
  • ابراهیمی.سیدفواد function and type of verbs in the Introduction section of research Articles in English literary studies [ دوره2, شماره 4 - زمستان سال 2023]


  • حیدری تبریزی.حسین Virtual Reality (VR) Assistive Technology Among EFL Learners With Expressive Language Disorder (ELD): Effectiveness, Feasibility, and Risks [ دوره2, شماره 3 - پاییز سال 2023]


  • رحیمی اصفهانی.فریبا Effect of Consciousness-raising via Vocabulary Input Flooding on Iranian Intermediate Learners’ Writing Fluency [ دوره2, شماره 1 - بهار سال 2023]
  • رئیسی سیستانی.شهرام Perception and Misperception of Violence: A Žižekian Study of Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye and Beloved [ دوره2, شماره 4 - زمستان سال 2023]


  • سید رضایی.سید حسن Pedagogical Implementation of Stylistic Imitation in Grammar- based Writing Instruction in EFL Classes [ دوره2, شماره 3 - پاییز سال 2023]


  • شهابی.حسن The Impact of Afrofuturism on the Voice and Identity in Contemporary Black Female Narratives [ دوره2, شماره 3 - پاییز سال 2023]



  • کوهی.داود An Investigation on EFL Teachers’ Defining their Possible Selves in the Future: Teaching Experience in Focus [ دوره2, شماره 3 - پاییز سال 2023]