اولویتبندی شاخص ها و اهداف استراتژیک بر اساس کارت امتیازی متوازن در شرکت خطوط لوله و مخابرات نفت ایران و ارائه مدل پویایی سیستم
محورهای موضوعی :
مدیریت صنعتی
Somaieh Alavi
Isa Nakhai
Ali Azari
1 - Shahid Ashrafi Esfahani
2 - Shahid Ashrafi Esfahani University
3 - MSc in Project Planning and Control in Petro Texan International Company
تاریخ دریافت : 1398/04/10
تاریخ پذیرش : 1398/08/13
تاریخ انتشار : 1398/08/01
کلید واژه:
کارت امتیازی متوازن,
اهداف استراتژیک,
تحلیل سلسله مراتبی,
پویایی سیستم,
چکیده مقاله :
تحقق اهداف استراتژیک، شرط لازم برای رسیدن به چشمانداز است. از آنجا که بحث اولویت بندی در تمامی سیستمهای استراتژیک اهمیت دارد، باید در مرحله اول اولویتها مشخص باشند تا بتوان برخی اهداف را به نفع برخی دیگر کنار گذاشت و سپس در مرحله دوم موانع پیشروی این اهداف را بررسی و سپس جهت رفع این موانع راهکارهایی ارائه نمود. پژوهش حاضـر بـا هـدف شناسایی و الویت بندی اهداف استراتژیک بر اساس وجوه کارت امتیازی متوازن در شرکت خطوط لوله و مخابرات نفت اصفهان و ارائه راهکارهایی برای رفع موانع پیاده سازی آنها صـورت پذیرفتـه اسـت. در مرحلـه اول اهداف با روشهای تصمیمگیری چند معیاره AHP وزندهی و اولویتبندی شدند. نتایــج نشــان داد کــه در میــان شــاخصهای ارزیابــی عملکــرد، منظــر فرآیندهـای داخلـی در اولویـت اول و مناظـر مشــتری، رشـد و یادگیـری، و مالـی بـه ترتیـب در اولویتهای بعــدی قــراردارد. نتایج حاصل از رتبه بندی واحدهای مختلف شرکت با استفاده از روش تاپسیس بیان میکند واحد تعمیرات ابزاردقیق دارای رتبه اول و پس از آن واحد تعمیرات خط و واحد تعمیرات مکانیک به ترتیب دارای رتبه دوم و سوم هستند. در پایان یک مدل پویایی سیستم ترسیم گردید و متغیرهای کلیدی در یک بازه زمانی 60 ساله مورد شبیهسازی قرار گرفتند.
چکیده انگلیسی:
Achieving strategic goals is a prerequisite for reaching out to the prospect. Since prioritization is important in all strategic systems, the priorities in the first phase must be cleared in order to exclude some goals in favor of others, and then in the second stage, the obstacles to the progress of these goals are examined and then Solutions to address these barriers. The purpose of this study was to identify and prioritize strategic objectives based on balanced scorecard funds in the Isfahan oil and gas pipeline company and provide solutions to remove barriers to their implementation. In the first stage, the goals were weighed and prioritized by multi-criteria AHP decision-making methods. The results showed that among the indicators of performance evaluation, the landscape of internal processes in the first priority and customer landscape, growth and learning, and finance are in the next order, respectively. The results of the ranking of different units of the company using the Topsis method indicate that the Repairs Unit has the first rank, and then the line repair and mechanical repair department respectively ranked second and third respectively. At the end, a system dynamics model was mapped and key variables were simulated in a 60-year period.
منابع و مأخذ:
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Adeinat, I. (2019). Mediating Effects between Perspectives in Strategy Maps, Administrative Sciences, 9)14(, 1-12.
Akhtar, S. (2016). Strategic HRM practice and their impact on company performance in Chinese enterprises. Journal of human resource management Willey online library, 47)1 (, 15-32.
Asgharpour, M.J. (1994). Group decision making with the attitude of research in operations. Tehran University Press, Tehran University Press. (in Persian).
E, Harianto. (2016). Model karakteristik indivdu, budaya korport entrepreneurial leadership dan reward system terhadap corporate. Jurnal doctor. jade17.
Feyzi, A., Sulukdar, A., (2014). Banking Industry Performance Evaluation with Fuzzy-Balanced Scorecard Combined Approach, Financial Engineering and Stock Management Magazine, (1) 20. (in Persian).
Halawi, L.A., Aronson, JE. (2005). Either incapable or reluctant to reproduce the benefits of this strategy. Organizational governance and firm effects in the form of resource advantages and strategies. The electronic journal commons.erau.edu.
Hosseini, H. (2014). Performance appraisal of the oil and gas engineering company based on the BSC scorecard model, International Management Conference, Tehran, Mobin Cultural Ambassadors Institute.
Hung-Yi, W., Gwo-Hshiung, T., Yi-Hsuan, C. (2009). A fuzzy MCDM approach for evaluating banking performance based on Balanced Scorecard. Expert Systems with Applications, 36, 10135-10147.
Jassem, S., Azmi, A., Zarina, Z. (2018), Impact of Sustainability Balanced Scorecard Types on Environmental Investment Decision-Making, Sustainability, 10(2), 541.
Karimian, H. (2010). selecting the most appropriate structure to improve system reliability using the network analysis process. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, (21) 3, 32-24. (in Persian).
Kelaivik, B. (2015). Supplier relationship management or the road construction industry, A case study of Ghana highways authority EO BOW.
Keyes, J. (2016). Implementing the IT balanced scorecard. Aligning IT with corporate strategy. CRC Press.
Khatami, S. M. (2015). Reviewing and ranking of performance indicators of the National Bank using Balanced Scorecard Model and Fuzzy AHP with emphasis on financial indicators. Monthly Journal of Management and Accounting Research. (in Persian).
Koto-shimada, S. (2016). Insights from a bridging program for faculty development.
Momeni, M., Maleki, H. (2011). A Fuzzy MCDM Approach for Evaluating Listed Private Banks in Tehran Stock Exchange Based on Balanced Scorecard. International Journal of Business Administration, 2(1).
Nakhaee Kamalabadi, A., Bagheri, M.R. (2008). Provide a decision making model for outsourcing production activities to support ANP and Dematel techniques in fuzzy environments. Journal of Industrial Management Faculty of Humanities Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj Branch, 5, 46-25. (in Persian).
Sadiqi Goghari, J. (2014). Evaluating the maturity of strategic management in the automotive production industry based on the strategic organization model of case study. BarinSaz Company, the first international conference on tools and management techniques. (in Persian).
Safai, A., Aghajani, H., Dargahi, H. (2012). The presentation of a combination of fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making techniques using a balanced scorecard to prioritize strategic objectives, Journal of Operational Research in Its Applications, (33) 9, 81-99.
Shah Alizadeh Kalkhuran, M., Ziaee, M., Alwani, M. (2008). AHP-Dematel Selection Methodology Model. Management Quarterly, 12, 32-21. (in Persian).
Shahverdi, Z., jalil, S. (2011). Performance of Hamman resource accounting on the basis of moderated current value. International Journal of Scientific Management and Development, 4(7), 252-258
Shariaty, R., Afkhimi Ardakani, M. (2016). Identification and prioritization of strategic objectives and indicators based on a balanced scorecard and providing solutions for removing obstacles to the implementation of each goal. Research Institute for the Promotion of Exploration and Production of Oil and Gas, 137. (in Persian).
Shghli, Roshenash, Kh. (2015). Application of BSC and AHP in assessing the performance of scientific groups, a case study at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences. Journal of Education Development in Medical Sciences, (22) 9, 53-63. (in Persian).
Shul, A., Hadavi Nejad, M., Syahpour, A. (2018). Investigating the Impact of Sustainable Supply Chain on Organizational Performance Using Balanced Scorecard Approach (Case study: Fajr Jam Gaming Refinery). MODIRIAT-E-FARDA JOURNAL, (2) 7, 173-192. (in Persian).
Zarei M., Atyabi, B. (2017). Algorithm for Prioritizing Improvement Organizations Projects Using "Possible" Perspectives and "Environmental Health and Safety of Employees" along with the views of the BSC Model and FMCDM Techniques (Case Study: South Pars Gas Complex). International Conference on Management and Industrial Engineering, Third, Tehran.