فهرست مقالات حسین سازگار

  • مقاله

    1 - The effect of Satureja bachtiarica on IL-6 and TNF-α in rat treated with Thioacetamide
    journal of Medicinal Herbs (journal of herbal drugs) , شماره 2 , سال 9 , زمستان 2018
    Background & Aim: Acute liver damage, inflammation and oxidative stress are underlying tissue necrosis and development of ciroces. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Satureja bakhtiarica extract on acute liver disease induced by the thioacetamide an چکیده کامل
    Background & Aim: Acute liver damage, inflammation and oxidative stress are underlying tissue necrosis and development of ciroces. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Satureja bakhtiarica extract on acute liver disease induced by the thioacetamide and TNF-α and IL-6 cytokines level. Experimental: In experimental study, 36 Wistar rats were selected and divided into 6 groups of 6. The amount of 0.03g thioacetamide dissolved in 1ml of distilled water and injected intraperitoneally to all mice except of control group twice a week and for a period of three weeks. Negative control group received only thioacetamide and the other group received 8mg/kg sibilin by gavage in addition to thioacetamide. After injection of thioacetamide, the experimental groups were treated with doses of 5, 10 and 20 mg/ml extracts of S. bakhtiaricafor two weeks. Peripheral blood samples were taken from rat hearts. Then TNF-α and IL-6 cytokines levels were measured by Elisa method. Histopathological changes of liver also were examined. Data analysis was performed with SPSS ver. 20. Results: The results showed a significant difference in TNF-α and IL-6 cytokines between groups (p<0.001). Mean concentration of TNF-α and IL-6 in the groups treated with the doses of 5(P = 0.002, P <0.001), 10 (P= 0.010, P <0.001) and 20 mg/ ml (P <0.001, P <0.001) of S. bakhtiaricaca significantly decreased compared with group treated with thioacetamide. Histopathological results also supported dose dependent protective effect of S. bakhtiaricaca. S. bakhtiaricacaextract has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce the toxicity of thiouzamide by reducing the levels of TNF and IL-6 cytokines as pro-inflammatory cytokines. Recommended applications/industries:Regarding that the use of herbal medicines to treat many diseases are on the rise, hydroalcholic extract of Satureja bachtiarica due to having antioxidant properties can be used to treat liver disease with drug therapy. پرونده مقاله

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    2 - Cytotoxic effect of hydroalcoholic extract from Thymus daenesis Celak on MCF-7 cancer cells line
    journal of Medicinal Herbs (journal of herbal drugs) , شماره 4 , سال 7 , بهار 2016
    Background & Aim:Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women after lung cancer. Given that the herbal ingredients are used for centuries to treat cancer,The aim of this study was to determine the cytotoxic effect of hydroalcholic extract from Thymus daen چکیده کامل
    Background & Aim:Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women after lung cancer. Given that the herbal ingredients are used for centuries to treat cancer,The aim of this study was to determine the cytotoxic effect of hydroalcholic extract from Thymus daenesisCelak on MCF-7 cancer cells line. Experimental: Breast cancer cells MCF-7 and natural fibroblast cells were cultured in DMEM medium containing fetal bovine serum and antibiotics. The cells were exposed to different doses ofhydroalcholic extract ofThymus daenesisCelak(0.156, 0.312, 0.625, 1.25, 2.5mg/ml)and incubated for 24, 48 and 72 hours, respectively. After incubation, the modified MTT colorimetric test was used to determine cytotoxicity. Results: The results of MTT test showed thathydroalcholic extractof Thymus daenesisCelak has dose- and time-dependent anti-cancer effect on MCF-7 cancer cells, so that by increasing the concentration and 72h incubation, the most cell death was observed (P<0.05). Plant extract did not show significant cytotoxicity on natural fibroblast cells. Then, it seems that its compounds can be used in treating cancer through more future research. Recommended applications/industrie: With regard to the increasing use of herbal medicines to treat many diseases, hydroalcholic extract of Thymus daenesis Celak can be used to treat cancer with drug therapy due to having antioxidant properties. پرونده مقاله

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    3 - Cytotoxic Effect of Hydroalcoholic Extract from Satureja bachtiarica Bunge on Hela Cancer Cells Line
    journal of Medicinal Herbs (journal of herbal drugs) , شماره 1 , سال 7 , پاییز 2017
    Background & Aim:Cervical cancer is the most common female genital cancer and the second most common cancer in women in the world. Since the herbal ingredients have been used for centuries to treat cancer, purpose of the present study was to determine the cytotox چکیده کامل
    Background & Aim:Cervical cancer is the most common female genital cancer and the second most common cancer in women in the world. Since the herbal ingredients have been used for centuries to treat cancer, purpose of the present study was to determine the cytotoxic effect of hydroalcoholic extract from Satureja bachtiarica Bungeon Hela cancer cells line. Experimental: Hela cells line and natural fibroblast cells line were cultured in RPMI 1640 and DMEM Containing fetal bovine serum and antibiotics, respectively. The cells were exposed to different doses of hydroalcoholic extract of Satureja bachtiarica Bunge (0.156, 0.312, 0.625, 1.25, and 2.5 mg/ml) and were incubated for 24, 48 and 72 hr, respectively. After the incubation period, the modified MTT colorimetric test was used in order to determine cell toxicity of the extract. Results: The results of MTT test Showed that hydroalcoholic extract of Satureja bachtiarica Bunge has dose-dependent anti-cancer effect on Hela cancer cells, so that by increasing the concentration of extract and incubation in 72h, the most percentage of cell death was observed (p < 0.05). The extract of plant didn’t show any significant cytotoxicity on natural fibroblast cell line. Therefore, it seems that its compounds will be applied in treating cancer through more researches. Recommended applications/industries: Considering the low side effects of herbal medicines, especially antioxidants including Satureja bachtiarica Bunge can be used to treat cancer with drug therapy. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    4 - بررسی اثر محافظتی عصاره های مرزه بختیاری و آویشن دنایی بر فیبروز کبدی ناشی از تیواستامید در موش‌های صحرایی نر
    زیست شناسی جانوری , شماره 4 , سال 11 , پاییز 1397
    امروزه یکی از مشکلات جوامع بشری بیماری های کبدی و استفاده از داروهای شیمیایی با عوارض جانبی می باشد که باعث تغییر رویکرد محققین به سمت منابع داروی گیاهی جدید شده است. هدف از انجام این تحقیق بررسی اثر عصاره مرزه بختیاری و آویشن دنایی بر آسیب های کبدی ناشی از تزریق تیواست چکیده کامل
    امروزه یکی از مشکلات جوامع بشری بیماری های کبدی و استفاده از داروهای شیمیایی با عوارض جانبی می باشد که باعث تغییر رویکرد محققین به سمت منابع داروی گیاهی جدید شده است. هدف از انجام این تحقیق بررسی اثر عصاره مرزه بختیاری و آویشن دنایی بر آسیب های کبدی ناشی از تزریق تیواستامید می باشد. پنجاه و چهار سر رت نر را به صورت تصادفی انتخاب کرده و به نه گروه شش تایی تقسیم بندی کرده گروه (اول شاهد، دوم کنترل مثبت، سوم کنترل منفی، چهارم، پنجم و ششم تحت درمان با عصاره مرزه بختیاری با دوز 5، 10 و 20 میلی‌گرم بر کیلوگرم و هفت، هشت و نه تحت درمان با عصاره آویشن دنایی با دوز 5، 10 و 20 میلی‌گرم بر کیلوگرم به که صورت گاواژ عصاره را دریافت کردند. ابتدا تیو استامید به مدت سه هفته و هفته‌ای دو بار به میزان 1سی سی به تمام گروه ها به جز شاهد تزریق گردید. سپس به مدت 14 روز گاواژ عصاره مرزه و آویشن به گروه‌های تحت درمان با عصاره انجام گرفت و به گروه کنترل مثبت گاواژ کپسول سیلی بینین به میزان 8 میلی گرم بر کیلوگرم به مدت 14 روز انجام گرفت. سپس نمونه خون و کبد از موش‌ها تهیه شد. مطالعات هیستوپاتولوژیکی بیانگر این مطلب است که بیشترین ضایعات کبدی در مقایسه با گروه شاهد مربوط به گروه کنترل منفی می‌باشد همچنین مشخص شد با افزایش مقدار دوز مصرفی عصاره، از میزان آنزیم های کبدی آسپارتات آمینوترانسفراز و آلانین آمینوترانسفراز و آسیب های پاتولوژیکی کبدکاسته شده است. با بررسی نتایج چنین به نظر می رسد وجود ترکیبات فلاونوئیدی و فنلی در گیاه آویشن دنایی و مرزه بختیاری می تواند منجر به کاهش اثرات سمی القاء شده توسط تیواستامید در بافت کبد موش شود. پرونده مقاله