Investigation of the Relationship between Metacognitive Reading Strategies and Motivation: The Case of Iranian EFL Learners
محورهای موضوعی : Journal of Teaching English Language StudiesFatemeh Mohseni 1 , Zohreh Seifoori 2 , Saeideh Ahangari 3
1 - Department of English, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Department of English, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
3 - Department of English, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
کلید واژه: Iranian EFL learners, metacognitive reading strategies, patterns of motivation,
چکیده مقاله :
This study was to investigate the use of metacognitive reading strategies, patterns of motivation aswell as the relationship between motivation and L2 readers’ metacognitive awareness andperceived use of strategies among Iranian EFL learners. A total number of 36 intermediate studentsfrom an English Institutes in Qazvin took part in this study. They were asked to fill in twoquestionnaires: (a) a questionnaire on motivation, which was developed by Vallerand et al. (1992),and (b) a questionnaire on Metacognitive awareness strategies in reading developed by Mokhtari& Reichard, (2002). The results of the study revealed that: 1) In the category of metacognitivereading strategies, problem solving was the most frequently used strategy and global and supportwas the least frequently used one. 2) There was no significant difference in terms of type ofmotivation among Iranian EFL learners 3) Positive relationship was found between both types ofmotivation and use of metacognitive reading strategies. This study suggested that readers’metacognitive awareness should be cultivated and strategy instruction should be integrated intothe teaching of reading.
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