Urban Renewal Process From Sustainability View: A Case Study of (District 11 of Municipality in Mashhad)
Subject Areas : Urban Designali ghesmi 1 , Rahmatolah Farhudi 2 * , ezzatollah ezzati 3
1 - PhD Candidate, urban planning
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: urban renewal, Sustainablity, Sustainable urban renewal, urban areas,
Abstract :
Sustainability is observed in many aspects and elements of traditional Iranian architecture, plannerand landscape architecture, and this method was used to solve many problems for many countries. The aim of thisarticle is to achieve a sustainable approach in planning urban renewal projects to identify the relationship betweenurban design considerations and the sustainable development objectives. An experimental model of stability testingof the modernization projects in three economic, environmental and social dimensions was evaluated in District 11,Municipality in Mashhad. In this article, the questionnaire used to collect data from sample size of 380 and variousstatistical analyses such as Independent T-test, Pearson correlation, multiple regression and path analysis were used.The findings show that the variables in all three "economic", "social" and "environmental" dimensions had related rateof sustainability of urban renewal projects. The variables, Built Environment and social factors were more effective inincreasing the sustainability of urban renewal projects.
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