فهرست مقالات Dina Yaghoobi Kiaseh

  • مقاله

    1 - Proline and Arginine Improves the Vase Life of Cut <i>Alstroemeria</i>‘Mars’ Flowers by Regulating Some Postharvest Physiochemical Parameters
    Journal of Ornamental Plants , شماره 4 , سال 11 , پاییز 1400
    To study the effect of “cycloheximide” and amino acids of arginine and proline on post-harvest longevity of cut Alstroemeria × hybrid ‘Mars’ flowers, a factorial experiment was conducted based on a randomized complete design with 3 replicat چکیده کامل
    To study the effect of “cycloheximide” and amino acids of arginine and proline on post-harvest longevity of cut Alstroemeria × hybrid ‘Mars’ flowers, a factorial experiment was conducted based on a randomized complete design with 3 replications and 20 treatments. The experiment includes CHI at 4 levels (0, 50, 100, 1000 µM), amino acid (AA) at 5 levels [0, 5, 10 mM (Arg) and 5, 10 mM proline] in terms of 24 h pulse. The results showed that flowers treated with “CHI50 x Pro10” had the most vase-life (9.3 days), water uptake (1.771 ml g-1 F.W.), and dry material (13.56 %), the least MDA aggregation (1.32 nmol g-1 F.W.), and the most CAT enzyme activity (5.68 nmol g-1 F.W. min-1). The treatment of “CHI10 x Arg5” was one of the most successful treatments in water uptake, wet weight, dry material, and total protein preservation, and MDA aggregation decrease, SOD enzyme activity increase, and took the second place in vase-life increase (9.08 days). Therefore, the 2 treatments of “CHI0 x Arg5” and “CHI50 x Pro10” are presented as the most successful treatments in quantitative and qualitative trait’s improvement of cut Alstroemeria flowers. The lowest positive impact on the majority of analyzed traits belongs to the treatment of 1000 µM CHI. Therefore, the application of high levels of CHI (1000 µM) on vase-life solution of cut Alstroemeria × hybrid ‘Mars’ is not recommended due to negative and toxic impact on post-harvest traits. پرونده مقاله