فهرست مقالات Reza Afsharpour مقاله 1 - The Relationships between Gender Identity and Teacher Success in Iranian EFL Context 10.71528/2024.24011093 Reza Afsharpour Ghasem Barani Seyyed Hassan Seyyedrezaei Zari Sadat Seyyedrezaie Journal of New Trends in English Language Learning (JNTELL) , شماره 2 , سال 3 , تابستان 2024 مقاله 2 - A Comparison of the Impact of Peer-Tutored Read-Aloud and Teacher-Guided Read-Aloud on Immediate and Delayed Vocabulary Retention among Iranian EFL Students Reza Afsharpour Manoocher Jafari Gohar Journal of Applied Linguistics Studies , شماره 1 , سال 1 , بهار 2022 مقاله 3 - Examining The Relationship Among Stroke, Strictness, Gender Identity, and Teacher Success from EFL Teachers’ Perspective 10.71664/jals.2024.2211-1057/ Reza Afsharpour Ghasem Barani Seyyed Hassan Seyyedrezaei Zari Sadat Seyyedrezaei Journal of Applied Linguistics Studies , شماره 1 , سال 3 , زمستان 2024 مقاله 4 - Exploring the Interplay among Stroke, Strictness, and Teacher Success from EFL Teachers’ Perspective: A Mixed-Methods Study 20.1001.1.20088590.2023. 10.30495/ttlt.2024.706672 Reza Afsharpour Ghasem Barani Seyyed Hassan Seyyed Rezaei Zari Sadat Seyyedrezaei Journal of Language and Translation , شماره 4 , سال 13 , پاییز 2023