Climate Change Trends and Effects on the Selected Food Crops Production: Evidence from the Amaro Kelle District of Southern Ethiopia
Subject Areas : Agricultural Education
Christian Nwofoke
Baynachew Bargissa
1 - Department of Agricultural Economics, Management and Extension, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria
2 - Department of Rural Development and Agricultural Extension, Mekelle University, Ethiopia.
Keywords: Climate Change, Trends, Production, Food Crops, Amaro Kelle,
Abstract :
Climate change trends show the change in weather elements which helps us better understand its significant effect on crop production. However, the essential work of scholars has been focusing on adaptation and mitigation strategies for climate change without giving due attention to climate change trends. Therefore, this study analyses trends in climate change concerning selected food crops in the Amaro Kelle District of Southern Ethiopia. Researchers collected Secondary data on climate change trends and chose food crop production from the Ethiopian national meteorological agency and the Amaro Kelle agricultural and rural development office. In addition, they used Microsoft Excel to analyse temperature, rainfall and crop production trends. Trend analysis shows an increase in maximum and minimum temperatures at the rate of 0.056 and 0.0787 0C per 32 years, while there is a decrease in annual rainfall at the rate of -7.6012 mm per 32 years. These climatic conditions increased maize and sorghum productivity at the rate of 713.69 and 376.56 tonnes per 12 years, respectively, and decreased productivity of teff and wheat at the rate of -2618.5 and -30.892 tonnes per 12 years, respectively. These findings indicated climate change's positive and negative effects on the district's food crop production and food security. Finally, the study suggests farmers of the district focus on the cultivation of those crops, which correlate positively with the increasing temperature and decreasing rainfall trend in the study area.
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