فهرست مقالات خسرو سینا

  • مقاله

    1 - خوانشی ساختاری از ادبیات شفاهى کردستان مطالعه موردی ( بیت سه یده وان)
    زبان و ادب فارسی واحد سنندج , شماره 4 , سال 5 , پاییز 1392
    Structural analysis of oral works of literature and studying it's in the text elements as well as finding proportionate patterns of poetry, contributed to the better understanding of nature of literature and it could be helpful in developing the processing patterns in چکیده کامل
    Structural analysis of oral works of literature and studying it's in the text elements as well as finding proportionate patterns of poetry, contributed to the better understanding of nature of literature and it could be helpful in developing the processing patterns in the rest of literary types. In present study, the verse of Saidawan as a prominent Kurdish oral story is analyzed based on the structural patterns. The purpose of this study is to get to know the Kurdish oral literature better and to investigate and analyze the structure of work based on the main structural patterns. The study has been conducted based analytical method in the liberary and indicates that the narrative structure of story of Saidawan conforms the structuralisms’ theory. پرونده مقاله