فهرست مقالات اکبر ذوالفقاری

  • مقاله

    1 - Ranking’s Rate of Coherence for Employed Postgraduates’ Students to Post-academic Norms based on Field of Study's Paradigms by TOPSIS’s Method
    Sociological of Studies of youth , شماره 1 , سال 14 , بهار 2023
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the ranking of coherence’s rate for the employed postgraduate’s students in the fourfold field of study’s paradigms than to the economic norms based on the knowledge and or the post-academic norms. The TOPSIS چکیده کامل
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the ranking of coherence’s rate for the employed postgraduate’s students in the fourfold field of study’s paradigms than to the economic norms based on the knowledge and or the post-academic norms. The TOPSIS’s method has been used. Based on capabilities of fourfold decision-making methods for achieving to above aim. The scope of study is the public universities in Isfahan Province. Based on the results of first stage, the plan of leveling and ranking of Iranian Public Universities were chosen by the Ministry of Sciences, Researches and Technology at Kashan University, Honare Isfahan University and Isfahan University in three levels of Jameh (comprehensive) and the specialized universities for investigating the subject of research and was achieved. Based on the sample’s size by using Sample Power Software, 320 students were studied in the form of the suitable Quotas sampling by the questionnaire’s technique. Based on the results of research, the rate’s ranking of the student’s coherence the post-academic norms are in the fourfold field of study’s paradigms are hard- pure, applied- hard, soft-pure and soft- applied paradigms orderly. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    2 - Meta-Analysis Explanation of the Factors Affecting Youth Social Alienation
    Sociological of Studies of youth , شماره 4 , سال 12 , پاییز 2021
    Social alienation means feeling of separation, detachment, disinterest and lack of psychological and emotional connection with the community. Social alienation is rising in transitional societies from tradition to modernization. Accordingly, this research seeks to exami چکیده کامل
    Social alienation means feeling of separation, detachment, disinterest and lack of psychological and emotional connection with the community. Social alienation is rising in transitional societies from tradition to modernization. Accordingly, this research seeks to examine the causes of the emergence of social alienation among Iranian youth as a transition society from tradition to modernity, and answers this question:" What is the most important factor affecting the advent of the social alienation of Iranians? The research implementation mechanism is quantitative analysis. The goal of this approach is to integrate, systematically review and harmonize studies in a certain area of research. The statistical population of this study is 36 studies, 24 of which were selected from the research documents for the purpose of combining and identifying the impact of it. The analysis showed that social alienation as the main dependent variable influenced by the styles of education, cultural capital, social capital, variable individualism, media consumption, tradition, psychological factors, normative, structural, religion and population. In sum, the above variables were able to explain social alienation. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    3 - Explaining the Effective Factors on Risk-taking as Basic Elements of Youths’ Life Style based on Modeling of Structural Equation by Minority Method of Partial Squares (PLS)
    Sociological of Studies of youth , شماره 1 , سال 12 , بهار 2021
    The aim of this study is to survey the effective factors on the risk-taking rate as the basic elements of youths’ life style in the various and wide sampling of students quantitively. This study was from the social survey and the research data have been collected چکیده کامل
    The aim of this study is to survey the effective factors on the risk-taking rate as the basic elements of youths’ life style in the various and wide sampling of students quantitively. This study was from the social survey and the research data have been collected by using the questionnaire techniques. The statistical population includes all students of Kashan University. Using Cochran sampling formula, 403 students were randomly selected as sample size. Findings showed that fatalism with 59% of total negative effect and high impact volume in the first rank, social satisfaction with 24% overall effect and average effect volume in the second rank, luxuriousness with 21% of total effect and volume of effect at the level low in the third rank, and worldliness with 11% overall impact and volume in the lowest rank. In addition to, the Q2 value indicates that overally the predictive power of the model is moderate. Based on the obtained value in the matrix, the significance-function of the variable of Fatalism was significant. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    4 - Investigating Children's Perceptions and Experiences on Charity and Benevolent Behaviors
    Iranian Sociological Review , شماره 51 , سال 14 , زمستان 2024
    Objective: Recent studies to grow and strengthen the culture of charitable donations have focused on increasing people's willingness to donate and charitable donations and their reasons. However, very little attention has been paid to how people learn. Methods: In thi چکیده کامل
    Objective: Recent studies to grow and strengthen the culture of charitable donations have focused on increasing people's willingness to donate and charitable donations and their reasons. However, very little attention has been paid to how people learn. Methods: In this research, by using the participatory action research method, while Checking children's perceptions and preferences on Charity and Benevolent Behaviors, the role of parents and school in learning and encouraging them to do good deeds has been investigated. Results: Based on the results of the research, the investigated children have a wide and diverse range of opportunities to participate in charity work through family and school. However, children have relatively limited spaces to participate in charitable behaviors, who often see forgiveness as an exchange process without critical engagement with the related cause. Whereas, if children are given an opportunity to meaningfully participate in decision-making, children show critical awareness and more desire to increase social justice in their decisions. Conclusions: Children as active and informed citizens, are empowered and competent to choose and evaluate the charities they want to support, and this in turn helps them gain a greater understanding of the world around them پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    5 - تبیین جامعه‌شناختی هویت ملی ایرانیان
    مطالعات میان فرهنگی , شماره 5 , سال 13 , زمستان 1397
    هویت ملی، امری جمعی، کلی و بالاترین سطح هویت که در چارچوب یک سرزمین معنا می‌یابد و بیانگر تعلق اجتماعی، احساس مشترک و باورهای کلی یک اجتماع با مؤلفه‌های زبانی، جغرافیایی، تاریخی، فرهنگی، نمادها، آداب‌ و رسوم، هنجارهای مشترک است. هویت در ایران از عصر مشروطه به بعد یک مسئ چکیده کامل
    هویت ملی، امری جمعی، کلی و بالاترین سطح هویت که در چارچوب یک سرزمین معنا می‌یابد و بیانگر تعلق اجتماعی، احساس مشترک و باورهای کلی یک اجتماع با مؤلفه‌های زبانی، جغرافیایی، تاریخی، فرهنگی، نمادها، آداب‌ و رسوم، هنجارهای مشترک است. هویت در ایران از عصر مشروطه به بعد یک مسئله اجتماعی مطرح‌ شده و در آثار تاریخی و ادبیات روشنفکران و متفکران انعکاس یافته است. این پژوهش با هدف بررسی جامعه‌شناختی هویت ملی ایرانیان در پی آن است که مکانیسم علّی اثرگذار بر هویت ملی ایرانیان چیست؟ و این هویت چگونه تکوین یافته است؟ پژوهش برای پاسخ به این پرسش، کلیه مطالعات تجربی (پیمایشی) صورت گرفته بین ۱۳79 تا ۱۳۹7 را با رویکرد cm2 بررسی و تحلیل نموده است. جامعه آماری آن 26 سند پژوهشی و حجم نمونه 19 مطالعه بوده است. نتایج پژوهش حاکی از این است ‌که 65 درصد مرد،35 درصد زن، 59 درصد متأهل، 41 درصد مجرد، 65 درصد دارای تحصیلات دانشگاهی و 36 درصد دیپلم و پایین‌تر، به لحاظ قومیت، 31 درصد فارس، 28 درصد ترک، 10 درصد بختیاری و 9 درصد کرد، مذهب 59 درصد پاسخگویان شیعه، 25 درصد سنی و 16 درصد سایر مذاهب است. هویت ملی 35 درصد سطح بالا، 32 درصد سطح متوسط و 33 درصد سطح پایین است. اندازه اثر کوهن نشان می‌دهد که عوامل سرمایه اجتماعی، ارزشی و هنجاری، هویتی، مصرف رسانه‌ای و نگرشی در شکل‌گیری هویت ملی ایرانیان اثرگذار بوده است. پرونده مقاله