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    Fundamental Researches in law ( Scientific )
  • OpenAccess
  • About the journal

    About the publication

     The Quarterly Journal of "Fundamental Researches in Law " has been licensed to the franchisee of the Islamic Azad University, Rafsanjan branch and the responsible director Dr. Pooneh Tabibzadeh in 1402.
     This quarterly journal provides a wide range of fields in law including  private law, public law, criminal law and criminology, international law and jurisprudence.
     This Quarterly Journal invites all professors, students, especially PhD students, and those interested in legal issues to be its partners in the continuation of this path by submitting their scientific works and rticles.

     The basic research quarterly is published electronically with open access

    Important points:
    * In order to speed up the process of reviewing and judging the article, it is necessary to strictly follow the format of the journal articles and use the template for writing the journal articles provided in the authors' guide section.
    * When submitting an article, the "authors' commitment form", "conflict of interest form" and "copyright form" should be downloaded from the authors' guide section, signed by all authors and uploaded to the system.
    * To the notice of all authors, due to the mandatory publication of the code (ORCID) for publications, please complete the code field (ORCID) for all authors in the article submission section and then submit your article. Also, the academic email of all the authors should be registered on the website and in the authors' file.
    * The articles sent by the authors must have an extended abstract in English, which includes sections (Introduction, Text, Analyzes & Conclusion) and the number of words should be between 900 and 1300 words..

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  • Affiliated to
    Islamic Azad University,Rafsanjan Branch
    Online ISSN: 3041-9557

    Publication period: Quarterly
    Impact Factor:ندارد
    Department of Law and Political Sciences,Islamic Azad University,Rafsanjan Branch,Velayat Blvd, Rafsanjan Iran
    Postal Code



    Number of Volumes 2
    Number of Issues 5
    Printed Articles 37
    Number of Authors 146
    Article Views 12799
    Article Downloads 3653
    Number of Submitted Articles 55
    Number of Rejected Articles 0
    Number of Accepted Articles 44
    Acceptance 69 %
    Time to Accept(day) 67
    Reviewer Count 0
    Last Update 2025-3-09