Investigating Emotion Regulation Strategies Used by EFL Teachers in Kerman Language Institutes
محورهای موضوعی : Applied Linguistics
1 - M.A. in TEFL, Kish International Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kish Island, Iran
کلید واژه: Cognitive Reassessment, emotion, Emotional Suppression, emotion regulation, Redirection of the Focus of Attention,
چکیده مقاله :
This research intended to explore the Emotion Regulation Strategies (ERS) used by EFL teachers in Kerman institutes. Also, the present project compared the possible difference between the students' achievements regarding their genders. Besides, the most and least frequent types of emotion regulation strategies used by EFL teachers were highlighted by this study. Moreover, the difference between the applied emotion regulation strategies by male and female teachers was regarded in this research. To do this, 60 Iranian EFL teachers from both genders were selected as the participants of the study that were chosen based on available sampling. Emotional regulation questionnaire designed by Gross and John (2003) was employed for gathering data. The questionnaires were published among 60 EFL teachers of some language institutes, and they had to answer them in a limited time. After that, the questionnaires were collected by the researcher and the data were analyzed using SPSS. The obtained results indicated that "Redirecting the Focus of Attention" strategy is the most frequent type of emotion regulation, and "Emotional Suppression" was identified as the least frequent one. Also, the findings of the study revealed that there was not an observable difference between the male and female teachers in applying emotion regulation strategies. Research on emotion regulation in the classroom can assist teacher’s own emotional development as well as their ability to facilitate healthy emotion development of their students.
This research intended to explore the Emotion Regulation Strategies (ERS) used by EFL teachers in Kerman institutes. Also, the present project compared the possible difference between the students' achievements regarding their genders. Besides, the most and least frequent types of emotion regulation strategies used by EFL teachers were highlighted by this study. Moreover, the difference between the applied emotion regulation strategies by male and female teachers was regarded in this research. To do this, 60 Iranian EFL teachers from both genders were selected as the participants of the study that were chosen based on available sampling. Emotional regulation questionnaire designed by Gross and John (2003) was employed for gathering data. The questionnaires were published among 60 EFL teachers of some language institutes, and they had to answer them in a limited time. After that, the questionnaires were collected by the researcher and the data were analyzed using SPSS. The obtained results indicated that "Redirecting the Focus of Attention" strategy is the most frequent type of emotion regulation, and "Emotional Suppression" was identified as the least frequent one. Also, the findings of the study revealed that there was not an observable difference between the male and female teachers in applying emotion regulation strategies. Research on emotion regulation in the classroom can assist teacher’s own emotional development as well as their ability to facilitate healthy emotion development of their students.
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