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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Criminology of stock market crimes as economic crimes in Iranian law
        Mohammad Sadeghi Javad Rajabi Salman Hassan Hajitabar
        Criminal protection of the capital market is considered as a separate matter in the rights related to investment. The purpose of this support is to protect the rights of shareholders, to create order in the stock trading market, and also to prevent harmful behaviors. In More
        Criminal protection of the capital market is considered as a separate matter in the rights related to investment. The purpose of this support is to protect the rights of shareholders, to create order in the stock trading market, and also to prevent harmful behaviors. In order to achieve these objectives, it is necessary that the determined criminal execution guarantees are appropriate to the committed behaviors and have been formulated and approved in order to achieve these objectives. The 6th and 7th degree punishments, which were modified and suspended in different ways in the reforms of 2019, cannot be considered as a deterrent and, of course, a reformer in the case of harmful stock market behavior. On the other hand, due to the spread of stock market activities at the community level and the involvement of different groups of people in this economic scene, and following the occurrence of some harmful behaviors with a wide range, the proportion between the behavior criminality and determined legal punishments, to be violated in an obvious way. It seems that in order to compensate for this shortcoming in Iran's criminal policy, it is necessary to carry out a fundamental review of criminal behavior and on the other hand, taking into account the amount of damage caused to individuals and the economy as a whole, appropriate crimes should be established that have deterrent power and restorative properties. to have ​ Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Justification of aviation sanctions in the light of general international law and international air law (Concepts, basics, classification and legitimacy)
        Mehdi Aliyari
        Aviation sanctions are among the most widely used and oldest international sanctions. Despite the wide variety and scope of these sanctions compared to other common types of sanctions in the aviation field, these sanctions are considered to be the most effective type of More
        Aviation sanctions are among the most widely used and oldest international sanctions. Despite the wide variety and scope of these sanctions compared to other common types of sanctions in the aviation field, these sanctions are considered to be the most effective type of sanctions on the aimed country, which in some cases have led to the isolation and paralysis of aviation in those countries. However, from the law point of view, it has received less attention from scholars than travel sanctions. The purpose of this article is to describe and explain by analytical-descriptive methods aviation sanctions in two fields of Public International Law and International Air Law in order to explain the legal content and nature and the conditions of their legitimacy. But before that, the author tries to define and explain the aviation sanctions based on the procedure of the United Nations, as well as international political actors, including the United States and the European Union, and the rules of International Law. These kinds of sanctions are that adopted collectively by the United Nations or other the International Organization and unilaterally by governments. The final conclusion of the article indicates the incompatibility of unilateral sanctions in the field of aviation with the provisions of the 1944 Chicago Convention, which has the status of the constitution in the international aviation community because it leads to the violation of this international instruments, which in turn is perceived "abuse of civil aviation" according to Article (4) of the mentioned Convention. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Analysis and investigation of crimes related to medicine and treatment by medical and pharmaceutical professionals
        Samira tajkhorasani masoud Bagheri
        Today, one of the foundations of power and the need for the legitimacy of governments is to respect the rights of citizens and the satisfaction of citizens. Because in today's world, citizens are the most important social pillars of different societies. The most importa More
        Today, one of the foundations of power and the need for the legitimacy of governments is to respect the rights of citizens and the satisfaction of citizens. Because in today's world, citizens are the most important social pillars of different societies. The most important task of officials and statesmen, which must be done in order to strengthen and improve an efficient and effective society, is to create citizenship and create satisfaction in citizens by providing the necessary facilities, facilities and mechanisms for citizens so that they can benefit from their citizenship rights. And to be able to perform their citizenship duties in a proper way towards the local community and the city they live in. Because nowadays, one of the main duties of every government is to ensure the welfare of the citizens. Social welfare appears in various civil, economic, social, political, cultural axes, right to food, housing and clothing, etc. Creating social welfare can provide the satisfaction of citizens. Citizens feel satisfied in the light of having social welfare and enjoying social protections based on social laws such as respect, right to self-determination, freedom of speech and press, freedom of opinion and religion, social justice, social security and consider the government as a welfare government. known Therefore, since social well-being in any society is one of the most basic social needs that society members must enjoy and well-being creates security, a sense of peace and security and all-round satisfaction of citizens regarding the present and the future, hence Today, one of the main tasks of every government is to provide the welfare of the citizens, which is largely established by the governments with the formation of new welfare institutions. The research method in the present study is descriptive-analytical. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Artificial intelligence and its impact on cyber security and data
        امیررضا محمودی Maryam Bahrekazemi
        Artificial intelligence and its impact on cyber security and data protection Abstract Artificial intelligence has emerged as a key component of cybersecurity due to its ability to assess security threats in real-time and take appropriate action. AI is now more influen More
        Artificial intelligence and its impact on cyber security and data protection Abstract Artificial intelligence has emerged as a key component of cybersecurity due to its ability to assess security threats in real-time and take appropriate action. AI is now more influential in identifying and stopping attacks that keep businesses on the cutting edge. Identifying and preventing threats is the main focus of the role of artificial intelligence in cyber security. If cyber attacks and attacks are carried out using artificial intelligence algorithms, defense against them requires more advanced technologies, and using them to collect and analyze data may lead to the violation of users' privacy. It may also in some cases not be able to correctly predict how a cyber attack will be carried out, which can lead to a decrease in cyber security.Research on improving the capabilities of artificial intelligence to detect and prevent cyber attacks, identify suspicious patterns and behaviors, and implement effective security measures can create significant improvements in cyber security. Also, examining data analysis in order to identify unusual patterns and behaviors of users. It can help in the early detection of cyber attacks and their prevention, and promoting the use of advanced encryption technologies to protect data and prevent unauthorized access to them can make significant improvements in cyber security.One of the main findings from the research on the impact of artificial intelligence on increasing cyber security and data protection is that the use of artificial intelligence can provide significant improvements in the detection, prevention and management of cyber attacks through big data analysis, identifying suspicious patterns, and implementing security measures. Automating and improving intrusion detection systems can provide significant improvements in cybersecurity and help reduce security risks online. Keywords: artificial intelligence, cyber security, data protection, threat detection Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Analyzing the dimensions and components of evaluating the supervisory performance of the Supreme Court on the good implementation of laws with an Islamic and Quranic perspective in the courts.
        Nader  Najd Hassan  Pashazadeh Alireza Nojavan
        The Supreme Court of Iran is the highest judicial authority in Iran, which was formed in order to monitor the correct implementation of laws in the courts and to establish the unity of the judicial procedure assigned to it according to the law, based on the criteria det More
        The Supreme Court of Iran is the highest judicial authority in Iran, which was formed in order to monitor the correct implementation of laws in the courts and to establish the unity of the judicial procedure assigned to it according to the law, based on the criteria determined by the head of the judiciary. According to Article 3 of the Law on Determining the Appeals of Court Judgments and the Procedure for Handling them, approved in October 1367, the Supreme Court is the authority for reviewing, violating or upholding the judgments of the First Criminal Court, the First Legal Court, and the Special Civil Court and the Revolutionary Court. Proceedings in the branches of the Supreme Court of Iran are formal, and after examining the case and the court verdict and comparing the cases with the law, if the Supreme Court judges the verdict to be correct and in accordance with the law and Shariah standards, it approves it and the judicial proceedings are terminated. Finds. The findings of this article in the review of the court's supervisory performance show that according to Article 392 of the Civil Procedure Law, this court, while examining the judicial case, if it observes a violation by the judges of the case, it must apply the law and this issue requires judicial and disciplinary supervision. Because separate disciplinary and judicial supervision does not make sense because it leads to the delay of proceedings and abuse of persons. On the other hand, the court does not have the unity of supervision due to the multiplicity of supervisory authorities; Therefore, the Supreme Court should exercise its supervision comprehensively and centrally. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Adaptability of Iran's labor law to emerging businesses from the perspective of fair labor market relations
        Behzad Moradi Mehdi Shabannia Mansour کورش استوار سنگری کیوان صداقتی
        The current research is devoted to the examination of the compliance of Iran's labor law with emerging businesses, emphasizing the aspects of fair labor relations. This research examines the legal components related to emerging businesses and evaluates their strengths a More
        The current research is devoted to the examination of the compliance of Iran's labor law with emerging businesses, emphasizing the aspects of fair labor relations. This research examines the legal components related to emerging businesses and evaluates their strengths and weaknesses in relation to the principles of justice in labor relations. This research is faced with this important question, how Iran's labor laws adapt to the changing landscape of work, accept the changes and developments related to businesses based on emerging technologies, and identify the fundamental aspects that warrant revision and adaptability. prepares The necessity and importance of this research is that it will determine the compatibility or non-compatibility of the labor law with emerging businesses. Secondly, it will give the policy makers, activists and experts of the labor market and other stakeholders the necessary insight into the possibility of adapting the labor law to fair working conditions. In fact, it will be a stimulus for thinking about solutions before these jobs become widespread. Thirdly, this research will help to realize justice in labor relations and mutual satisfaction of worker and employer in the labor market, because shaky labor relations will harm both sides of the worker and the employer, and will have consequences for each side. Therefore, this research helps to strengthen the mutual relations between the rights of the worker and the employer, and it can also be one of its effects to create problems in the minds of researches Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Moral luck in criminal law
        mahdi iranmanesh
        Moral luck is a relatively new concept in the philosophy of ethics,the moral intuition of many people in the society dictates that people should be evaluated only because of the things under their control,but when we deal with countless minor cases,the agents are evalua More
        Moral luck is a relatively new concept in the philosophy of ethics,the moral intuition of many people in the society dictates that people should be evaluated only because of the things under their control,but when we deal with countless minor cases,the agents are evaluated morally in terms of cases.We grant that they are not in their control,so luck occurs when an important aspect of what a person is evaluated for depends on factors beyond his control - such as the results of a person's actions,situations and circumstances,institutions and who a person is and circumstances. antecedent-dependent,but we still consider him responsible.The question that arises here is whether we can blame people for actions and results that are not under their control. be responsible?In this regard,the types of consequential,situational,institutional and causal luck have been examined, which,due to their connection with the subject of coercion and free will,considered the approach of compatibilists to be more suitable with moral luck,and the moral responsibility of the agent has also been examined in terms of accountability and attribution.and considering that one of the types of moral luck is the resulting luck and the result element plays an important role in determining the criminal responsibility and punishment in many crimes, the analysis of the effects of acceptance and denial of luck and the opinions of opposing and agreeing thinkers have been analyzed. Moral luck has been criticized,therefore,if we accept the approach of the opponents of moral luck, we must witness many changes in the legal systems and criminal laws,and by accepting the arguments of the proponents of moral luck, the current procedures of the laws will be preserved. It is believed that the results of people's actions, which are beyond the control of the person, are effective in the responsibility and punishment of the person Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Strategies for empowering judicial criminal policy in the crime of aggressive possession
        Ahmad Rezaeipanah Eisa Baninaeimeh amir alboali
        Aggressive possession is supported by the legislator not only as a legal case but also as a crime, and this indicates its importance and its place in maintaining public order. Article 690 of the Islamic Penal Code of Punishment is the only criminal provision in the legi More
        Aggressive possession is supported by the legislator not only as a legal case but also as a crime, and this indicates its importance and its place in maintaining public order. Article 690 of the Islamic Penal Code of Punishment is the only criminal provision in the legislative process of this offense, which has many defects in its content, which has faced problems in dealing with this crime, which requires the use of a single criminal policy as a part of policy making. The public of the country can respond appropriately to similar criminal phenomena, and in the meantime, judicial criminal policy as a manifestation of the measures and policies that the judiciary - especially the judges - apply in line with the implementation of the law and in the course of it more than other types. Criminal policy has an appearance. These policies include the type of attitude of judges towards legislative criminal policy, which emerges and manifests in the form of judicial decisions and opinions according to the type of resources and facilities of the judicial system and with regard to the administrative aspects governing the criminal justice system. These policies include the type of attitude of judges towards legislative criminal policy, which emerges and manifests in the form of judicial decisions and opinions according to the type of resources and facilities of the judicial system and with regard to the administrative aspects governing the criminal justice system. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - The position of the principle of fairness in Iranian subject law and English law
        Hamid Bazrpach Moien Sabahi Garaghani
        When the legal rules have defects, the institution of justice is a means to adapt and adjust the legal rules. Fairness originates from the human conscience, which has a desire to implement justice, and it gives the lawyer a special ability to look at the law from a diff More
        When the legal rules have defects, the institution of justice is a means to adapt and adjust the legal rules. Fairness originates from the human conscience, which has a desire to implement justice, and it gives the lawyer a special ability to look at the law from a different perspective. Fairness is a special form of justice that corrects a rule that is incomplete or insufficient according to its general nature. Fairness emphasizes the spirit of the law and it is with fairness that the sentence of the law agrees and harmonizes with the purpose of the legislator. The purpose of this research is the comparative analysis of the concept and nature of fairness as a source of legal rules and the role of this institution in the interpretation of contracts in the legal systems of Iran and England. This research aims to answer these questions: can fairness be a source of contractual obligations or not? Can fairness play a role in interpreting contracts? And also, does fairness have an individualistic or social nature? Fairness should be recognized together with other sources of law and alongside them, and by resorting to this institution, it is possible to deviate from the appearance of the terms of the law and interpret it in a way that leads to a fair result, and also fairness has a social nature. and is consistent with the collectivists' understanding of the contract. Manuscript profile