فهرست مقالات حسین ذبیحی

  • مقاله

    1 - Evaluation the Role of Factors Affecting the Feasibility of Urban Development Plans through Structural Equation Model (A Case Study in Shiraz City)
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , شماره 5 , سال 9 , پاییز 2019
    The main purpose of this paper is to explain the factors affecting the change of service land uses in the city of Shiraz and identify its reasons. For this purpose, the second-order confirmatory factor analysis technique has been used as one of the structural equation m چکیده کامل
    The main purpose of this paper is to explain the factors affecting the change of service land uses in the city of Shiraz and identify its reasons. For this purpose, the second-order confirmatory factor analysis technique has been used as one of the structural equation modeling techniques to determine the severity of the effect of the four factors on land use change, through which a contributing framework for the effects of the four factors (physical, activity, economic, accessibility) on land use change is obtained. Finally, the extent and direction of the factors affecting the realization of service land uses in the city of Shiraz are explained using the structural equation model (SEM). In order to achieve these goals, 50 variables affecting 600 plots in Shiraz city are extracted through field method. The variables are investigated and analyzed using GIS maps, Amos and SPSS software, and a series of bi-variable correlations in a table called correlation matrix or covariance, the most notably of which are confirmatory factor analysis and SEM. The results of the research show that, in total, the selected four factors have a significant effect on the land use change. It is such that the standardized weights of regression for "the effect of the access factor on land use change", "the effect of the economic factor on land use change", "the effect of the activity factor on land use change", and "the effect of the physical factor on land use change" are 0.91, 0.78, 0.65, and 0.56, respectively. پرونده مقاله

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    2 - Behavior Analysis of Wind Hydrodynamics in the Central Courtyard of Hot and Dry Climate Settlement Based on the Length to Height Ratio (Case Study: Kashan City)
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , شماره 1 , سال 13 , زمستان 2023
    One of the ways to achieve high energy efficiency in buildings and an effective system is to utilize local architectural experiences. In this connection, the central courtyard is an element that was used in the past to create comfort in the hot and dry climates of Kasha چکیده کامل
    One of the ways to achieve high energy efficiency in buildings and an effective system is to utilize local architectural experiences. In this connection, the central courtyard is an element that was used in the past to create comfort in the hot and dry climates of Kashan, Iran. A large part of the literature in the past has focused on this space and investigated factors such as height, length, and presence of water in the courtyard, which are directly related to the studied space. This article concerns the hydrodynamic behavior of the wind under the effects of the length-to-height ratio to reduce the temperature of settlements in Kashan's hot and dry climate, aiming to yield the highest efficiency from this element. This study uses Fluent, Energy Plus, and Open Studio software using a descriptive-analytical method to analyze the data. In the end, it is determined that since the prevalent wind in Kashan comes from a northeast front, it can be utilized by placing the longitudinal direction of the central courtyard on its path. In addition, the optimal state in all models suggests the central courtyard has experienced a length-to-height ratio of 1to4, followed by a ratio of 1to5. پرونده مقاله

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    3 - Impact of Southern Window-to-Floor Area Ratios on the Thermal Performance of the Settlement in the Hot and Dry Climate (Case Study: Kashan City)
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , شماره 5 , سال 13 , پاییز 2023
    A major party of generated energy is now used for heating and cooling buildings. Hence, it is beneficial to apply solutions that reduce the thermal load of buildings. However, solutions for energy consumption reduction always face barriers. Optimizing window proportions چکیده کامل
    A major party of generated energy is now used for heating and cooling buildings. Hence, it is beneficial to apply solutions that reduce the thermal load of buildings. However, solutions for energy consumption reduction always face barriers. Optimizing window proportions in energy consumption saving is highly influential in this case. The window is one of the main components that receives solar radiation energy but also serves as a thermal bridge transmitting energy from interior to exterior space. This s‌tudy inves‌tigates the climate conditions of Kashan. It determines materials as cons‌tant variables to examine the impact of southern window-to-floor area ratios on the thermal performance of settlements in hot and dry climates to achieve higher efficiency of this element using simulation of different models through EnergyPlus software. This s‌tudy then examines the cooling and heating load created in interior space considering variable elements of ratios, window elongation, and window-to-floor ratio, using single and double-glazed glass and its analysis considering meteorological data of this city using EnergyPLus software. Finally, the mos‌t optimum southern window-to-floor ratio was determined. This s‌tudy aims to achieve efficiency and the highes‌t impact of the southern side's window of a building on the thermal performance of the building by simulating various models through EnergyPlus software. This s‌tudy has used the descriptive-analytical method, then analyzed the obtained results, and las‌tly outlined the priority of application among models as follows:1.38 ratio, 1 ratio, and 1.95 ratio. In contras‌t, the mos‌t optimum window ratio is a 15% window-to-floor ratio with 1.38 proportions and eas‌tern and wes‌tern elongation using double-glazed glass. پرونده مقاله

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    4 - Participatory Design; A New Approach to Regenerate the Public Space
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , شماره 5 , سال 4 , پاییز 2014
    The following study aims to present an innovative approach for Design. Participatory Design is the model of direct involvement of different social groups in the design from functional tools to environments, social institutions and businesses. Diverse collection of pract چکیده کامل
    The following study aims to present an innovative approach for Design. Participatory Design is the model of direct involvement of different social groups in the design from functional tools to environments, social institutions and businesses. Diverse collection of practices has been developed to support this direct involvement by Participatory Design. People are invited to participate during different phases of an innovative and creative process; from initial exploration to problem definition and defining the problem and creating ideas for solutions. During development, they help evaluate proposed solutions. Participatory Design answers questions about users and their tasks and goals, then help users to make decisions. Participatory Design is characterized as a maturing area of research and as an evolving practice among designer. Architecture as a professional design are social constructs and the way for humans to consider the physical world in which they exist, and as social constructs, both reflect and shape the culture in which they arise. The authors go through the definitions of Participatory Design in order to achieve a new approache in design. various values which are inherent in the social fabrics are illustrated by emphasizing on cultural identity and activity. To illustrate the concept of this approach, landscape design of bazaar in mahallat as a case study is considered.This research will attempt to identify and analyze the local participation, and goes some way to providing practical solutions to tackle the local problems, utilizing an effective application of the principles of sustainable development on both environmental and architectural aspects. پرونده مقاله

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    5 - The developments Trend of Islamic Inscriptions in the Building Portals of Dezfoul City
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , شماره 1 , سال 5 , زمستان 2015
    In the architecture of Iranian traditional houses, the ornamentations available in the inscriptions of houses entrance portal express the identity of architects and personality of houses owners and are rooted in their religious and national beliefs and faiths. The main چکیده کامل
    In the architecture of Iranian traditional houses, the ornamentations available in the inscriptions of houses entrance portal express the identity of architects and personality of houses owners and are rooted in their religious and national beliefs and faiths. The main hypothesis of this research is changing the physique and application of religious contents in compliance with the thoughts and beliefs of people in Dezfoul historical city in the epigraphs of houses entrance portals. The objective of this study is reviewing the development trend of texts, concepts and physique of inscriptions as well as analyzing the factors effective on the quality and diversity of application of inscriptions. The present research is an applied study and descriptive-analytical method has been applied, and the data was collected by library and survey studies. The population of this research includes historical houses, houses damages in war (Iran & Iraq) and renovated and new tissue and new-built houses of Dezfoul, from Qajar era so far. Random sampling method has been applied in this study and dispersal area includes the city. Data analysis method in this study is qualitative and quantitative. The results of this study indicate that today the inscriptions available in the entrance portal of houses in Dezfoul comparing to inscriptions in Qajar1 and Pahlavi2 era is very simple and has lower aesthetic value. One of causes for such superficial and contextual gap between inscriptions seems to be the war and renovations during and after destruction. پرونده مقاله

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    6 - Social and Cultural Sustainability
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , شماره 5 , سال 2 , پاییز 2012
    Of building cultural centers in all communities and with any kind of attitude has always been one of the designers’issues. When we use the term in ordinary daily conversation, we often think of culture as an equivalent to the “higher things of themind” چکیده کامل
    Of building cultural centers in all communities and with any kind of attitude has always been one of the designers’issues. When we use the term in ordinary daily conversation, we often think of culture as an equivalent to the “higher things of themind”- art, literature, music and painting. According to sociologists, the concept of culture includes such activities, but also farmore. Culture can be conceptually distinguished from Society, but there are very close connections between these notions. Cultureconcerns to the “life Style” of the members of a given Society- their habits and customs, together with the stuffs they produce.Society refers to the system of interrelationship which connects the individuals who share a common culture. No culture couldexist without a society and no society could exist without culture, as well. Nature, as a sort of context for society has always beenthe catalyst for cultural issues. Architecture is considered as a link between man and environment around, which is a step forwardto close up the society, culture and nature. By considering human attitudes to nature and the principles of sustainability, GreenArchitecture, helps to expand the favorite Cultural themes for designers in such cultural centers. This paper aims to assess andanalyze the connection between society, culture and nature. Also, investigating this form of addressed sustainable cultural centersregarding the improvement of society in the case study of Cultural Center and Garden of Niavaran. It is prepared on the basis oflibrary-based phase of the research, case study method and observation for its field study phase. At the end, to sum up, the findingsof this study comprise the distinguishing characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of our case study and some efficient proposalshave been used to achieve sustainable development. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    7 - Assessment of Bicycle Use as a New Practical Strategyto Achieve Sustainable Development(Case study:Bahonar Street, Tehran,Iran)
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , شماره 2 , سال 3 , بهار 2013
    In recent decades, urban planning has tended to humanist urbanism. In this regard foot travels and bicycle useare the two strategies that urban planners and transportation engineers are using them as adequate alternatives for making citiesmore people friendly. Using bic چکیده کامل
    In recent decades, urban planning has tended to humanist urbanism. In this regard foot travels and bicycle useare the two strategies that urban planners and transportation engineers are using them as adequate alternatives for making citiesmore people friendly. Using bicycle is known as a strategy that has a great role in decreasing traffic among developing countriesin recent decades. These countries have taken great steps by reducing traffic congestion and environmental pollutions to reachthe sustainable development using comprehensive legislations in this context. This paper aims to assess and analyse the successfulcountries’ experiences specifically Holland and Denmark as countries that have eliminated extensive amount of traffic difficultiesby using bicycle transportation system. Also, investigating this form of transportation regarding the improvement of bicycle useculture in the case study of Niavaran district will be conducted. This article has been implemented in the basis of librarybasedphase of the research, case study method and observation for its field study phase. Tosum up, the findings of this study comprisethe feasibility of bicycle use in the mentioned case study; in which despite of district¢s high slope, efficient proposals have beenused to achieve sustainable development. پرونده مقاله

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    8 - Towards Green Building: Sustainability Approach in Building Industrialization
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , شماره 4 , سال 3 , تابستان 2013
    Building construction challenge, in recent years, is the reduction of social, economical and environmentalimpacts along with economical nature and increasing life quality, as here sustainable construction is important. Pre-fabrication andindustrialization are referred a چکیده کامل
    Building construction challenge, in recent years, is the reduction of social, economical and environmentalimpacts along with economical nature and increasing life quality, as here sustainable construction is important. Pre-fabrication andindustrialization are referred as a solution of sustainable construction due to some of its main characteristics consisting of manysustainability aspects. Due to this fact, the application of these building systems in most cases, makes achieving to sustainablebuilding more easy. Sustainability aspects in industrialized systems are categorized in four groups of environmental, social,economical and technical issues and in each group some of general characteristics of industrialization in these methods arestudied. Today, industrialized construction systems by relying on quality increase idea and blending with the environment andmore flexibility, good design and planning and optimization, can fulfill the goals of sustainable construction. پرونده مقاله

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    9 - Spatial Planning in Border Areas with an Emphasison Passive DefenceConsiderations (Case Study: from Konarak to Guater Gulf, Iran)
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , شماره 4 , سال 4 , تابستان 2014
    Spatial planning in border areas in Iran because of long borders and settling more than half ofthe provinces in the country's international borders with neighbouring countries play particular role in the planningsystem. This article aims to clarify the position of borde چکیده کامل
    Spatial planning in border areas in Iran because of long borders and settling more than half ofthe provinces in the country's international borders with neighbouring countries play particular role in the planningsystem. This article aims to clarify the position of border areas spatial planning in the country planning system,identifying its elements, elucidating how these elements relate to other elements, as well as explaining the importanceand urgency of addressing border areas planning. Southeast region of Iran, particularly Konarak to Guater Gulf, whichdue to underdevelopment and drugs issues urgently needs to spatial planning, review as the case study. According tothe importance of this district in soil and water boundaries of Iran, passive defence approach is examined in spatialplanning. This paper tries to explain spatial planning in mentioned border area in the framework of passive defencestrategy by using descriptive analytical research method. On this basis, according to the features and potentials ofthe study area and with emphasis on the growth poles strategy, plans with increasing the development capacity andpromoting the area's security(passive defence) In four dimension economic, cultural, management and physical. پرونده مقاله

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    10 - Cemetery as a Sociocultural Space in the Persian Cities
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , شماره 2 , سال 5 , بهار 2015
    Examining the planning of cemeteries in the urbanism system of Iran does not show a goodcondition. In fact, cemeteries in the most Persian cities have become large-scale open spaces outside the city. This couldcause irreparable damage to the cities because of the partia چکیده کامل
    Examining the planning of cemeteries in the urbanism system of Iran does not show a goodcondition. In fact, cemeteries in the most Persian cities have become large-scale open spaces outside the city. This couldcause irreparable damage to the cities because of the partial and/or improper use of the capacity of urban lands. Alongwith this, historical cemeteries within the cities have been abandoned. However, it seems that urban space with functionof the cemetery has a specific sociocultural potential. Cemeteries can be very effective elements in the symbolic networkof the city. As a result, it is also an essential element which must be associated with the structure and organisation of thecity and the neighbourhoods, not as a waste and marginal element. In addition, examining this symbolic space achievea symbolic dialogue which will result in exploring the beliefs, emotions, dreams, and imaginations of ancestors whichmeans these urban areas need a specific attention. This paper, by using descriptive-analytical research method, attemptsto explain sociocultural functions of cemeteries as an urban space, and to scrutinise its pathology through reviewing itsposition in the urban plans in Iran. In the following, via an emphasis on the sociocultural role of the cemetery, a seriesof strategies will be expressed for promoting its position within cities. پرونده مقاله