A review of forest biomass estimation and modeling methods by remote sensing
محورهای موضوعی : Environment
Razieh Hadavand
Sadegh Mokhtarisabet
Reza Abedzadegan Abdi
1 - Department of Remote Sensing and GIS, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran
2 - Department of Remote Sensing and GIS, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran
3 - Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalous, Iran
کلید واژه: GIS, biomass, remote sensing, radar, Optics,
چکیده مقاله :
Background and objective:Detailed evaluation of biomass using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information systems is very important to manage the forest and its role as a carbon source and climate change. Ground sensing data have made a big change in compiling and exploiting information about forest biomass, But non-local equations and the use of different radar and optical images, and also huge expenses have caused ambiguities in the accurate estimation of biomass. This study aims to investigate the capabilities of different remote sensing data for modeling and estimating forest biomass.Materials and methods:Today, by using the conducted research and also by examining the conducted methods, it is possible to have an accurate assessment of biomass estimation, which brings the lowest cost and the highest efficiency. In this study, the challenges of the forest biome were investigated by reading numerous domestic and international articles and also with the opinion of natural resources experts in Iran.Results and conclusion:After reviewing the opinions of experts, all the solutions and challenges of the existing methods for estimating and modeling the forest biomass, it was concluded that to increase the accuracy and reduce the costs, the use of remote sensing capabilities can be useful in the assessment of the forest biomass. Decision makers and managers, especially in the natural resources area, can use remote sensing capabilities to prevent crises and monitor forests.Materials and methods: Today, by using the conducted research and also by examining the conducted methods, it is possible to have an accurate assessment of biomass estimation, which brings the lowest cost and the highest efficiency. In this study, the challenges of the forest biome were investigated by reading numerous domestic and international articles and also with the opinion of natural resources experts in Iran.Results and conclusion: After reviewing the opinions of experts, all the solutions and challenges of the existing methods for estimating and modeling the forest biomass, it was concluded that to increase the accuracy and reduce the costs, the use of remote sensing capabilities can be useful in the assessment of the forest biomass. Decision makers and managers, especially in the natural resources area, can use remote sensing capabilities to prevent crises and monitor forests.
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