فهرست مقالات Mojtaba Nikzad

  • مقاله

    1 - Determine and Formulation Strategies for the Development of Afghanistan's Agriculture Sector Using SWOT Analysis, SPACE Matrix, and QSPM Approach
    International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development , شماره 1 , سال 13 , زمستان 2023
    The agricultural sector plays a vital role in Afghanistan's economy, but despite national and international efforts to support its growth, the sector has not achieved sustainable and significant development. This has led to problems such as poverty, reduced food securit چکیده کامل
    The agricultural sector plays a vital role in Afghanistan's economy, but despite national and international efforts to support its growth, the sector has not achieved sustainable and significant development. This has led to problems such as poverty, reduced food security, and an increase in narcotics cultivation. In order to address these challenges and promote the development of Afghanistan's agricultural sector, a comprehensive study was conducted to formulate appropriate strategies aligned with the country's sustainable economic development goals. The study utilized the Delphi technique and questionnaire instrument to gather insights from experts in the field. By considering various internal and external factors, the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analytical framework was applied to identify suitable strategies. Additionally, the strategic position of the agricultural sector was determined using the SPACE (Strategic Position and Action Evaluation) matrix. Based on the findings, conservative strategies, such as reorientation and revision of executive policies, were identified as crucial for the development of Afghanistan's agricultural sector. These strategies emphasize the importance of supportive policies and the evaluation and revision of existing policies and executive plans. By addressing the structural and infrastructural weaknesses within the agricultural sector and capitalizing on external opportunities, it is possible to overcome the challenges and promote sustainable growth. To prioritize the strategies, the study employed the QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix) approach. This approach allowed for the sorting of strategies based on their importance and priority, ensuring that the most effective and impactful actions are implemented first. In conclusion, the study highlights the need to focus on conservative strategies, particularly reorientation, and revision of executive policies, to address the challenges faced by Afghanistan's agricultural sector. By doing so, the sector can overcome its weaknesses and take advantage of external opportunities to achieve sustainable and significant growth. پرونده مقاله