The Effect of Roselle Calyx Extract and Nano-ZnO Biofilm on Walnut's Chemical and Sensory Properties
محورهای موضوعی : Food Science and Technology
Neda Sadat Aghayan
Maede Sadat Abbasi
Anna Etemadi Razlighi
Atousa Kokabian
Neda Fallah
Grace Morine
1 - Department of Food Science and Technology, Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran
2 - Department of Food Science and Technology, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran
3 - Department of Food Science & Egineering, Mahalat Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahalat, Iran
4 - Quality Control Manager of Zarvar Company Hamedan, Iran
5 - Production and Recycling of Materials and Energy Research Center, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran|Department of Food Science and Technology, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
6 - Veterinary Mycology Group, Facultat de Veterinària, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Catalunya, Spain
کلید واژه: free radicals, Fungal growth, Bionanocomposite film, Biopackaging, Oxidation reaction,
چکیده مقاله :
Bionanocomposite active films made from tapioca starch and bovine gelatin, with the addition of roselle calyx extract (RCE) and zinc oxide nanorod (ZnO-N), were created as packaging material to protect walnuts against mold, yeast contamination, and lipid oxidation. Three types of packaging were produced: tapioca starch and bovine gelatin (control sample), tapioca starch, bovine gelatin, and RCE, and tapioca starch, bovine gelatin, ZnO-N, and RCE. Approximately 30 grams of walnuts were packed using each type of packaging and evaluated for acidity value, mold and yeast count, peroxide value, and sensory tests. After 90 days, the mold and yeast count of walnuts packed with RCE/ZnO-N and RCE was 4.49 and 4.65 log cfu/g respectively, compared to 4.95 log cfu/g in the control sample. At the end of the conservation period, the aroma score was 3.59 for walnuts packed with RCE/ZnO-N, compared to 2.5 for those packed with tapioca starch and bovine gelatin. The acidity value indicated that walnuts packed with RCE and RCE/ZnO-N had a positive effect on acidity, with the lowest value found in walnuts packed with RCE/ZnO-N. The study showed that bionanocomposite packaging films containing RCE and ZnO-N are effective in protecting walnuts against fungal contamination and oxidation.
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