فهرست مقالات عبداله یزدی

  • مقاله

    1 - Magmatic interactions as recorded in plagioclase phenocrysts of quaternary volcanics in SE Bam (SE Iran)
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences , شماره 4 , سال 11 , تابستان 2019
    In the southeast of Iran (SE Bam), there is a collection of volcanic rocks with andesite, basalt and trachyandesite composition. The textures of these rocks are often porphyritic with microlithic, porphyric cavity, and sometimes glomeroporphyritic, sore throat trachytic چکیده کامل
    In the southeast of Iran (SE Bam), there is a collection of volcanic rocks with andesite, basalt and trachyandesite composition. The textures of these rocks are often porphyritic with microlithic, porphyric cavity, and sometimes glomeroporphyritic, sore throat trachytic. Main minerals include olivine, clinopyroxene, plagioclase and secondary minerals including opaque minerals, Iddingsite, secondary biotite, chlorite and calcite. The analysis of magma textures gives us valuable information about magmatic processes. Micro textures in plagioclase of volcanic rocks in the region are divided into two groups: a) texture-linked to crystalline growth including: sieve texture, oscillatory zoning and degraded surfaces and b) Morphological textures such as glomerular crystals. Sieve texture and zoning in crystal represent processes such as magmatic mixing and abrupt reduction of pressure and, in general, unbalanced conditions in magmatic reservoirs. Based on electron microscope studies, plagioclase of igneous rocks of the region is within the boundaries of labradorite and bytownite.In the southeast of bam, there is a collection of volcanic rocks with andesite, basalt and trachy andesite composition. The texture of these rocks are often porphyritic with microlithic, porphyric cavity, and sometimes glomerulophorphuri, sore throat trachytic. Main minerals include Olivine, Clinopyroxene, Plagioclase and secondary minerals including opaque minerals, Iodenzyte, secondary Biotite, Chlorite and Calcite. Sieve texture and zoning in crystal represent processes such as magmatic mixing and abrupt reduction of pressure and, in general, unbalanced conditions in magmatic reservoirs. پرونده مقاله

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    2 - Sedimentological and provenance analysis of the Cretaceous Moro formation Rakhi Gorge, Eastern Sulaiman Range, Pakistan
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences , شماره 5 , سال 13 , پاییز 2021
    The Cretaceous Moro Formation from the Rakhi Nala section Dera Ghazi Khan has been studied in detail to investigate the Sedimentology and provenance. This paper describes the litho-facies changes, depositional environment, and provenance analysis of the Cretaceous Moro چکیده کامل
    The Cretaceous Moro Formation from the Rakhi Nala section Dera Ghazi Khan has been studied in detail to investigate the Sedimentology and provenance. This paper describes the litho-facies changes, depositional environment, and provenance analysis of the Cretaceous Moro Formation from the Rakhi Nala section, eastern Sulaiman Range. The studied Formation is 110-140 meters thick and consists mainly of fine to coarse-grained sandstone, with minor-siltstone, mudstone (claystone, shale), and limestone. The uppermost beds of the Moro Formation are consist of sandstone with iron types of cement. Twelve lithofacies have been identified based on a petrographic investigation related to the depositional environment of the Moro Formation ranging from deltaic to marine setting (Delta Plain-Delta front). Petrographic analysis of sandstone reveals the presence of quartz both, mono-crystalline and poly-crystalline, less feldspar; heavy minerals like hematite and magnetite, and glauconite were found in negligible amounts. Detrital mineral composition shows that in Moro Formation, the sandstone shows a litharenite. Modal composition of the sandstone from the QFL diagram was Q 66% F 0.3% L 33.7% and that of the QmFLt diagram was QM, 57% F 0.23% L 43.77%. The overall average composition is Q 61.5% F 0.27% L 38.7%. A total of 37 thin-sections are studied for provenance analysis, out of which twenty-seven samples are considered as Litharenite (this shows recycled, or craton interior origin), eight Quartz arenite categories are identified and two samples are fall in the sublitharenites category (Quarts recycled source area). پرونده مقاله

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    3 - Petrology and tectono-magmatic environment of the volcanic rocks of West Torud – Iran
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences , شماره 1 , سال 14 , زمستان 2022
    Middle-Upper Eocene volcanic and volcano-sedimentary rocks of the Torud region have been formed by the sequences of basic-intermediate lavas, pyroclastic rocks, and sedimentary layers (e.g., siltstone, sandstone, and nummulite-bearing limestone) within a shallow marine چکیده کامل
    Middle-Upper Eocene volcanic and volcano-sedimentary rocks of the Torud region have been formed by the sequences of basic-intermediate lavas, pyroclastic rocks, and sedimentary layers (e.g., siltstone, sandstone, and nummulite-bearing limestone) within a shallow marine basin. According to microscopic studies, the volcanic rocks of the region include basalt, basaltic andesite, trachyandesite, andesite, and dacite. These rocks have originated from the differential crystallization processes and occasionally calc-alkaline contamination geochemical properties. Generally, they contain olivine, clinopyroxene, and plagioclase ± amphibole minerals. Porphyritic to megaporphyritic textures with microlithic and flow matrixes are observed in these rocks. Studying the main and rare elements of these rocks indicates that reducing MgO content is accompanied by an increase in Al2O3, K2O, Na2O, and SiO2 and a decrease in Fe2O3 and CaO concentrations. These rocks are mainly enriched in LIL and LREE elements but depleted of HFS elements. The prominent features of these rocks are the presence of positive anomalies in the K, Sr, Rb, and Ba elements, the depletion of some samples of Nb and Ta, and their depletion of Ti and P. This result reveals the crustal contamination of the mantle mafic magma constructing these rocks. According to the geochemical data, magmatic pollution has not been an effective process in the formation of these rocks. In addition, the relatively higher levels of Cr, Ni, and MgO in the alkali basalts of the region indicate that these rocks are originated from partial melting (5 to 10%) of a spinel-garnet peridotite. Overall, they have no subduction-dependent rock characteristics and mainly represent characteristics of alkali basaltic magmas of the preliminary back-arc basin (BAB). These features, attributed to their calc-alkaline nature, represent the formation of these rocks in a tectonic back-arc setting in the Middle-Upper Eocene. پرونده مقاله

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    4 - Geochemistry and tectonomagmatic environment of Eocene volcanic rocks in the Southeastern region of Abhar, NW Iran
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences , شماره 5 , سال 15 , پاییز 2023
    Eocene volcanic are exposed in southeast of Zanjan in the Tarom magmatic zone that located in the Central Iran structural zone. The Abhar Eosen pyroclastic with andesite, trachy-andesite, dacite and rhyolite along with tuff compositions is located 120 km southeast of Za چکیده کامل
    Eocene volcanic are exposed in southeast of Zanjan in the Tarom magmatic zone that located in the Central Iran structural zone. The Abhar Eosen pyroclastic with andesite, trachy-andesite, dacite and rhyolite along with tuff compositions is located 120 km southeast of Zanjan. Mineralogically point of view, the studied volcanic rocks have low quartz, negligible alkaline feldspar, abundant plagioclase, and pyroxene contents. Textureally, Porphyritic, microlithic porphyritic, glomeroporphyritic, and poikilitic are predominant in these rocks. All of the studied samples display REE patterns characterized by LREE-enriched (Rb and Ba) and HREE-depleted segments typical of arc lavas which is one of the characteristics of subduction zone. The geochemical characteristics of the studied samples indicated that fractional crystallization is the primary cause of the diversity and differentiation of these rocks compared to crustal contamination. The rocks of the study area are composed of a similar origin to the OIB (mantle components) and partial melting of subcontinental lithospheric mantles. Of course, this mantle source has been modified by recycled sediments and melt released from the edge of the subducting oceanic crust. پرونده مقاله

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    5 - Remote Sensing Performance in Locating the Economic Veins of Robat Karim Manganese Mine
    journal of Geotechnical Geology , شماره 1 , سال 17 , بهار 2021
    Morphological analysis for extracting lineaments has widespread applications in tectonic and structural studies, hydrogeology, speleology, mineral exploration, and other related sciences. In this regard, aerial photographs, satellite images, and digital elevation models چکیده کامل
    Morphological analysis for extracting lineaments has widespread applications in tectonic and structural studies, hydrogeology, speleology, mineral exploration, and other related sciences. In this regard, aerial photographs, satellite images, and digital elevation models (DEMs) are widely used in these studies. One of the most common techniques for lineament extraction is preprocessing satellite images by applying filters such as edge detectors, color compositions, spectral classification, and spectral detection methods through related software and then lineament extraction through visual interpretation. In this paper, this technique was applied to extract the lineaments in the Robat Karim manganese mining area. Next, a Rose diagram was prepared to compare the trend of the lineaments along the host rock deposits and discontinuities. Overall, the results will be useful in determining the efficiency of extracting lines from satellite imagery in locating the mineral veins. پرونده مقاله

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    6 - Geotechnical Characteristics of Liquefaction in Shahid-Rajaei Port Site (Bandar Abbas, Hormozgan Province) by Using GIS
    journal of Geotechnical Geology , شماره 1 , سال 17 , بهار 2021
    One of the seismic geotechnical phenomena is the occurrence of liquefaction in soil layers. This phenomenon occurs in non-dense saturated silty sandy sediments in which the saturated soil completely loses its strength and hardness due to the intense stress applied to it چکیده کامل
    One of the seismic geotechnical phenomena is the occurrence of liquefaction in soil layers. This phenomenon occurs in non-dense saturated silty sandy sediments in which the saturated soil completely loses its strength and hardness due to the intense stress applied to it and behaves like a liquid. This stress can be due to earthquakes or sudden changes in soil stress. In this case, the shear strength of the soil is zero and it loses its bearing capacity. Soil liquefaction resistance can be determined by laboratory and field methods. The main purpose of this study is to determine the liquefaction potential zoning and the amount of sedimentation due to liquefaction based on the standard penetration resistance test (SPT) using the method of Sied et al. (1983) in Shahid-Rajaei wharf, Bandar Abbas located in Hormozgan province. In the present study area, 304 boreholes were drilled, according to the type of soil and the groundwater level. The results show that the average NSPT in the region is equal to 35 and the highest percentage of soils in the region based on Unified classification in SM category and according to the zoning status, the degree of liquefaction varied at different depths and according to the liquefaction index, the amount of subsidence in different sections is determined so that the maximum amount will be in the southern part of the port. پرونده مقاله