Comparing the Effects of Long-term Continuous and Interval Training on the Serum Levels of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Risk Factors in Elite Runners
محورهای موضوعی : Sport physiology
Ardeshir Zafari
Zahra Malekian Broomi
Fatemeh Haji Ghorbanizadeh
Tahereh Bagherpour
Nematollah Nemati
1 - Department of Sport Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Art, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran
2 - High School Teacher of Physical Education, Damghan, Iran
3 - Department of Sport Sciences, Damghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damghan, Iran
4 - Department of Sport Sciences, Damghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damghan, Iran
5 - Department of Sport Sciences, Damghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damghan, Iran
کلید واژه: Running, Training, Fatty liver, Lipid profiles,
چکیده مقاله :
In non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, serum levels of liver enzymes and lipid profiles were increased. One of the ways to deal with the risk factors of non-alcoholic fatty liver is to do physical activity and exercise. This semi-experimental study was conducted with the aim of comparing the effects of long-term continuous and interval training on non-alcoholic fatty liver risk factors in elite runners. Thirty elite runners with average height (176.5±0.05), weight (66.7±5.5) and age (20.2±0.00) were selected, and based on the specialized training were divided into two equal groups of continuous and interval training. Non-alcoholic fatty liver risk factors were measured with special laboratory techniques after standard fasting at the medical diagnosis laboratory. The non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test was used at the significance level of 0.05 to check the hypotheses. Despite high maximum oxygen consumption in both training groups, the levels of HDL_c, TG, LP (a) and HDL/LDL and HDL/TC ratio were lower in the interval training group than in the continuous training group, while the concentration of LDL_c, TC and BMI in the interval training group was higher than the continuous training group. Interval and continuous training increased liver enzymes. This increase was greater in the interval training group, which indicates more liver damage after performing this type of training. Therefore, performing interval and continuous training improves aerobic capacity and adjusts lipid profile and BMI.
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