Concerns Coupled with Pedestrianization and Implementation Methods
Subject Areas : Urban Design
Seyed Majid Mofidi Shemirani
Navid Saeidi Rezvani
Seyed Mostafa Razavi
1 - Assistant professor, Iran University Of Science And Technology, Tehran, Iran
2 - Ph.D. in Urban Planning, Faculty Member of the Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
3 - M.S. Student in Urban Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Urban space, Pedestrian movement, Pedestrianization, Pedestrianism Obstacles, Implementation Methods,
Abstract :
Walking has always been the most natural, the oldest, and the most essential form of transportation and isstill major form of moving, hence, it plays a vital rule in urban transportation. In fact, walking is the most important tool forseeing, being seen, observing city wide daily and social activities, discovering the values and hidden attractions in urbanenvironment, and therefore, feeling of liveliness and being needed amongst citizens. Throughout the last three decades, due toincreasing urban problems such as; environmental pollution, traffic and transportation issues, lower pedestrians’ safety againstmoving vehicles, jeopardizing the spiritual existence of valuable historical sites, lower visual quality of urban environments,and less social interactions. Which has created a worldwide momentum against the moving vehicles domination and diminishingof the pedestrianism. Consequently, pedestrianism and its necessities, which were ignored and forgotten urban issues, onceagain became one of the fundamental concerns in planning and development in urban design. This movement is called“Pedestrianism Movement”.In this research, after a discussion about the theory of pedestrianism and providing a literature review of the works done by theresearchers, the acceptance criteria and characterizations of a walkable environment and the major contributing factors instrengthening or weakening of the pedestrian system will be discussed. Finally, results of several case studies in potential streetsin Tehran are presented and recommendations will be provided to create a walkable environment and to accomplish thepedestrianism objectives.