The Effect of Functional-based Approach vs. Structural-based Approach on the Accuracy of Certain Grammatical Structures on Iranian EFL Learners
محورهای موضوعی : Research in English Language Pedagogy
Kazem Najmi
Masoumeh Salarpour
Mohamad Ahmadi
1 - Department of English Language Teaching, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Alzahra University
3 - Department of English Language Teaching, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
کلید واژه: Grammatical Structure, Accuracy, Functional-based Approach, Structural-based Approach,
چکیده مقاله :
The present study aimed at examining the possible effects of the functional-based approach vs. structural-based approach on the accuracy of certain grammatical structures on Iranian EFL learners. In many textbooks taught in Iran, grammar is reflected as an important tool for the enhancement of language proficiency. Reading the table of contents of many textbooks, one can find out that functions have been written for each grammatical structure. Nevertheless, observing classes, one can see little to no emphasis on the functional use of the grammatical structure. To achieve the main goal of this study, 41 male and female learners with the age range of 15 to 30 were selected from among 60 learners as homogeneous lower-intermediate participants of the study by Oxford Placement Test (OPT). They received different interventions in the two experimental groups of functional (N = 20) and structural (N = 21) being divided non-randomly based on their OPT scores. The Functional group was taught grammar using the functional approach while the structural group experienced grammar instruction using the structural approach for four sessions. Analyzing the obtained data of role-play tests performed on both groups and at both pretest and posttest using paired samples t-test and ANCOVA uncovered that both structural and functional-based approaches can enhance the acquisition of grammatical accuracy,
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