The Complexity of Relationship between the Physical Environment and Residents' Walking in Tehran, Iran: A Qualitative Study
Subject Areas : Urban Design
Sara Dadpour
Hamid Reza Khankeh
1 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architectural Engineering and Urbanism, Shahrood University of Technology (SUT), Shahrood, Iran.
2 - Professor, Health in Emergency and Disaster Research Center, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences (USWR), Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Qualitative content analysis, Built Environment, Walking experience, Constant Comparative Analysis,
Abstract :
We know little about the physical environment -walking relationship in middle-east countries. There is also a need for qualitative approaches to studying this relationship. This study aimed to understand the physical contextual factors influencing the everyday walking experience of middle-aged residents in an area of Tehran, Iran. It utilized an inductive qualitative content analysis along with Constant Comparative Analysis (CCA). The main themes and categories explored were safety and security (sense of insecurity, sense of inadequate safety), comfort and convenience (lack of physical comfort, accessibility to destinations and amenities, the possibility to do rhythmic walking, sense of overcrowding), and aesthetics and attractiveness (variety and harmony, cleanliness and maintenance, natural elements). The subset concepts of the categories were also explored, including lighting, presence of others, air pollution, crossing streets, the surface of sidewalks, walking on the side of streets roadway, thermal comfort, stepping stairs, noise nuisance, distances to the neighborhood facilities, sitting places, characteristics of paths, overloaded streets, non-local offices and stores, variety and harmony of building facades, old buildings, a variety of colors, various stores, enclosure, upkeep of buildings, greenery, presence of water and birds, and natural sounds. Narrow and uneven sidewalks influenced walking in multiple aspects. This study proposed considerations and details to the general urban policies and interventions to encourage walking. The results of this study can facilitate urban designers and planners in creating community built environments, which promote clean transportation and public health.
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