فهرست مقالات محمد فودازی

  • مقاله

    1 - Magmatic interactions as recorded in plagioclase phenocrysts of quaternary volcanics in SE Bam (SE Iran)
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences , شماره 4 , سال 11 , تابستان 2019
    In the southeast of Iran (SE Bam), there is a collection of volcanic rocks with andesite, basalt and trachyandesite composition. The textures of these rocks are often porphyritic with microlithic, porphyric cavity, and sometimes glomeroporphyritic, sore throat trachytic چکیده کامل
    In the southeast of Iran (SE Bam), there is a collection of volcanic rocks with andesite, basalt and trachyandesite composition. The textures of these rocks are often porphyritic with microlithic, porphyric cavity, and sometimes glomeroporphyritic, sore throat trachytic. Main minerals include olivine, clinopyroxene, plagioclase and secondary minerals including opaque minerals, Iddingsite, secondary biotite, chlorite and calcite. The analysis of magma textures gives us valuable information about magmatic processes. Micro textures in plagioclase of volcanic rocks in the region are divided into two groups: a) texture-linked to crystalline growth including: sieve texture, oscillatory zoning and degraded surfaces and b) Morphological textures such as glomerular crystals. Sieve texture and zoning in crystal represent processes such as magmatic mixing and abrupt reduction of pressure and, in general, unbalanced conditions in magmatic reservoirs. Based on electron microscope studies, plagioclase of igneous rocks of the region is within the boundaries of labradorite and bytownite.In the southeast of bam, there is a collection of volcanic rocks with andesite, basalt and trachy andesite composition. The texture of these rocks are often porphyritic with microlithic, porphyric cavity, and sometimes glomerulophorphuri, sore throat trachytic. Main minerals include Olivine, Clinopyroxene, Plagioclase and secondary minerals including opaque minerals, Iodenzyte, secondary Biotite, Chlorite and Calcite. Sieve texture and zoning in crystal represent processes such as magmatic mixing and abrupt reduction of pressure and, in general, unbalanced conditions in magmatic reservoirs. پرونده مقاله