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  • List of Articles

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The expansion of NATO toward east and Iran s national interests
        Masoud Almasi Ezzatollah Ezzati
        After the fragmentation of the Soviet Union and disintegration of Warsaw Treatythere wasn’t any reason for the continuation of military. Security treaty of NATO . Butthe need for the continuation of this treaty with the purpose of expanding United stateshegemoney More
        After the fragmentation of the Soviet Union and disintegration of Warsaw Treatythere wasn’t any reason for the continuation of military. Security treaty of NATO . Butthe need for the continuation of this treaty with the purpose of expanding United stateshegemoney and distributing its cost, movd toward the expansion of NATO towardeast. In the way of conquering, the most important scene of rivalry among powers iscentral Asia and providing the security of routes of transporting energy. According tothis fact that iran is located in a very crucial geopolitical position and is the connectiveof Caspian Sea with Persion Gulf and Oman sea and was named the bridge of victoryduring the second World War, So forbearance of Iran s role as one of the geopoliticalcenters of the region seems to be impossible. Therefore United states and NATO in anipsilateral movement are trying to expand the extent of security role of this treaty inthe world. So we can see the presence of NATO in Afghanistan, Iraq, central Asia andTurkey. In this period Iran is forced to adapt itself with the reality of this presence. It'sclear that compilation of correct politics will lead toward provision of nationalinterests Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Analysis of land use in Amol City
        Masoud Mahdavi Ali Tavakolan
        Planning of urban land use is the main core of urban planning. Today, disorder hasbeen created in characteristics of land use in the cities due to unplanned urbanism.Orderliness of urban land use is highly important for qualitative enhancement ofurbanism. City of Amol i More
        Planning of urban land use is the main core of urban planning. Today, disorder hasbeen created in characteristics of land use in the cities due to unplanned urbanism.Orderliness of urban land use is highly important for qualitative enhancement ofurbanism. City of Amol is one of the cities in which disorder in urban land use hascaused incontinence for citizens, which includes lack of proportion between per capitaof occupancies and standard per capita and inappropriate performance of certainactivities. Considering such problems, this article is compiled with the aim oforderliness of city environment for the purpose of enhancement of quality of living.In this article, problems and disorders of every single occupancies have beenverified qualitatively and quantitatively and analysis of occupancies has been dealtwith in consideration of geographical, economic and structural conditions of the cityand sustainable development, per capita and conventional standards of town planningby application of Geographical Information System. Results of verifications werecompiled in the form of presenting desirable situation for each occupancy as well asoffering general suggestionsand guidancesFinally, theresults showed that according to figure of per capita (Excluding culturalreligiousoccupancies), per capita of other occupancies is lower thanusual per capita incities of Iran while it is lower than world standards. The elements that can be effectivefor elimination of problems are namely diversity of occupancies, improving theoperational quality of occupancies and their suitable accessibility and distribution ofservices in the fields associated with the city. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Rural transition trend with consideration of Urban revenue in Iran
        Azadeh Amiri Kazem Jajarmi
        Connection between urban & rural area have been widely recognized as the maincause of economical, social and cultural changes. In spite of that, most of thedevelopment theories and practical procedures have emphasized the separates anddifferences between population More
        Connection between urban & rural area have been widely recognized as the maincause of economical, social and cultural changes. In spite of that, most of thedevelopment theories and practical procedures have emphasized the separates anddifferences between population and activities of rural and urban areas. While ruraldevelopment planners recognize rural areas separated from urban centers and asincluding only village and agricultural fields, urban planners tend to consider urbanissues more and do not pay much attention to rural agricultural and development. Inregional survey of third world / developing countries, different kinds of mutualrelation between city & village are studied , and jran which had a homogenous urbannet work in the past and whose cities and villages had balanced relation, is on of thesecountries but, the influence and dominance of global capitalism and the division oflobos in jran , disturbed this balance and caused an increase in the oil revenues of jranfrom 30s on , which inundated cities and urban areas with facilities and also the correcticons and adjustment in the fields, worsened the condition of rural areas and added totheir agricultural problems. The current paper studies the history and course ofchanges in the relation between city & village from ancient time to current date. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The analysis and explaining of geographical of spatial and local distribution of rural habitations Case study: piranshabr, lajan region
        Reza Gaderi Hossin Asayesh
        The present trend of population scattering and distribution, activity and services inLajan region is following of spatial and Local structure of country disorganized .The continuation of this condition is important factor and barrier in systemicfunction rural region com More
        The present trend of population scattering and distribution, activity and services inLajan region is following of spatial and Local structure of country disorganized .The continuation of this condition is important factor and barrier in systemicfunction rural region comptabile development model That at tention to geographicalsituation, accesses, Present Possibilities and population, communitive network,foundation, office and political divisions and environment, society, economical andcultural compatibles should provide optimum field aservices making Lovelsystem.This article has cletermined on basic system function and comptabile developmentmodel indeed strengthening local and spatial of lajan habitation system total withattention to sources Limitation and in frame of hievarchy of rural habitation can keepTheir population and continue to life Careful to threshold and standards. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Impression investigation of cultivation of cut flowers and putplants on pakdasht economy
        Masome Pazoki Mojtaba Ghadiri Masomd Alireza Estelaji
        During the several past decades, making variety in exports or on the other hands,tendency to exports development and export mutation strategy violently has beenbeing emphasized. In this way, for the purpose of replacing other goods instead for oilin economical growth, d More
        During the several past decades, making variety in exports or on the other hands,tendency to exports development and export mutation strategy violently has beenbeing emphasized. In this way, for the purpose of replacing other goods instead for oilin economical growth, development and making structural transition, increasing jobopportunities, acquiring foreign income and finally possibility of divulging ofpotentials abilities exports of non-oil goods has been being emphasized.For economical development, knowledge of resources and effective factors ongrowth by exports has high importance, especially, those resources that they haveproportional preference and competition preference. One of these goods that can be innon-oil exports complex, is cut flowers and put-plants, because of Pakdasht physicaland historical pervious record.With preparing the way for cut flowers and put-plants production and exports, theuniversal markets gates will open to Iran and Pakdasht economy. Considering thatthese productions have potential ability fore acquiring high foreign income, they canhave the very important role in arranging of non-oil economical plan and make varietyin exports.In the other way, cultivation of cut flowers and put-plants in villages has madeoccupation, increasing income and pile up wealth that has lead to economicaldevelopment in villages; finally it will make sustainable development in villages. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Landslides Hazard Zonation Using Logistic Regression Method (Case Study: Safaroud Watershed)
        Amir Eshaghi Baharak Motamedvaziri Sadat Feiznia
        Identification of regions having potential for landslides occurrence, is one of thebasic measures in natural resources management. In this Study, in order to preparinglandslides hazard zonation map in Safaroud watershed, by using geographicinformation system software (A More
        Identification of regions having potential for landslides occurrence, is one of thebasic measures in natural resources management. In this Study, in order to preparinglandslides hazard zonation map in Safaroud watershed, by using geographicinformation system software (ArcGIS9.3), topographic maps (1:25000), fieldobservations and interpretation of aerial photo, basic maps such as geographical map,hypsometry, slope Degree, slope aspect, the average annual rainfall, maximum 24-hour rainfall with return period 100 years, the maximum earthquake acceleration andthe distance of roads, rivers and faults, is produced. Then using Logistic RegressionMethod, landslides hazard zonation map of this watershed is prepared. The resultsshowed that 52.28 percent area of Safaroud watershed have had high and very highclasses of hazard, and theses areas are located on formations content layer of silt stone,sheyl, sandstone, conglomera and coal, on Slope from 15 to 35 degrees, close to roads,rivers and faults and in the average heights (1000 to 1500 meters asl.) that have largeamount of rainfall (more than 850 mm). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - An intelligent Hybrid Algorithm for Urban waste Collection Problem
        heydar Lotfi Babak sadeghi
        This paper presents an Algorithm to solve an urban waste collection problem bydelivering suitable route in each separate areas of Tehran in order to minimize the costof waste collection. We know the fuel consuming has a direct relation ship withdriving distances by coll More
        This paper presents an Algorithm to solve an urban waste collection problem bydelivering suitable route in each separate areas of Tehran in order to minimize the costof waste collection. We know the fuel consuming has a direct relation ship withdriving distances by collection vehicles, so, by minimize the cost of fuel consumingbecause waste collection consist of 50%-70% of totally collection expenses.Mathematical programming used to solve this problem base on integerprogramming with three variables and four limits.We propose a practical solution method which consists of three components: zoningAlgorithm, route generating Algorithm and combination Algorithm.Zoning Algorithm: a separated area divides in to small areas which each areaconsist of many big trash bins and surrounded between four streets, each points onborder could be considered as a start or end points.Route generating Algorithm: find the smallest routes between start and end points.Combination Algorithm: find the suitable neighborhood areas by consideration ofthe collection vehicles and capacities in each area. Until to minimize the traversedcompletely. Our topological limitations are: deadened streets, boulevards, traffic laws,such as one way streets in order to become closer in the real in the real word scale.The experimental results on real word problem, using data from 3 separate areas ofTehran, showed the superiority of the solution generated by the porposed intelligentAlgorithm to the solution generated by human experts. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - The Analysis Of Changes Of In New Cities Over A Period Of Time, Sample Study Of The New City Hashtgerd
        Soudabeh Harati
        New cities in social and economic systems has been widely changed, so a precious andcomplete definition did not established and each society has defined that according toit's special applications.By the way new cities has a special " birthday" and build in a short and d More
        New cities in social and economic systems has been widely changed, so a precious andcomplete definition did not established and each society has defined that according toit's special applications.By the way new cities has a special " birthday" and build in a short and definite time.such cities are the opposite point in compare with creation and revolution ofcentralized cities which base on a core slowly before their creation .new urbanplanners usually make cities based on prediction of estimated population, so the futurerequests on frame work, social and economic matters will considered . design andbuild of new cities generally made in virgin land without a core .Making new cities in Iran beside of Tehran and big cities was a new experiencethrough two previous decades which made designers, planners and managers to beencountered with new problems.These cities has been planned after facing with the development problems ofmetropolises and specially the civilization problems.For de-centralization of very big cities (metro polis) with a population andlimitation of physical. Manuscript profile