An Exploration of Convergence and Divergence on the Characteristics of Successful Iranian EFL Teachers: Learners’ and Teachers’ Perspectives
محورهای موضوعی : Research in English Language Pedagogy
Esmaeel Ali Salimi
Kiyana Zhaleh
1 - Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran
کلید واژه: EFL teacher, Successful English teacher, EFL learner, Triangulation of perspectives,
چکیده مقاله :
In order to expand the literature on the concept of teacher success and buttress the previous findings in this regard, this study attempted to explore characteristics of successful EFL teachers from EFL learners' and teachers' perspectives. Thirty Iranian undergraduate EFL learners and 30 EFL teachers were interviewed and also responded to the Successful EFL Teachers Questionnaire. The content analysis of the interview data showed a number of themes emphasized mutually by the two groups; among them being knowledgeable followed by being competent at teaching and conveying knowledge were the most frequent themes. Further interview findings uncovered some themes stated exclusively by learners and some others exclusively by teachers. The descriptive statistics also revealed that the 12 subscales of the questionnaire were ranked mostly in the same order of importance by both groups, and the Mann-Whitney U test outcomes evinced significant differences regarding the perspectives of the learners and teachers only for four subscales of the questionnaire. All in all, based on the results, it was concluded that, compared to the teachers, the learners held a more restricted conceptualization of the qualities of successful EFL teachers. Accordingly, pedagogical implications were suggested in the English language teaching and learning context of Iran.
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