Evaluation of the quality of the third place for young people with an emphasis on promoting Social Resilience
محورهای موضوعی : Space Ontology International Journal
Mohammadreza Mohammadi vosough
Toktam Hanaee
1 - Department of Urbanism, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
2 - Department of Urbanism, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
کلید واژه: sociability, social interactions, Social resilience, Third Place,
چکیده مقاله :
Resilience stated that this word means the ability to return to the original state. Third places, hangouts, which all mean a home away from home, are effective in promoting social resilience, this research seeks to answer the main question of how the components of the third place can affect promoting the social resilience of young people. In this regard, the Sajjad neighborhood of Mashhad city has been taken as a case study. This research collected information using the field and library method and by setting up a questionnaire with a sample size of 380 people randomly looking for the required information from the indicators in the youth age group and using the descriptive-analytical research method to analyze the collected data using SPSS and PLS. has been discussed, it should be mentioned that Bartlett and KMO tests were used in this research to check the reliability and validity. The results of the analysis of the information collected from the Sajjad neighborhood of Mashhad show that the best indicator for the social resilience of young people is the benefit of recreational spaces and paying attention to the physical design of third places, and for its improvement, it requires planning and planning in the realization of strategies such as the promotion of sociable use, Improving socializing spaces and increasing permeability and improving sociability hangouts, all of which are effective in improving the social resilience and social interactions of youth.
Resilience stated that this word means the ability to return to the original state. Third places, hangouts, which all mean a home away from home, are effective in promoting social resilience, this research seeks to answer the main question of how the components of the third place can affect promoting the social resilience of young people. In this regard, the Sajjad neighborhood of Mashhad city has been taken as a case study. This research collected information using the field and library method and by setting up a questionnaire with a sample size of 380 people randomly looking for the required information from the indicators in the youth age group and using the descriptive-analytical research method to analyze the collected data using SPSS and PLS. has been discussed, it should be mentioned that Bartlett and KMO tests were used in this research to check the reliability and validity. The results of the analysis of the information collected from the Sajjad neighborhood of Mashhad show that the best indicator for the social resilience of young people is the benefit of recreational spaces and paying attention to the physical design of third places, and for its improvement, it requires planning and planning in the realization of strategies such as the promotion of sociable use, Improving socializing spaces and increasing permeability and improving sociability hangouts, all of which are effective in improving the social resilience and social interactions of youth.
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