Conceptualization and Design of a Digital Content Marketing Model Using Structural Equation Approach
Subject Areas : Agriculture Marketing and Commercialization
Kamran Feizi
Hormoz Mehrani
Hossein Vazifehdust
Ehsan Sadeh
1 - Department of Business Management, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of Management, Ghazali Institute of Higher Education, Qazvin, Iran.
3 - Department of Management and Economics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
4 - Industrial Management Department, North Tehran branch,Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Digital Content Marketing, Online Marketing, Brand Awareness, Grounded Theory,
Abstract :
Conceptualization and Design of a Digital Content Marketing Model Using Structural Equation Approach Abstract Content marketing refers to the importance of valuable and relevant content in the marketing process. On the other hand, the growth and development of media and digital tools and the growing trend of their use have doubled the importance of paying attention to digital marketing tools and caused the emergence of a new topic called digital content marketing. The research presented the fit of the digital content marketing model to the economic, social, political, and cultural conditions of Iran. This research is practical in terms of purpose, and the researcher has used a quantitative method. The sampling method was a simple random method, according to Cochran's formula. The sample included 384 users of Digikala's Instagram page, which initially defined hypotheses and collected the necessary information through a 5-point Likert questionnaire. To measure the results of the research, the method of measuring structural validity and the method of modeling structural equations were used to test the hypotheses of the research, and with the help of SmartPLS.3 software, factor analysis of the dimensions of the research was also performed. After conducting the necessary analysis, it was found that there is a significant relationship between the variables discovered in the digital content marketing model, and the existing assumptions were confirmed. This result shows that the obtained model can be used in digital content marketing.
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Agricultural Marketing and Commercialization Journal 8(1), 51-69, 2024, ISSN Print: 2676640X, ISSN online: 2676-7570
Conceptualization and Design of a Digital Content Marketing Model Using Structural Equation Approach
Kamran Feizi1 , Hormoz Mehrani2, Hossein Vazifehdust3, Ehsan Sadeh4
Received: 20 Nov 2023/ Revised: 11 Feb 2024/ Accepted: 02 Mar 2024/ Published: 1 Jun 2024
© Islamic Azad University (IAU) 2024
Content marketing refers to the importance of valuable and relevant content in the marketing process. On the other hand, the growth and development of media and digital tools and the growing trend of their use have doubled the importance of paying attention to digital marketing tools and caused the emergence of a new topic called digital content marketing. The research presented the fit of the digital content marketing model to the economic, social, political, and cultural conditions of Iran. This research is practical in terms of purpose, and the researcher has used a quantitative method. The sampling method was a simple random method, according to Cochran's formula. The sample included 384 users of Digikala's Instagram page, which initially defined hypotheses and collected the necessary information through a 5-point Likert questionnaire. To measure the results of the research, the method of measuring structural validity and the method of modeling structural equations were used to test the hypotheses of the research, and with the help of SmartPLS.3 software, factor analysis of the dimensions of the research was also performed. After conducting the necessary analysis, it was found that there is a significant relationship between the variables discovered in the digital content marketing model, and the existing assumptions were confirmed. This result shows that the obtained model can be used in digital content marketing.
Keywords: Brand Awareness, Digital Content Marketing, Grounded Theory, Online Marketing
[1] Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Business Management, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
[2] Department of Management, Ghazali Institute of Higher Education, Qazvin, Iran.
[3] Business Management, Department of Management and Economics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
[4] Industrial Management, North Tehran branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Today, we live in a completely new world. The power structure as we know it is undergoing drastic changes. The Internet, which has brought connectivity and transparency to our lives, is primarily responsible for this power shift (Cutler et al., 2017). This rapid growth of the Internet has provided countless opportunities for companies and consumers, so that in addition to searching for information and establishing cross-border communication, the possibility of expressing opinions and feelings has been provided by social media. User's share and trade information with each other using various online interactive media and often recommend products and services with which they are satisfied. Now customers have dramatically changed their behavior in line with the technology and economic environment of the world. They obtain a large amount of information, learn about products and services and face them, increase their awareness of the product before contacting the seller, learn about the advertising process and its executive and operational details, and easily follow. They are not affected by it and lose their trust in the advertisement. On the other hand, they prefer customized products and services and change their shopping channels. In addition to making traditional advertising platforms more expensive, these cases have changed the rules of marketing. Therefore, manufacturing and service businesses have to modify or even change their marketing methods, branding policies, and communication activities with their customers and adapt to the latest trends to cope with the changes in their customers' demands and needs. "Content marketing" or marketing strategy through content, is one of the latest marketing strategies that aims to attract and retain customers by producing and distributing valuable, relevant, and reliable content (Pulizzi, 2014). On the other hand, with the development of technology and the emergence of the Internet and, as a result, mass communication media, businesses have reached a position where they can easily introduce their products with one click and make thousands of people aware of the existence of their goods and services, so digital marketing can It helps businesses in achieving their ultimate goals, i.e., more profit and market share, and facilitates optimal and more effective communication with their customers and audiences. At the same time, the development of the Internet and virtual space has also transformed the mechanisms of creating and maintaining relationships with customers. There are thousands of brands of every product and service in the market. Someone will be successful if he or she can introduce himself or her products or services well. Since the past, organizations have always been looking for new ways to introduce themselves or their products. The most effective approach in this regard is advertising (Terho et al., 2022). Advertisements were very expensive in the past, which led many managers and business owners to abandon this sector. Some of the advertising methods that were used in the past to introduce businesses are: distributing leaflets, installing billboards in the city, using advertising banners in the city, etc. Today, due to the advancement of science and technology and electronic commerce, advertising in marketing has taken a new form. Advertising plays a crucial role in marketing, so it can be the heart of marketing is advertising (Lopez et al., 2022).
In recent years, electronic businesses have grown rapidly and have gradually taken a good proportion of the country's industrial enterprises and have played an undeniable role in the country's economic growth. The emergence of digital networks and the widespread dissemination of technology dramatically changed human life compared with the latest technological tools of the previous decades (Torkestani et al., 1991). Thus, nowadays customers have dramatically changed their behavior in line with the technology and economic environment of the world (Rostami et al., 1401). Modern advertising is much cheaper than traditional advertising. (Smallpox, 2022). Despite the expansion of the Internet and social and mobile networks among individuals and society, advertising and marketing were also drawn in this direction. Advertising in Internet marketing is a very difficult task because low-quality ads have caused many users to distrust these type of ads (Chaniago et al., 2023). Therefore, in order to attract customers, customers' trust should be gained and customers should feel satisfied with our brand before buying a product or service, which can be found in digital content marketing (Mozaffari et al., 2023). In the meantime, the widespread and increasing penetration of social networks among users and the public has created new opportunities for people interested in creating content, so that they can use this opportunity to communicate directly with other users and without the need for large set up costs. Websites produce and share content in these networks. Content marketing is closely related to social network marketing and can be linked to each other (Chaniago et al., 2023). One of the most important aspects of digital marketing is the production and creation of valuable content. The combination of content and technology refers to the production of digital content. Content marketing is a method of marketing in which the organization, in order to attract and reach the audience, continuously creates and publishes valuable content that fits the conditions (including culture, interests of the audience, etc.), with the aim that the actions of customers convert be beneficial for the organization. In its broadest definition, digital content is any piece of information that creates added value for the organization and users (Indriani, 2023).
Today's society is based on information and knowledge. Organisations and organisational models are moving towards knowledge-based organizations. In such a society, "content is king" and paying attention to it and creating a mechanism that can produce valuable and relevant content to communicate with customers and audiences is very important and effective. On the other hand, recent developments in increasing the popularity of educational, interactive, and entertaining content, and the use of the content marketing approach (the latest marketing trend) which aims to attract and retain customers by producing and distributing valuable, relevant, and reliable content (Pulizzi, 2014) have made it inevitable in dynamic and attractive forms (Nasseri, 2017). Creating content is a factor in communicating with users, and along with the awareness and interest created, it creates trust and provides a prelude to creating a transaction.
Content marketing techniques can be different according to the space in which the content is published; however, they all have one point in common; producing quality content. In addition to this high-quality content, one of the company's values should be introduced to the audience. This value can be a product, a service, or anything that turns a user into a customer; In other words, content marketing is started with the aim of establishing a relationship with the user and continues to seek to convert them into customers. Producing quality and principled content is the best way to attract a loyal audience. This is why Google has paid the most attention to this issue and always insists that websites publish content that leads the user to the desired answer. Therefore, it allocates the highest positions of its search results to such sites. Since good content attracts the attention of users and user attraction is the goal of all marketing branches, the targeted production of content to increase the visits and attention of users is called content marketing. In content marketing, which is one of the subsets of digital marketing, it is tried to compile standard content by observing all the rules of text writing, optimal use of images, video, infographics, podcasts, etc. and publish it through the website and other tools and make it available to potential customer's conflict, participation and attracting their attention. Engagement means engaging and attracting the attention of a person or different people, which means you have to attract the attention of your followers. For example, a picture can be more effective than a thousand words. (International Council of Shopping Centers, 2013).
Digital content marketing, which is defined as "a management process responsible for identifying, anticipating, and satisfying profitable customer needs" through relevant digital content (Rowley, 2008), has been described as an important relationship marketing tool and as a contributor to the development of consumer relationships and are attachments to brands, thereby contributing to company performance (Carranza, Kakkar, 2017). According to them 70% of consumers want to learn about products through content provided through, for example, blogs, as opposed to traditional advertising (Gutierrez, 2022). ). The growing importance of digital content marketing is obvious (Carmody, 2017; Hollebeek and Brodie, 2016). Today, using traditional marketing methods to attract customers, in a world where the Internet is opening its place in people's daily lives more than ever, does not be an efficient method. This is because the internet platform can be used well for marketing various products and services. In other words, the internet platform makes it possible to connect with a large community of potential customers and introduce products and services more effectively by spending less time and money. To take advantage of this golden opportunity, today a new generation of marketing, called digital marketing, is used, which places the Internet platform as a bridge between business owners and potential customers and enables the introduction of various businesses, products, and services. Despite the various methods in digital marketing, it is necessary to consider the most appropriate strategy. Digital marketing has become an integral part of online businesses. Today, with the expansion of Internet businesses and the increase of users in this field, the Internet has become a vast source for attracting audiences. Considering the increasing acceptance of digital channels and the growing trend of using them with the aim of influencing the target audience and encouraging them to receive goods/services, as well as considering the affordability and greater coverage of the target market, especially the target age groups in digital marketing compared to traditional marketing, this marketing method has attracted the attention of most large and small businesses as well as advertising agencies in developed countries.
Due to the novelty of digital marketing and due to unfamiliarity with its capabilities, including greater interaction with audiences, ease of measuring effectiveness, low cost, etc., as well as unfamiliarity with its methods such as email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, and search engine marketing, it has been less welcomed by domestic businesses. On the one hand, considering the many research capacities in this field, few studies have been conducted in the field of digital marketing, especially in the field of identifying the different components and dimensions of digital content marketing in various industries, hence paying attention to this issue and conducting more research in this field. It seems necessary in advance.
Organizations, businesses, and companies must pay attention to producing valuable and relevant content with customers and consumers to reach the point of action and actually buy their products. Therefore, that paying attention to the content and marketing based on it requires a specific framework and model that explains the necessary components and is used as a practical guide for those entering this field. However, contrary to the growing importance of digital content marketing, no comprehensive study has been conducted in this regard to provide researchers with comprehensive view of digital content marketing. Studies conducted on digital content marketing have dealt with this issue in a partial manner, in that digital content marketing has been considered as only one variable and the components and dimensions affecting digital content marketing have not been comprehensively studied and identified. It is expected that the findings of this study will provide a theoretical basis for further research on digital content marketing and add to the literature in this field that this model can be the basis for effective and comprehensive actions in the future for appropriate decisions toward digital content marketing. Also, considering the role and importance of electronic markets, addressing this issue will lead to the improvement of marketing, and digital advertising in the short term, and consequently the use of correct content to introduce products and services in the domestic and foreign arenas, and in the long term, the development of digital content. Therefore, the main problem of the research is to answer these questions; what is the conceptual model of digital content marketing? What are the main components and dimensions of this model?
Digital content marketing
The concept of digital content marketing was introduced by Koiuso and Kantilla in 2004, and it means marketing products in a way that both companies and product delivery are digital. Such digital content is an important part of the business landscape (Kouiso and Kantilla, 2004; Rowley, 2008). Digital content is used in a variety of ways in marketing communications. This work focuses on the relatively new phenomenon of marketing, where digital content is used as a pull marketing technique to attract customers. In other words, content marketing is a form of pull marketing in which content about products or services is provided for free by the organization/company improve their communication with other companies and customers (Nasseri, 2017). Content marketing is a relatively new topic in the field of marketing, which refers to the importance of valuable and relevant content in the marketing process (Roshandel Arbatani et al., 2015). On the other hand, the growth and development of media and digital tools and the growing trend of their use by users, the importance of attention It has doubled the digital marketing tools. Since content marketing is a subset of digital marketing, a new topic called digital content marketing has emerged which has gained double importance with the emergence of digital tools. Note that producing high-quality content attracts more audience to the website and increases the site traffic. Today, excellent and engaging content is one of the most important challenges and the main priority of marketers. Engaging content is one of the top three reasons people follow brands on social media; More than 90% of customers find personalized content useful and 78% believe that companies that produce personalized content are interested in creating good relationships with customers (Kisanova, 2015).
In the landscape of growing consumer-company interactions online, digital content marketing that foster brand engagement and trust is on the rise. However, despite the special interest of practitioners, academic research on digital content marketing has been neglected, which has resulted in an important knowledge gap (Hollebeek and Mackey, 2019). Digital content marketing has been introduced as an important and growing tool for cultivating consumer awareness (Carranza, 2017), creating consumer engagement and engagement (Ashley and Totten, 2015; Raso, 2016), converting sales leads (Kakkar, 2017), building trust (Dohan , 2015), and creating loyalty (Wang et al., 2017; Roggio, 2017), Conversely, global digital content marketing revenue, which grew from $87.2 billion in 2009 to $144.8 billion in 2014, is projected to grow to over $313.4 billion by 2023 (Statista, 2017). . A digital trends survey by eConsultancy and Adobe (2018) shows that compelling content that nurtures and creates a digital customer experience is among the top ten digital marketing priorities in 2019 and will continue to rise. This is why nearly nine out of ten B2B marketers in North America say that content marketing is an important marketing tactic for their companies; they agree (Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profs, 2020).
Theoretical background
With the increase in the price of advertising platforms and changes in customer behavior, marketing rules have also changed, and manufacturing and service businesses are forced to adapt to the latest marketing trends, including content marketing (Nasri et al., 2016). One of the most common goals of content marketing is to increase brand awareness. In fact, the main goal is for the audience to determine and react to the valuable content produced. Companies should understand that having more contact points with customers and higher volume of advertising messages does not necessarily mean an increase in effectiveness. It is essential for a company to distinguish itself among customers and to maintain a few small but important contact points with customers. In fact, just one pleasant and unexpected moment with a brand is enough for a customer to become a loyal brand supporter (Kotler et al., 2017). According to the Ericsson Mobility report, more than 70% of the world's population will own a mobile phone by 2022. In addition, approximately 80% of mobile data traffic will be dedicated to smartphones (Kotler et al., 2017), so delivering engaging content through these devices will be especially important. A 2015 study by marketing research firm Nielsen found that 83% of respondents in 60 countries said they relied on friends and family members as their most reliable source of advertising, and 66% relied on online reviews. (Kotler et al., 2017). At its core, the Internet is a place where people come together to explore, interact with others, and share content. People have an almost insatiable demand for content on the Internet. According to most conservative estimates, more than 1,000 blog posts are created every minute and 72% of new videos are uploaded to YouTube (Dice, Ryan, 2017).
Today, content production is crucial in the digital market and is a concerns of business owners. Therefore, business owners should not neglect this issue. However should prioritize content creation in their activities. But the important issue in creating content in social networks is not just writing a text. Rather, the way the audience conveys and understands the written text and how that text creates value for the consumer is essential. So that the consumer (audience) makes a purchase (Lopez et al., 2022). Today's economic conditions in Iran, despite sanctions and the emergence of the corona virus, which has led to economic stagnation, have doubled the importance of paying attention to digital content in marketing. Regarding the importance of content and digital marketing, Professor Kotler and his colleagues wrote their latest books under the title of "Fourth Age Marketing and Fifth Age Marketing, Moving from Traditional Marketing to Digital Marketing" in 2017 and 2020. They addressed the necessity of reviewing traditional marketing methods and entering the age of digital marketing, knowing its features, tools, and methods, and how to succeed in it by producing attractive and audience-friendly digital content. Today, if you can digitize information, you will be able to measure it. The importance of measurement in marketing has increased as much as the importance of digital marketing. Data measurement, online conversion rate calculation, and digital branding are essential and there is no tool to accurately identify them; The vacuum of benefiting from a management dashboard for marketing managers that provides this possibility and provides the possibility of measuring the effectiveness of digital content in all digital content marketing activities and thus provides the possibility of optimizing digital content based on the audience's reaction in the shortest possible time. It seems noticeable. Since there is no comprehensive conceptual model in the field of digital content marketing that can be used to design this management dashboard, a comprehensive conceptual model must be designed in this field. For this reason, in this study, an attempt has been made to design and explain the conceptual model of digital content marketing.
Table 1. Summary of research on digital content marketing
Row | Researcher | Research Title | Most Important Findings | |
1 | Torkestani et al., 2022 | Identifying indicators of digital content management to increase the involvement of cyberspace users using a hybrid approach | Among all the identified categories, the possibility of personalising the content for each audience, the feelings hidden in the content and the date of publication of the content, the author's membership and his/her identity in the online community were the highest priorities. | |
2 | Zamani et al., 2022 | Designing a Content Marketing Model to increase purchase intention in digital marketing | Digital marketing strategies are the underlying factor of the model that affects the content marketing strategy. In addition, the content marketing strategy itself affects consumers’ knowledge management and the quality of service delivery and development, ultimately leading to consumer conflict. Finally, by creating brand value and increasing its competitiveness, consumers’ purchase intentions' can be increased. | |
3 | Rostami et al., 2022 | Providing a digital content marketing model to create consumer value | The process of achieving a digital content marketing model is a multifaceted issue. It requires simultaneous attention to the following factors: causal factors (mixed design of content marketing, focus on producing various types of content and online platforms), contextual factors (creativity in the digital market; attention to customers in content production, low production cost) content and digital branding), interventions (preparation and access to the web; crises and natural events, technical knowledge of the company and awareness of market issues), and finally strategies (planning to update content, distribute related content, create interactive content). Creating value for the customer by increasing information and decision-making power, creating value for the customer through improving relationships with customers, increasing the power of content marketers, and improving the content provided are also identified as the consequences of implementing the digital content marketing model. | |
4 | Boban et al., 2020 | Impact of digital transformation and digital marketing on brand promotion, positioning, and e-business |
However, in this study, social networks were analyzed as the most common form of digital marketing in the market, and Google analysis was the most common method to measure the effects of digital marketing. In addition, the results showed that the more a company relies on the use of digital marketing in its business, the greater its impact on brand promotion and brand positioning. | |
5 | Matthew and Soleyman (2020) |
Does digital content marketing affect tourism consumer behaviour? Development of the technology acceptance model | Perceived enjoyment and convenience are precursors to customers’ attitudes, which in turn influence their intention and behaviour to use digital content marketing to purchase or choose a specific tourism product/service. This study also contributes to the knowledge of this field. The digital content marketing literature in the field of tourism in general and in the target area in particular also adds to the studies on digital technologies by expanding two important constructs related to tourism consumer behaviour. The practical implications greatly support marketers and tourism officials in developing their tourism strategies and marketing activities. | |
6 | Busca and Bertrandíaz (2020) | A framework for digital marketing research: examining four cultural periods of digital marketing | This research, concludes that behaviorus and platforms are interdependent and the Internet is a consequence and a determinant of the behaviour of consumers and companies. | |
7 | Lou and Xie (2020) | A social issue, a fun issue? How digital content marketing enhances consumer experience and brand loyalty. | The research findings emphasised the value of brand content marketing in shaping customers experiences and brand loyalty. Brands with high product engagement can invest in creating content that has informative or entertaining value that helps create pleasant consumer experiences. The current findings show that social value plays an insignificant role in consumer brand experience, especially for high-involvement product. The two products used in this study often act as beneficial products. This study examined brand videos on YouTube. Online video undoubtedly promises the most growth in ad revenue, however, visual feature-based platforms such as Instagram (mainly images) also offer great potential for branded content marketing. Furthermore, this research conceptualized and examined emotional processing as a central mechanism that explains the impact of brand content marketing on brand loyalty. | |
8 | Bu et al., 2021 | Digital Content Marketing as a Catalyst for Electronic Word-of-Mouth Marketing in Food Tourism | This article examines how digital content marketing can create social influence, and how this social influence can lead to electronic word-of-mouth communication. A sample of 707 Chinese tourists completed an online survey. The results indicate a positive relationship between content entertainment and informational social influence and between self-expression and normative social influence. Content information and social interaction had a positive relationship with normative and informational social influence. Normative and informational social influences have a positive effect on electronic word-of-mouth communication. Social influence plays a mediating role between digital content marketing and electronic word-of-mouth communication. | |
9 | Fur (2019) | Best practises in digital content marketing for building academic brands | This article encourages and challenges colleges and universities to experiment with newer, more consumerist models of branding that reliant on valuable and engaging digital marketing content. This article examines and suggests the use of digital content marketing as a branding tool for colleges and universities. A review of academic literature and industry trade articles highlights some best practises that higher education institutions may use to implement digital content marketing. Among these methods, the following can be mentioned: o Determine the objective(s) of the content marketing program o Focus to content that meets the needs of customers o Combining branded and unbranded content for maximum brand impact o Using visual content to increase consumer engagement | |
10 |
Taiminen, Kimmo and Ranaweera 2019
Fostering brand engagement and valuable business-to-business communications through digital content marketing : The role of brand contributors |
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11 | Hollebeek , & Macky (2019) | Role of digital content marketing in fostering consumer engagement, trust, and value: framework, underlying propositions, and implications | This study identifies the important implications of consumer-based digital content marketing, including informed consumption and satisfaction, hedonic performance, and motivation-based validity for digital content marketing interactions. The first-order consequences and internal interaction of digital content marketing include the cognitive, emotional, and behaviorual involvement of consumers, which lead to the strengthening of the sense of belonging to the brand, identification, and citizenship behaviorus. These, in turn, stimulate and create second-level outcomes and super-interactions of digital content marketing brand trust and brand attitude, which in turn contribute to the development of consumer digital content marketing outcomes and company-based brand equity. |
Method and Materials
This research is practical in terms of purpose and is among the quantitative research methods. The community of this research is all the customers of Digikala, whose number is uncountable. Therefore, a simple random sampling method was used, and the sample size based on Cochran's formula was 384 people.
In inferential analysis, the researcher always deals with sampling and selecting a small group called a sample. The purpose of inferential analysis is to generalize the results obtained from the researcher's observations in his selected sample to the original population, and the researcher tests the hypothesis based on the values obtained in the selected sample. In this part, structural equation modeling was used to test the research hypotheses. Based on the method of measuring structural validity and with the help of SmartPLS.3 software, the factor analysis of the dimensions of the research has been done, and based on the statistical convention, the factor loading values should be higher than 0.6% in order to keep the desired item in the analysis and the factor loading values In all cases, it is higher than 0.6 percent. In addition, the value of Cronbach's alpha is above 0.7, composite reliability is above 0.7, and AVE is above 0.5, which confirms convergent validity and reliability.
Table 2. Description of fit indices (validity and reliability) (Rosouli et al., 2017)
| Index type | Index description |
Reliability indicators | (Composite Reliability (CR)) | Considering that Cronbach’s alpha provides a stricter estimate of the internal consistency reliability of the underlying variables (alpha), another version called (composite reliability) is used in PLS path models If the values are greater than 0.7, they are considered suitable. |
Cronbach's alpha | Along with composite reliability, it is considered as a supplementary criterion, values above 0.7 are acceptable | |
(Indicator Reliability) | To ensure the reliability of the indicator (Indicator Reliability), all factor loadings of the indicators must be greater than 0.7. Indicators with a factor load of less than 0.4 should be removed from the model. Loads between 0.4 and 0.7 are removed when their removal increases the validity and reliability criteria in the model. | |
Narrative indicators | Convergent validity (AVE) | Convergent validity expresses the high correlation of the indicators of a structure with the correlation of the indicators of other structures, which should be evaluated in the model. To evaluate the validity of convergence in the Smart PLS software, The verage variance extracted (AVE) is used. The value of this coefficient varies from 0 to 1, and values higher than 0.5 are accepted. |
Research hypotheses
The first hypothesis is that: the causal conditions of the research (internet, ease of use, popularity of virtual space, ease of communication with customers, features of virtual network, attractiveness of digital content marketing, change of customer behavior, change of current structures) have a significant effect on digital content marketing in Digikala Instagram users.
The second hypothesis is that: digital content marketing has a significant effect on the research strategies of Digikala Instagram users.
The third hypothesis is that: research intervention factors (technical limitations, competitors, lack of access, ignorance, and covid-19) significantly impact research strategies among Digikala Instagram users.
The fourth hypothesis is that: the background factors of the research (personal characteristics, social characteristics) have a significant effect on the research strategies of Digikala Instagram users.
The fifth hypothesis is that: Research strategies (enjoying, increasing participation, providing diverse services to users, using various methods of increasing the audience, exchanging information, improving the infrastructure, audience-friendly style, customer orientation) have a significant impact on the results of the research on Digikala Instagram users.
Testing the research hypotheses
Considering that the model of this research measures the relationships between several hidden variables (the main variables of the research) simultaneously, structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data and test the hypotheses. In this research, in order to obtain more accurate results, to test the conceptual model of the research, the PLS method was used, which is a variance-based path modeling technique that provides the possibility of examining theory and metrics simultaneously (Fornell and Larcker, 1981). In this method, two models were examined: (1) the external model, which was used to examine the relationships between the indicators (research questions) and the related main variables, which is actually equivalent to the same measurement model in covariance-based methods. (2) The internal model which evaluates the structural part of the model and is used to examine the relationships between the hidden variables (main variables) on which research hypotheses are formed based on the relationships between them.
External model (measurement) of the research hypotheses
In the first stage of the data analysis phase, the data should be measured with the measurement model to determine whether the model has an acceptable level of validity and reliability. By examining this model, the relationship between the observed variables and indicators is determined. This step is performed using the PLS-Algorithm function.
After measuring reliability and convergent validity, the divergent validity or Fornell-Larker test should be performed. The Fornell-Larker criterion claims that a variable should have more dispersion among its own variables compared with the variables of other variables. Therefore, from a statistical point of view, the AVE of each local variable must be greater than the highest square of the correlation of that variable with other local variables. To reduce calculations, you can use its equivalent method, i.e. AVE root or correlations.
External model (measurement) of the research hypotheses
In the first stage, data analysis should be performed using the measurement model to determine whether the model has an acceptable level of validity and reliability. By examining this model, the relationship between the variables and the observed indicators is determined. This step is performed using the PLS-algorithm function.
After measuring the reliability and convergent validity, the divergent validity or Fornell-Larker test was performed. Fornell-Larker's criterion claims that a variable should have more dispersion among its own variables compared with the variables of other variables. Therefore, from a statistical point of view, the AVE of each local variable must be greater than the highest square of the correlation of that variable with other local variables.
Fornell_Larker criterion figure
In the examination of the Fornell and Larker criteria, it was shown that the values on the main diameter of the matrix (the second root of the explained variance values (AVE)) are greater than all the values in the corresponding row and column. This also shows the correlation of the indicators with the structure. It depends on them.
According to the results obtained from the measurement model in the SmartPLS software, which are shown in the validity and reliability of the model, and according to the explanations of the acceptance threshold for the mentioned indicators, all the results obtained in the measurement model are confirmed. Therefore, we conclude that the proposed has a good fit. Therefore, the final model was able to properly express the relationships between the questions describing the variable. In the next step, path analysis (or structural model) is examined.
Table 3. Fornell-Larcker criterion
consequences | Causal conditions | Strategies | Intervening reasons | Background reasons | Digital content marketing |
| 0.799 | Digital content marketing |
| 0.864 | 0.762 | Background reasons |
| 0.842 | 0.571 | 0.679 | Intervening reasons |
| 0.789 | 0.573 | 0.775 | 0.729 | Strategies |
| 0.913 | 0.502 | 0.766 | 0.522 | 0.632 | Causal conditions |
0.948 | 0.740 | 0.618 | 0.774 | 0.675 | 0.745 | consequences |
Internal model (fitting the structural model of research)
At this stage, the structural model and the relationships between the structures should be examined. The bootstrapping function is used for this purpose. The number of statistical samples in this research is 384 people, and 500 people are considered as bootstrap test samples.
The numerical value in the relationships indicates the t-value, which is actually the main criterion for confirming or rejecting the hypotheses. If this value of statistics is greater than 1.64, 1.96, and 2.57, respectively, the hypothesis is confirmed at the 90, 95 and 99% levels.
Criterion of the coefficient of determination
The most common criterion for checking the fit of the structural model in a research is the R2 coefficients related to the endogenous (dependent) hidden variables of the model. R2 is a measure that indicates the effect of an exogenous variable on an endogenous variable, and three values of 0.19, 0.33, and 0.67 are considered as the criterion values for weak, moderate, and strong values of R2. According to Table 4, the value of R2 was calculated for the endogenous structures of the research, which confirms the appropriateness of the fit of the structural model according to the three numerical values that are criteria. As illustrated in Table 4, these values are in the appropriate range
Table 4. R Square
| R Square | Result |
Digital content marketing | 0.853 | Strong |
Strategies | 0.939 | Strong |
consequences | 0.875 | Strong |
Stone- Geisser criterion
This is another criterion that shows the predictive power of the model, and if the Aston Geisser value for a dependent (endogenous) variable has three values of 0.02, 0.15, and 0.35, it indicates weak, medium, and high predictive power, respectively. The strength of the independent variable or variables (exogenous) is related to that of the dependent variable. This criterion measures the quality of the structural model for each endogenous block.
Table 5. Stone-Geisser criterion (Filling index) (Q2)
Variable | Q² | Result |
Digital content marketing | 0.393 | Strong |
Strategies | 0.429 | Strong |
consequences | 0.408 | Strong |
Table 5 shows the values related to Q2, which, according to the numerical value of the criterion, shows the power of the model for proper prediction, and the fit of the structural model is confirmed once again.
Assumptions results:
The result of the first hypothesis
The causal conditions of the research (internet, ease of use, popularity of virtual space, ease of communication with customers, virtual network features, attractiveness of digital content marketing, changing customer behavior, changing current structures) have a significant (positive) effect on digital content marketing in Digikala Instagram users. Considering that the t.value is outside the range of 2.57 and -2.57, this hypothesis is confirmed at the confidence level of 99%. The results of this hypothesis agree with previous studies.
The result of the second hypothesis
Digital content marketing has a significant (positive) effect on the research strategies of Digikala Instagram users. Considering that the t.value is outside the range of 2.57 and -2.57, this hypothesis is confirmed at the confidence level of 99%. The results of this hypothesis agree with previous studies.
Result of the third hypothesis
Research intervention factors (technical limitations, competitors, lack of access, ignorance, and covid-19) have a significant (negative) effect on research strategies among Digikala Instagram users. Considering that the t.value is outside the range of 2.57 and -2.57, this hypothesis is confirmed at the confidence level of 99%. The results of this hypothesis agree with previous studies.
Result of the fourth hypothesis
Research background factors (individual characteristics, social characteristics) have a significant (positive) effect on the research strategies of digital Instagram users. Considering that the t.value is outside the range of 2.57 and -2.57, this hypothesis is confirmed at the confidence level of 99%. The results of this hypothesis agree with previous studies.
Result of the fifth hypothesis
Research strategies (enjoying, increasing participation, and providing diverse services to users, using various methods of increasing audience, exchanging information, improving infrastructure, audience-friendly style, and customer orientation) have a significant (positive) effect on the results of research on Digikala Instagram users. Considering that the t.value is outside the range of 2.57 and -2.57, this hypothesis is confirmed at the confidence level of 99%. The results of this hypothesis agree with previous studies.
Table 6. Results of rejecting and confirming the research hypotheses
Hypothesis | Path of the hypothesis | T- statistics | Multiply the route | Desired significance | Significant level | Result |
1 | Causal Conditions à Digital content marketing | 4.129 | 0.624 | P<0.05 | 000/0 | Accepted |
2 | Strategies Digital Content marketing à | 5.014 | 0.301 | P<0.05 | 000/0 | Accepted |
3 | Intervening reasons à Strategies | 6.190 | 0.395 | P<0.05 | 000/0 | Accepted |
4 | Background reasons à Strategies | 6.968 | 0.240 | P<0.05 | 000/0 | Accepted |
5 | Strategies à consequences | 7.686 | 0.535 | P<0.05 | 000/0 | Accepted |
Since identifying the phenomenon and describing the process and conditions of digital content marketing is the goal of the research, the foundational data theory was selected from among the qualitative methods to examine five main categories, causal conditions, contextual conditions, intervention factors, strategies and, consequences. Then, a questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale was distributed among a small statistical population that included Digikala Instagram users. In the statistical sample, which is 384 people, 48% are men and 52% are women, and their age range is between 21 and 25 years, which is nearly 28% of the statistical sample and has the highest percentage. Most people also have a bachelor's degree. The obtained results show that the discovered variables have a significant impact in their category, which were ranked according to the impact on each variable. Finally, the relationship of the main categories was tested in the form of hypotheses using Smart PLS software, the results of which are summarized as follows:
In this research, 8 categories of basic strategies include: 1. making it enjoyable 2. Increasing participation 3. Providing diverse services to users 4. Using various methods to increase the audience 5. Information exchange 6. Improving infrastructure 7. Audience-friendly style 8. Customer orientation became. Making it enjoyable in this research includes gamification in social networks, visualizing content according to people's tastes, using humorous content and, entertaining content. Increasing participation in digital content was discovered by: using celebrities, participating in online campaigns, holding contests, and building trust and commitment in customers. The various services that can be paid for in the production of digital content to attract the audience are include: offering discounts, bonuses to users, free training, and support. The methods of increasing the audience in this research include: providing outstanding and strange information, producing educational content, producing therapeutic content, producing sports content, using new ideas to produce content, producing pristine and new content, teaching new methods of producing content, increasing quality, advertising Extensive, social network viral marketing, and content creation based on the most frequent words. In this research, information exchange includes sampling from external pages, sampling from successful pages, participation in online campaigns and, content exchange. Improving the infrastructure in the field of digital content includes increasing the speed of the Internet, website design and, the production of powerful internal applications. Audience-friendly style in the current research includes creating distinction, special and unique style, being up-to-date, using special effects, and mastering body language. In this research, customer orientation includes content production based on society's problems, compliance with professional ethics, monitoring customer needs, finding customers' tastes, and honesty in content production.
In this research, the causal conditions of the research, including the (Internet, ease of use, popularity of virtual space, ease of communication with customers, characteristics of virtual network, attractiveness of digital content marketing, change in customer behavior, change in current structures) were identified.
In the current research, the intervention factors of the research also include: (technical limitations, competitors, lack of access, ignorance, and covid-19).
In the current research, the intervention factors include: (technical limitations, competitors, lack of access, ignorance, and covid-19) were identified.
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