فهرست مقالات Akram Shekarian Behzadi

  • مقاله

    1 - Effect of Reading-based Activities on Vocabulary Learning: Pre-intermediate EFL Learners in Focus
    Journal of New Trends in English Language Learning (JNTELL) , شماره 3 , سال 1 , پاییز 2022
    The present research examined the effect of reading-based activities on Iranian EFL learners’ vocabulary learning. To do this, 57 students of a language institute in Kerman were selected based on available sampling. After homogenizing them, 50 pre-intermediate stu چکیده کامل
    The present research examined the effect of reading-based activities on Iranian EFL learners’ vocabulary learning. To do this, 57 students of a language institute in Kerman were selected based on available sampling. After homogenizing them, 50 pre-intermediate students were put into two groups (25 students in each group). The study is a quasi-experimental one and the students took the pretest and posttest of vocabulary knowledge. These tests contained two parts: The first part pertained to the comprehension of vocabulary multiple-choice items; the second part was associated with production of vocabulary consisting of fill-in-the-blank items. Both tests were extracted from their textbook. The students of the experimental group were provided with related reading activities. The reading activities required the students pre-read passages at home that relate to the reading comprehension activities during classroom on the following day, and the reading engages the students to pre-read passages before the reading activity. However, the students of the control group received the traditional instruction on vocabulary and they were not given any related reading activities. At the end of term, the post test was administered and the collected data was descriptively and inferentially analyzed. The results revealed that reading-based activities had a significant effect on pre-intermediate EFL learners’ vocabulary learning. The finding indicates the value of reading-based activities leads the researchers to focus on increasing learners’ vocabulary in EFL classrooms through designing a variety of tasks. پرونده مقاله

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    2 - بررسی "منظورهای ضمنی" در گفتمان های کتاب سووشون اثر سیمین دانشور: تکیه بر اصول همکاری گرایس واصول ادب لیچ
    زبان و ادب فارسی واحد سنندج , شماره 59 , سال 16 , تابستان 1403

    این پژوهش به تجزیه وتحلیلمنظورهای ضمنی در گفتمان های کتاب سووشون اثر سیمین دانشور پرداخته و برای تفسیر آنها از اصول همکاری گرایس واصول ادب لیچ بهره برده است. همچنین این تحقیق کارکرد آنها را در گفتمان های متن مورد نظر آزموده است. در واقع در این تحقیق، سعی بر این است م چکیده کامل

    این پژوهش به تجزیه وتحلیلمنظورهای ضمنی در گفتمان های کتاب سووشون اثر سیمین دانشور پرداخته و برای تفسیر آنها از اصول همکاری گرایس واصول ادب لیچ بهره برده است. همچنین این تحقیق کارکرد آنها را در گفتمان های متن مورد نظر آزموده است. در واقع در این تحقیق، سعی بر این است مشاهداتی مبنی بر این که چرا و چطور چنین منظورهای ضمنی استنباط و درک می شوند ارائه شود. جهت جمع آوری داده ها، ابتدا محققان مکالمات حاوی منظورهای ضمنی از کتاب سووشون را استخراج کرده و موارد نقض و رعایت اصول همکاری گرایس در این مکالمات شناسایی و گردآوری گردید و سپس موارد رعایت اصول ادب لیچ استخراج شدند و با استفاده از چارچوب نظری ذکر شده، مورد بررسی و تحلیل قرار گرفتند تا منظورهای ضمنی بیان شده در این اثر را تبیین کند. داده ها در جدول و نمودارهای آماری تحلیل شدند و نتایج بدست آمده از تحلیل داده ها بیانگر این بود که بیشترین موارد نقض اصول گرایس مربوط به اصل کمیت است. همچنین نتایج تحلیل ها بیانگر این بود که اصول ادب لیچ به صورت جامع قادر به تبیین موارد نقض اصول گرایس در متن مورد بررسی نیستند. همچنین با توجه به نتایج به دست آمده بیشترین مورد رعایت اصول ادب مربوط به اصل کاردانی است و کمترین مورد رعایت مربوط به اصل فروتنی است.

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  • مقاله

    3 - Reading Achievement of Short Stories as a Way of Literature Incorporation and Improving Iranian Students' Grammatical and Vocabulary Knowledge
    Biannual Journal of Education Experiences , شماره 1 , سال 5 , بهار 2022
    This study was an endeavor to analyzed the effects of reading short stories on improving the grammatical and vocabulary knowledge of high school students in Kerman. To achieve this end, two intact classes of 52 female students who were selected based on convenience samp چکیده کامل
    This study was an endeavor to analyzed the effects of reading short stories on improving the grammatical and vocabulary knowledge of high school students in Kerman. To achieve this end, two intact classes of 52 female students who were selected based on convenience sampling, and regarding the placement test scores, 40 of them participated in the current study. The research was an experimental one and the participants were randomly divided into two groups of 20 students. The interventions administered for the experimental group involved teaching two short stories, i.e., the Beauty & The Beast and Robinson Crusoe. However, the control group received conventional method of teaching of grammar and vocabulary. The data were analyzed in quantitative way and statistical analyses were performed in SPSS software. The results indicated a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in terms of posttest scores for the dependent variables after controlling the pretest at the P<0.001 level. Accordingly, it can be said that there is a significant difference in the scores of the dependent variables (grammatical and vocabulary skills) in the posttest. As a result, the present study revealed that reading the mentioned stories is an effective way for improving grammatical and vocabulary knowledge of high school students in Kerman. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    4 - Integration of Foreign Culture in English Instruction: Iranian EFL Learners and Teachers' Views in Academic Context
    Journal of Language, Culture, and Translation , شماره 202352 , سال 5 , پاییز-زمستان 2023
    This study focused on the integration of foreign culture in English instruction in an academic context. More specifically, it analyzed the Iranian university EFL students' and teachers' views towards the integration of foreign culture in English instruction. Moreover, t چکیده کامل
    This study focused on the integration of foreign culture in English instruction in an academic context. More specifically, it analyzed the Iranian university EFL students' and teachers' views towards the integration of foreign culture in English instruction. Moreover, the possible difference between the participants' views towards the integration of foreign cultures was assessed. In doing so, 30 English EFL university teachers and 40 B.A. students were selected from four universities in Kerman (Bahonar, Azad, Payame Noor, & Institute of Higher Education). In order to collect data, a related questionnaire developed by Han (2010) was employed to examine the participants' views. After completing the questionnaires, the acquired data were analyzed by conducting descriptive statistics and the t-test of two independent groups. The results emerged from data analysis indicated that a great percentage of students asserted that learning foreign cultures was significant for them. It was necessary for them to get information about the target culture and spend more time on it. The university teachers remarked the same views as learning foreign cultures was important for them. It was essential for them to provide information and to spend more time on foreign culture teaching. The results of the study revealed no significant difference between the participants' views towards the integration of foreign culture in English instruction. Findings will contribute to the theoretical research gap in the field of culture and foreign language teaching and can serve as a guide to lead teachers and learners to the desired cultural goals of a specific language course. پرونده مقاله

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    5 - L1 and L2 Peer-scaffolding Techniques Affecting on EFL Learners' Writing Skill: Link to Cognitive Learning Theory
    Journal of Teaching English Language Studies (JTELS) , شماره 1 , سال 9 , زمستان 2024
    Scaffolding and its relationship to second or foreign language learning has been studied in different aspects of interaction such as teacher-student or student-student interaction, called peer-scaffolding. Peer-scaffolding as its name suggests refers to student-student چکیده کامل
    Scaffolding and its relationship to second or foreign language learning has been studied in different aspects of interaction such as teacher-student or student-student interaction, called peer-scaffolding. Peer-scaffolding as its name suggests refers to student-student help and cooperation in a situation that one student is more knowledgeable than the other. The researchers of the present study noticed the empty place of examining the effectiveness of peer scaffolding on language learners' writing skill in the extant literature. With a view to this, the main aim behind this study was to analyze the impact of peer scaffolding in L1 vs. L2 on Iranian EFL learner's writing development. To achieve this aim, out of 55 students who were selected based on available sampling, 44 of them participated in this study. That is to say, a pre-test of writing was administered to the participants at the beginning of the term to examine homogeneity of students. Then, they were randomly assigned in the two experimental groups (22 Ss in each). Posttest of writing in the form of essay writing was performed and scores were obtained and analyzed using SPSS Software. Careful analysis indicated that there was no significant difference between applications of the two languages in peer scaffolding writing. Moreover, there was a significant relationship between peer-scaffolding and student’s writing skill scores. The findings have some implications for EFL teacher education researchers, policy makers, curriculum developers, and teachers. پرونده مقاله