• List of Articles urbanism

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        1 - Evaluation of middle scale urban form in accordance with transect as a theory and approach
        Mehran Alalhesabi Mostafa Behzadfar Elnaz Amirhodaei
        در این مقاله با تأکید بر ضرورت ارزیابی هنجاری فرم، تئوری و رهیافت تغییر تدریجی به عنوان مبنای این سنجش معرفی شده است. به این دلیل تغییر تدریجی به عنوان مبنای ارزیابی انتخاب شده است که هم در حال حاضر به طور گسترده در پروژه های طراحی و برنامه ریزی شهری نظام های شهرسازی ار More
        در این مقاله با تأکید بر ضرورت ارزیابی هنجاری فرم، تئوری و رهیافت تغییر تدریجی به عنوان مبنای این سنجش معرفی شده است. به این دلیل تغییر تدریجی به عنوان مبنای ارزیابی انتخاب شده است که هم در حال حاضر به طور گسترده در پروژه های طراحی و برنامه ریزی شهری نظام های شهرسازی اروپا و امریکا – و نمونه های متأخر در خاورمیانه – به عنوان رهیافت کلی مورد استفاده قرار می گیرد و هم از سوی نوشهرگرایان به عنوان راهکار منطبق با اصول رشد هوشمند و دستیابی به فرم پایدار شهر معرفی شده است. بنابراین استخراج شاخص های ارزیابی هنجاری فرم براساس تغییر تدریجی، هدف اصلی این مقاله می باشد. در فرآیند استخراج شاخص های ارزیابی، تغییر تدریجی از منظر تئوری و چارچوب عملیاتی مورد مداقه و بررسی قرار گرفت و مفهوم دوگانۀ تغییر تدریجی در قالب دو بعد ماهوی و رویه ای ارائه شد. بررسی مفهومی ابعاد مختلف تغییر تدریجی نشان می دهد که تغییر تدریجی به عنوان فرآیند جامع مداخله در محیط های مصنوع، قابلیت اعمال در کلیۀ مقیاس ها را دارد. در نهایت به دلیل آنکه استخراج مؤلفه ها نیازمند همسطح سازی است، اصول (در واژۀ عام) مورد نظر تغییر تدریجی براساس میزان عملیاتی بودنشان در قالب سلسله مراتبی از چشم انداز تا سیاست تفکیک می شوند و اصولی که در سطح سیاست طبقه بندی شده اند، مبنای استخراج مؤلفه ها قرار می گیرند. دسته بندی اصول تغییر تدریجی در قالب چشم انداز، هدف کلان، هدف خرد، راهبرد و سیاست یک چارچوب مفهومی است که علاوه بر تأکید بر چند سطحی بودن نظام هدایت و کنترل تغییر تدریجی، به منظور انتخاب مؤلفه های هم سطح برای تدوین شاخص ها ارائه شده است. بنابراین محل بحث تفاوت هایی که بین عناصر هدف گذاری از منظر رویکردها و نظریه پردازان مختلف داخلی و خارجی در جریان پروژه های طراحی شهری مطرح می شود، نمی باشد. با انتخاب روش استخراج شاخص ها براساس سه رکن «بعد»، «مؤلفه» و «شاخص» و با تأکید براستفاده از دانش های مختلف در گسترش یکدیگر، اکولوژی به عنوان دیسیپلین پایۀ و مفسر مؤلفه های تغییر تدریجی انتخاب شد. از مفاهیم اکولوژی به عنوان مبنایی جهت تعیین حد و حدود یک تئوری یا اصل دیگر، بسیار محدود استفاده شده است. یافته های این پژوهش نشان می دهد که تغییر تدریجی از بین تمام اصول اکولوژی، بر پایۀ مفاهیم «اکوسیستم»، «مجموعۀ زیستی»، «تنوع»، «توالی» و «هم فرگشت» بنا شده است. با بررسی عمیق این مفاهیم به عنوان مؤلفه های تغییر تدریجی و با استفاده از روش تحلیل تطبیقی، نقاط لنگرگاهی آنها استخراج و با توجه به محیط مصنوع و عناصر آن که در طراحی و برنامه ریزی شهری مبتنی بر تغییر تدریجی مورد مداخله قرار می گیرند، بازتعریف شدند. در نهایت «همجواری»، «تسلسل مکانی»، «سازواری گونه عناصر با محیط بر حسب تعداد گونه»، «سازواری گونه عناصر با محیط برحسب جمعیت عناصر»، «سازواری گونه عناصر با یکدیگر»، «تنوع گونه پهنه»، «تنوع گونه عنصر»، «کلیماکس»، «گذار» و «دگردیسی عناصر» به عنوان شاخص های ارزیابی هنجاری فرم مبتنی بر تغییر تدریجی و براساس معیار «کاراکتر شهری» تبیین شدند. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Assessing Urban Planners Skills for Entering Professional Job and Measure the Total Quality Management Level (Case Study: Department of Urban Development, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch)
        Seyed Moslem Seyedolhosseini Elham Sanagar Darbani
        Providing superior quality and keeping peoples satisfied are rapidly becoming the ways construction companies differentiate themselves from competitors. Many companies are, however, frustrated in their efforts to improve quality and customer satisfaction through the imp More
        Providing superior quality and keeping peoples satisfied are rapidly becoming the ways construction companies differentiate themselves from competitors. Many companies are, however, frustrated in their efforts to improve quality and customer satisfaction through the implementation of total quality management (TQM).Total quality management (TQM) was first introduced as a business management approach in the post-World War II era when Deming and others successfully reinvented the Japanese economy. Beginning in the early 1980s, American business leaders looked to the philosophy, principles, and TQM tools to improve the economy. More recently, education leaders have begun to recognize the potential for TQM applied to educational organizations especially in university. Quality management provides a connection between outcomes and the process by which outcomes are achieved. If, as many people realize, the cause of failures in education is a problem in design, quality management may be regarded as an ideal systemic process for managing change in public education. There has been some reluctance to apply quality practices to education, yet central to Deming’s methods and management philosophy is an insistence that anything can be made or done better. Americans have steadfastly held the belief that education is the fortification against poverty and social unrest. There exists, however, a subtle pessimistic attitude that people are doing the best they can with what they have. The message appears to be that education can only be successful with certain students. Deming (1992, 6) writes that with its “underuse, misuse, and abuse of skill and knowledge...the United States may be the most underdeveloped nation in the world.” Improvement with all levels of students must be viewed as not only possible but also essential. The highest level of quality principles is in learning. This is where it impacts the classroom. To achieve the desired results, educators must question their core teaching and learning processes and methods. The main aim of this study is to find required skills of urban planner to enter to work and assess status of achieving these skills be using total quality management method. Firstly, skills requirements were found by using literature reviews and with depth interviews from faculty members of Islamic Azad University of Mashhad. The next step was to evaluate TQM to understand how much it can response to skills. It was evaluated by questionnaire, which was produced by American Federal Institute (1990) with 8 criteria and a total of 48 items. To obtain TQM accountability response to help with these skills. The method of paper is practical and descriptive and number of sample is 76 of faculty members of Islamic Azad University of Mashhad. To analysis questionnaires a single-sample of T-Test method was used. Findings show that status of TQM is lower than standard average and there is also a vague understanding of the eighth principles of TQM items in faculty members. It is suggested to boost this status, it is necessary to increase level of participation of experienced, motivated and activated professors and assistant professors to have interaction between management and department of education. Providing superior quality and keeping peoples satisfied are rapidly becoming the ways cons truction companiesdifferentiate themselves from competitors. Many companies are, however, frus trated in their efforts to improvequality and cus tomer satisfaction through the implementation of total quality management (TQM).Total qualitymanagement (TQM) was firs t introduced as a business management approach in the pos t-World War II era whenDeming and others successfully reinvented the Japanese economy. Beginning in the early 1980s, Americanbusiness leaders looked to the philosophy, principles, and TQM tools to improve the economy. More recently,education leaders have begun to recognize the potential for TQM applied to educational organizations especially inuniversity. Quality management provides a connection between outcomes and the process by which outcomes areachieved. If, as many people realize, the cause of failures in education is a problem in design, quality managementmay be regarded as an ideal sys temic process for managing change in public education. There has been somereluctance to apply quality practices to education, yet central to Deming’s methods and management philosophy isan insis tence that anything can be made or done better. Americans have s teadfas tly held the belief that education isthe fortification agains t poverty and social unres t. There exis ts, however, a subtle pessimis tic attitude that peopleare doing the bes t they can with what they have. The message appears to be that education can only be successfulwith certain s tudents. Deming (1992) writes that with its “underuse, misuse, and abuse of skill and knowledgethe United S tates may be the mos t underdeveloped nation in the world”. Improvement with all levels of s tudentsmus t be viewed as not only possible but also essential. The highes t level of quality principles is in learning. Thisis where it impacts the classroom. To achieve the desired results, educators mus t ques tion their core teachingand learning processes and methods. The main aim of this s tudy is to find the required skills of urban planners toenter to work and assess the s tatus of achieving these skills be using total quality management methods. Firs tly,skills requirements were found by using literature reviews and with depth interviews from faculty members ofthe Islamic Azad University of Mashhad. The next s tep was to evaluate TQM to unders tand how much it canrespond to skills. It was evaluated by a ques tionnaire, which was produced by American Federal Ins titute (1990)with 8 criteria and a total of 48 items. To obtain a TQM accountability response to help with these skills. Themethod of paper is practical and descriptive and a number of samples are 76 of faculty members of Islamic AzadUniversity of Mashhad. To analysis, the ques tionnaires, a single-sample of the T-Tes t method was used. Findingsshow that the s tatus of TQM is lower than the s tandard average and there is also a vague unders tanding of theeighth principles of TQM items in faculty members. It is sugges ted to boos t this s tatus, it is necessary to increaselevel of participation of experienced motivated and activated professors and assis tant professors to have interactionbetween management and department of education. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Suggested Method for Production or Indigenization of the Iranian-Urbanism Science by Using Mystical-Ethical Text
        Maryam Najafi Mohammad Naghizadeh Shirin Toghyani Mahmoud Mohammadi
        Implementing the urbanism science has increased recently in Iran. Utilization of this imported science in Iran without sufficient attention to has resulted in contemporary confused cities. These matters have motivated urbanism researchers to naturalize urbanism science More
        Implementing the urbanism science has increased recently in Iran. Utilization of this imported science in Iran without sufficient attention to has resulted in contemporary confused cities. These matters have motivated urbanism researchers to naturalize urbanism science through valuable old texts written by Muslim scholars. Up to now, "Nahj_al-Balagha", "Shahnameh of Ferdowsi", "Hafez's Divan", "Mosibatname of Attar", "Nasir Khusraw's Safarname", "Haft-Peikar of Nezami" and "Ibn Kaldun's Moghadame" have been used by researchers in the texts of urbanism or architecture. The titles, sentences, themes and contents of these texts were extracted and employed in urbanism texts. This article emphasizes on usage of old Persian texts for production or indigenization of urbanism science and offers the method for it. There are three steps to achieve this purpose.1) Firstly, two subjects were defined in the theoretical part:The process of science production was defined to include six stages: worldview, philosophy, paradigm, theory, model and phenomenon. The weakness in theorization is the most important issue in Iranian Urbanism. In addition, western science has mostly been imported to Iran from "theory" stage. Therefore, it's necessary to focus on "Theory" stage or "Theorization".Among different subjects of old valuable texts, "mystical ethics" is selected in this article, as mysticism and ethics had been employed in Iran's tradition cities. Also, Mystical ethics are matched with stages of "Islamic monotheism worldview", "Islamic philosophy" and "Islamic paradigm". Moreover, the goal of mystical ethics is personality prosperity and then social prosperity. 2) Secondly, In the A section, there is a way of "Theorization" that has been accepted by Muslim scholars. It has four levels: 1- the ideas, 2- discovery of the relationship, 3- description and expansion, 4- implementation.In the B section, there is an accepted method for usage a text. This famous method has been called "Zaherieh and Batenieh" and includes multiple steps.3) Finally, both of the processes ("Theorization" and "Zaherieh and Batenieh") are united to make up the final method for employing of old Persian texts in order to produce or indigenize the theories of Iranian urbanism. This method includes the following instructions.The brief rules in the texts of mystical ethics are used as "Ideas" in urbanism theories.The rules of mystical ethics have apparent and ambiguous meanings. So it's necessary to acquire them according to proposed method.It is necessary to create a relationship between the ethical code and urbanism subject. This step is called "discovery of the relationship". (The gained meanings in the previous stage will be of help to this step). There are two states in this part: if ethical rule has a relationship with existing theory, it would be transformed into a native theory; otherwise, a new theory should be created.The "expansion" stage includes enough description for growing up the hidden theory. One way is comparing ethics and the fact in the city. If there is a difference, the ethical code must be prevailed.The "implementation" step is suggested as a subject of a future article. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Analyzing the Role of Cinema on Critique of the Modern Urbanism
        Siamak Panahi Seyyed Mostafa Mokhtabad Amraey Mehrdad Navabakhsh
        This study has concentrated on the Role of Cinema on Critique of the Modern Urbanism. The theoretical framework of essay is designing architecture theory base on concept which is related to the way of  semiotic , base on layered semiotic ( analyzing  Film with More
        This study has concentrated on the Role of Cinema on Critique of the Modern Urbanism. The theoretical framework of essay is designing architecture theory base on concept which is related to the way of  semiotic , base on layered semiotic ( analyzing  Film with syntagm layers: text ,context , intertextuality ,code , media) and Ervin Panofsky ‘s semiotic analyzing which has three periods: primitive understanding , background literature and hermeneutics. The research methods in this study are analytic and descriptive combination of qualitative (from case study to theory) and quantitative (from theory to case study) research. This study has analyzed some famous films by professional directors which their base concept was about criticizing modern movement. At first we analyzed the meaning  of modernism, mechinism, semiology, and then genealogy of modern space creation in film and the way of determination of modern movement and their critique. The conclusion of the study is that the architecture is formed and created base on concept and cinema is one of the best critical tools of modern stream in architecture and urbanism. Cinema with black comedy genre, modern semiotic, city palimpsest, city nostalgia, utopia and distopia manifests these kind of meaning. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Evaluation of middle scale urban form in accordance with transect as a theory and approach
        Mehran Alalhesabi Mostafa Behzadfar Elnaz Amirhodaei
        In different periods, urban form as substantial dimension of urban design has been core issue involving all urban designers with different approaches. The literature reviewing indicates that urban form can be treated with various approaches under positive or normative p More
        In different periods, urban form as substantial dimension of urban design has been core issue involving all urban designers with different approaches. The literature reviewing indicates that urban form can be treated with various approaches under positive or normative point of view. According to the issues involved in urban measurement, different point of views lead to explore three interrelated aspects of urban s tudy- the Measurement, Evaluation, and Representation of urban form. In addition there is a need to adopt a strategic approach in dealing with urban issues. Therefore, the paper considering with normative point of view put emphasis on urban form evaluation.In recent years, mos t recent innovation of new urbanism so called “transect” has been a very common theory and approach in urban design and planning specifically in America and Europe, although it is being used in a limited way in the Middle East. The transect approach described in this paper is based on a publication known as the Lexicon, a multi-authored compendium of New Urbanis t definitions and codes. Urban design and planning seek to create an immersive environment. This type of environment can be created by specifying and arranging the elements which comprise that environment in a way that is true to locational character which seems to be intrinsic to the place. To be immersive in urban environments is identified with their level and intensity of urban character. There is no scrutiny of how urban form has been created in accordance with transect theory and transect approach is characterized while much more research has been done on transect theoretical framework. Therefore the paper presents an overview of transect as theory and approach, exploring how urban form can be evaluated in accordance with transect.In this regard, transect indices are identified by using three-s teps research methodology that is characterized in determination of “dimensions”, “components” and “indices”. Principles of transect are categorized in “substantial” and “procedural” dimensions. This research uses “ecology” as a basic discipline for interpretation of “components”. In other words, “ecology” has been a reliable criterion to extract indices. In this regard, basic concepts of ecology conceptualizing transect are recognized—“ecosys tem”, “community”, “diversity”, “succession”, and “coevolution”. Afterwards, critical issues and concepts that have to be redefined in order to interpret of “components” and “indices” are determined by comparative comparison between transect and ecology as basic discipline. In addition, it’s done to redefine basic concepts in macro level – scale and context – in transect in according to what they are meaning in ecology. Therefore, transect indices are extracted from these basic concepts as “components”. They are as follows: “juxtaposition”, “locational sequence”, “suitability between urban elements types and urban character of environment” that has been defined by “number of types been found” and “population of elements with specific type”, “suitability between urban elements compared to each other”, “diversity of transect zone types”, “diversity of urban elements types”, “climax”, “transition”, and “coevolution of urban elements”. Eventually the paper present a framework in order to quantify these indices according to relative abundance formula.Keywords: Urban Form Evaluation, New Urbanism, Transect, Principle of Ecology, Urban Character (Urban Intensity) Manuscript profile
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        6 - Recognizing of Theoretical Trends in Relation to Urban Public Spaces
        Khashayar Kashani Jou
          At the beginning of the third millennium, urban public spaces as third places are focal points of urban design activities. They play an important role in social interactions. Public spaces belong to all citizens and they are not only defined by physical aspects b More
          At the beginning of the third millennium, urban public spaces as third places are focal points of urban design activities. They play an important role in social interactions. Public spaces belong to all citizens and they are not only defined by physical aspects but also by human activities. Public spaces have a long history in urban development process and structures of the most cities have been formed around them. After industrial revolution, urban public spaces lost their main function because of emerging of automobile and so new concepts propounded. Since three decades ago, as a result of developing ICT and increasing public interests, quality issues in urban spaces have been considered so much more than before. These factors have led to diverse theoretical trends in related to urban public spaces by different theorists.   The aim of this paper is reviewing viewpoints of the most important experts related to urban public spaces and categorizing them. For this purpose, a documentary research method through valid resources and a comparative analysis process have been applied.   In this order, after studying the last concepts, theorists related to public spaces have been divided into six topics: environmental-sustainability, spatial-visual cognition, social interactions, pedestrian-orientation, security and human scale, and environmental-behavioral effects. While a theorist may have discussed about the subject from different aspects, but in this research, he (she) has been classified based on his (her) most predominant trend. Accordingly, Serge Chermayeff, Graham Haughton, Colin Hunter, Hugh Barton and Richard Rogers in environmental-sustainability trend, Sitte, Cullen, Rob Krier, Rossi, Christopher Alexander, Cliff Moughtin, Ali Madanipour and Jahanshah Pakzad in spatial-visual cognition trend, Arendt, Zucker, Jane Jacobs, William Whyte, Jan Gehl, Oldenburg and C.C. Marcus in social interactions trends, Garnier, Speiregen, Halprin, Bacon, Bill Hillier and Michael E.Arth in pedestrian orientation trend, Mammford, Francis Tibbalds, Andres Duany, Plater-Zyberk, Peter Katz, Zeninca and Bernan in security and human scale trend, Lynch, Rapoport, Romedi Passini, More, Jon Lang and Hossein Bahreini in environmental-behavioral effects trend have been classified.   The results show that there has been diverse and variable trends related to urban public spaces specially in the last century. So, the most significant contemporary related theories can be categorized based on their dominant trend into three main periods: from late 19th century to 1960, from 1960 to 1990 and from 1990 until now.   In the first period, theorists have been emphasized on spatial and visual cognition in public spaces. So, concepts such as artistic principles of city planning, townscape, serial vision and architecture of the city were dominated. While in the second period, the focus has been on environmental- behavioral effects, strengthening social interactions and developing pedestrian-orientation in urban spaces. Theories like third place, monumental plaza, way finding, city image, space syntax and new pedestrianism are the most important concepts in this period. Finally, in the last period, security-oriented and human-scale designing of public realms in addition to environmental considerations and sustainability issues have become more important. Sustainable city and new urbanism are the main theories in this recent period. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Analysis of Urban Spaces from Ilkhanid Tabriz until Safavid Isfahan (Social, Political, Economical and Cultural Background Survey)
        Manouchehr Foroutan
        This research wish answer this question: what is social, political, economical, and cultural background caused evaluation of Iranian urban spaces from Ilkhanid until Safavid and formation of Isfahan Urbanism School? Method of this research is interpretational-historical More
        This research wish answer this question: what is social, political, economical, and cultural background caused evaluation of Iranian urban spaces from Ilkhanid until Safavid and formation of Isfahan Urbanism School? Method of this research is interpretational-historical method and based on librarian data. For the answer question of research, cities of Iran that have urbanism works in this era are selected. These cities include Tabriz, Soltanie, Samarkand, Herat, Mashhad, Neyshabur, Yazd, Kerman, Qazvin, Shiraz, and Isfahan. Then urbanism evaluations, alterations and changes of these cities are survey and compare by social, cultural, political and economical evaluations from Ilkhanid until Safavid era. These evaluations from Ilkhanid era prepared appearance urban evaluations; completion old urban spaces and formation of new town besides old city and new urban spaces and elements (include governmental square, boulevard, garden-palace complex, Sufism religious complex). Establishment of Safavid Empire, especially shah Abbas's works prepared Isfahan Urbanism School. Therefore urban elements that formed in previous era completed and then prepared to combine them and to form Isfahan Urban School in Safavid era. Too, commercial complex or religious complex (related to canonical Shiism) in Isfahan School was becomes the core of city in lieu of Sufism religious complex in pervious era.          Manuscript profile
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        8 - Introduction of Augmented Reality Ins‌tances utilizing Matter-Information Hybrid via Technology in Urban Spaces
        Naji Pezhman Ziaei
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        9 - Evaluation of New Urbanism Principles: Hybrid AHP-TOPSIS Multi-Criteria Analysis Framework (Case Study: Neighborhoods of Historical Zone of Shiraz)
        Samira Abbasi Ahmad Saeednia
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        10 - Investigating Sustainability Factors According to the Image of Iranian Bazar
        Behzad Alipoor Sara Raeesolmohadesin
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        11 - Relation Between Eco Urbanism and Cultural Landscape
        Mahsa Marashizadeh
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        12 - A Critique of Modern Shohada Square Based on the Principels of Islamic Iranian Urbanism
        Zahra Razzaghi Somayeh Hatefi Shogae
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        13 - Study of social impact assessment of Mehr housing in urban areas of Ardabil
        سیدرکن الدین رشیدی آل هاشم mohsen hadi tahan mohamd fathi
        Any proceeding in progress will inevitably lead to social consequences for citizens. City development projects concentrate on lifestyles, work, social relationships, and people organizing. The purpose of this paper is to study the various social effects of Mehr housing More
        Any proceeding in progress will inevitably lead to social consequences for citizens. City development projects concentrate on lifestyles, work, social relationships, and people organizing. The purpose of this paper is to study the various social effects of Mehr housing in urban areas of Ardebil and its goal is to assess the social effects of Mehr housing Projects in Ardebil. The method of research in this evaluation is based on the objective, evaluation of SCA (Social Consequences Assessment) and according to the nature of the topic and studied indicators, survey research method and data gathering tool are questionnaires and face-to-face interviews with the inhabitants of Mehr Housing Plan. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was calculated 0.81 for the social effect assessment questionnaire of Ardabil Mehr housing. The statistical population of this study is all people who have registered in the form of cooperative Mehr housing companies for receiving loans in the form of Mehr housing projects. Compared to collected statistics from the statistics Center of Maskan bank, the number of these people reach 15,800. The sample size (n) in this study is based on Cochran formula with 95% and 5% error equals to 400 people. One of the most significant consequences of building residential complex of Ardabil Mehr Housing Project has been positive effects on families so that its role in decreasing obesity and increasing the mobility of residents, Manuscript profile
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        14 - Study of Social Impact Assessment of Mehr Housing in Urban Areas of Ardabil
        Seyed Mohammadreza Rashidi Al-e Hashem Mohsen Hadi Tahan Mohammad Fathi
        Any proceeding in progress will inevitably lead to social consequences for citizens. City development projects concentrate on lifestyles, work, social relationships, and people organizing. The purpose of this paper is to study the various social effects of Mehr housing More
        Any proceeding in progress will inevitably lead to social consequences for citizens. City development projects concentrate on lifestyles, work, social relationships, and people organizing. The purpose of this paper is to study the various social effects of Mehr housing in urban areas of Ardebil and its goal is to assess the social effects of Mehr housing Projects in Ardebil. The method of research in this evaluation is based on the objective, evaluation of SCA (Social Consequences Assessment) and according to the nature of the topic and studied indicators, survey research method and data gathering tool are questionnaires and face-to-face interviews with the inhabitants of Mehr Housing Plan. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was calculated 0.81 for the social effect assessment questionnaire of Ardabil Mehr housing. The statistical population of this study is all people who have registered in the form of cooperative Mehr housing companies for receiving loans in the form of Mehr housing projects. Compared to collected statistics from the statistics Center of Maskan bank, the number of these people reach 15,800. The sample size (n) in this study is based on Cochran formula with 95% and 5% error equals to 400 people. One of the most significant consequences of building residential complex of Ardabil Mehr Housing Project has been positive effects on families so that its role in decreasing obesity and increasing the mobility of residents, creating mental and psychological well-being for families and creating opportunities for play, practice and learning is very significant, but in terms of creating opportunities for holding training courses, the residents did not quite agree on this action. In the dimension of psychological effects, it can be said that settling in the residential complexes of Mehr housing that their green space is constructed reduces stress, decreases anger and tension and increases concentration. Also it has direct restorative effects and causes renewal of the citizens. But in the case of economic effects, it can be mentioned that it has increased the price of land or residential units in the residential areas of Ardabil, but it has not played a role in increasing the demand for residential units around the residential complex of the Mehr Housing Project. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Evaluation of the Environment of Ardabil City from the Perspective of New Urbanism
        Afagh Houshmand Nanehkaran rasoul samadzadeh Mohammad Taghi Masoumi
        Introduction and Aim: The prevailing opinion is that the model of New Urbanism can provide a city with a suitable quality of life. Therefore, the city of Ardabil was studied from the perspective of New Urbanism to propose solutions to solve its problems with the knowled More
        Introduction and Aim: The prevailing opinion is that the model of New Urbanism can provide a city with a suitable quality of life. Therefore, the city of Ardabil was studied from the perspective of New Urbanism to propose solutions to solve its problems with the knowledge of the quality level of the region. The aim of this research is to know the executive strategies for improving the quality of the city's environment from the perspective of New Urbanism. Methodology: By using the survey method and collecting information through questionnaires, documents, and considering the climatic and biological conditions of Ardabil city, first the priorities of the ten principles of New Urbanism were determined by the AHP method, then by using the SWOT method, the type of dominant strategy was identified as a combination of strengths and opportunities (SO). 67 executive strategies of the SO type were proposed and scored by the votes of 45 experts and finally, three strategies were selected. Findings: Examining the internal and external factors of the city showed that strengths will overcome weaknesses and opportunities will overcome threats. The state of the city in terms of compliance with the principles of New Urbanism is "bad" and is equivalent to a score of 2.288 out of four. Results: By following the selected executive strategies in the city, it is possible to approach the principles of New Urbanism and provide a city with better livability while preserving the city's identity.     Manuscript profile
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        16 - The effect of urbanism on energy consumption in selected countries
        Parvaneh Salatin Samaneh Mohammadi
        Introduction and objective: Today, energy and its applications have a special place in human’s life. Energy is the prerequisite of social and economic growth and meets the need for drinking water, food and shelter. In recent decades the energy demand has risen as More
        Introduction and objective: Today, energy and its applications have a special place in human’s life. Energy is the prerequisite of social and economic growth and meets the need for drinking water, food and shelter. In recent decades the energy demand has risen as an important strategic input for production and services and as a significant commodity for users in itself. So, the main objective of the present paper is investigation of the theoretical relationship and the effectiveness of urbanism on energy consumption in selected oil-exporting countries. Method: This is an applied, comparative and causative research in terms of methodology and an inferential one in terms of writing method. Findings: The results from fixed effects methodology and Generalized Method of Moments in selected countries during 2000-2012 show that urbanism has a positive and significant effect on energy consumption in selected countries. Conclusion: The main reasons behind higher energy consumption in urbanism have been consumption pattern changes, higher commodity and services demand, and therefore, higher production and transportation, needing more energy.    Manuscript profile
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        17 - Ecological Urbanism By Providing Ecological Urban Design Criteria in District 4 of Tehran
        Anahid Malekmarzban Seyed-Majid Mofidi-Shemirani
        Background and Objective: Urban changes related to sustainability in primary cause more destruction in the cities every day and the need of more attention to modern methods of urban development. The overall objective of this study is Ecological Urban Development to rede More
        Background and Objective: Urban changes related to sustainability in primary cause more destruction in the cities every day and the need of more attention to modern methods of urban development. The overall objective of this study is Ecological Urban Development to redefine cities in order to change to a network and system with positive impacts alongside human culture and ecology. Realization of this approach requires to develop programs and revise as an inevitable necessity. Metropolis like Tehran are facing with a set of ecological challenges. Material and Methodology: The method used in the present study is based on descriptive and analytical practices. Due to the different complexities exist in Tehran, choose District 4 of Tehran for instance for more practical investigation and providing detailed solutions, emphasizing on the validity of macro-ecological strategies. The identification of issues, development of ecological visions and goals of the region by using a combination of methods and SWOT matrix. Then, the urban ecological criteria and strategies are developed, prioritized and the contribution of each sub-area has been identified in these strategies. Findings: The research findings of district4 show that the most important strategy is related to air and sound quality, land use compatibility and green space growth. The main minor field in this district are transportation, green spaces, restoring identity, urban safety, land use, demand for land, water and energy. Results can be used by experts, managers, organizations. Discussion and Conclusion: Implementing ecological criteria is a tool for conservation of resources and sustainable urban development. Physical, environmental dimensions are in the top priority, also urban and regional texture strategies are most important in Region 4. The applied method can be generalized in other district of Tehran. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Biourbanism urban design: Human bio-based approach to urban design (Case study: Cheshme kile Riverside of Tonekabon)
        Parisa Ghobadi Reza Jafariha Ali Niknama Alireza Aali
        Background and Objective: Urbanization in the past, due to a coherent view of the city and not distinguishing between nature and urban context, left positive effects that are seen today. Experts are seeking to apply new practical approaches in the design and reconstruct More
        Background and Objective: Urbanization in the past, due to a coherent view of the city and not distinguishing between nature and urban context, left positive effects that are seen today. Experts are seeking to apply new practical approaches in the design and reconstruction of urban spaces, so that they can solve the existing problems. Material and Methodology: The current research is descriptive-analytical in terms of method and applied research in terms of purpose. Findings: The achievement of this research in theoretical foundations is the introduction of bio-urbanism as a new approach in urban design that considers the urban environment as a very complex living object and tries to connect natural elements and human needs and sees urbanism as inseparably linked with biology. By analyzing three selected case examples based on the components of biourbanism, how the solutions based on them were investigated, and finally, the edge of the Kileh Tankabon spring river as a domestic and local research case, was analyzed and parts of it were designed as a sample of the selected projects. Discussion and Conclusion: This new type of urban approach and its application in Iran may face a large number of limitations, such as: high maintenance costs, low public awareness of its benefits, and diverging interests of the real estate market. But it is possible to gradually overcome the problems through a broad concept promotion and by raising the level of awareness about the usefulness of ecosystem services and the interaction of larger target groups. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Contextualism, Urbanism, And Informality: Developing A Proper Reading of Contextualism to Explain Informal Urbanism
        Ghulam Farooq Nadeem Seyed Moslem Seyed Alhosseini Toktam Hanaye Hadi Sarvari
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        20 - Analysis of policy effects on Urbanism and architecture studied during the period 1925 to 1941
        Ali Zabihi Reza Mirzaei
        In the past, Iranian architecture and urban development followed a specific trend associated with the architecture of its previous era. But in the contemporary era, this trend undergone changes and evolutions in this field. The present study sought to investigate the fa More
        In the past, Iranian architecture and urban development followed a specific trend associated with the architecture of its previous era. But in the contemporary era, this trend undergone changes and evolutions in this field. The present study sought to investigate the factors affecting architecture and urban development in the First Pahlavi period and to analyze some of the factors that have provided the ground for these evolutions, and also to examine the impacts of these changes and evolutions on contemporary Iranian architecture and urban development policymaking. The present study was a qualitative and quantitative one, which used library sources and studies in order to collect the data. Moreover, Analytic Network Process (ANP) and Super Decisions software were utilized to analyze the data. The study results indicated that factors such as archeology, training architectures, artistic congresses, archeology and the Association of National Monuments, militarism, and modernism have had a significant impact on the architecture and urban development of this period; and the extent of the impact of changes on architecture and urban development has been equal. The most influential factors in architectural evolutions have been modernism and archeology of that era; and factors such as training architectures, scientific congresses, and militarism have affected urban development evolutions. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Bishapour City Changes in Sasanian to Islamic Period Transition
        Zeynab Afzali Sattar Khaledian
        With the rise of Islam and the conquest of Sassanid cities by Muslims, the fate of political, economic, religious and physical structure of these cities were greatly changed. This article explains spatial changes created with the rise of Islam in Sassanid cities based o More
        With the rise of Islam and the conquest of Sassanid cities by Muslims, the fate of political, economic, religious and physical structure of these cities were greatly changed. This article explains spatial changes created with the rise of Islam in Sassanid cities based on the case study of Bishapour. The results show the breakdown of the Sassanid class system in the social structure of the city. That means in the early centuries of Islam, because of equality and Islamic brotherhood, texture of the city was changed and in quantitative terms, there was strong growth in housing of the poor class and lower class accede to elite spaces that previously belonged to upper class in Sassanid city. Social discrimination derived from Zoroastrianism disappeared largely from Bishapour in Islam period. With the increase in Muslim population and the power of rulers and the establishment of Islam in the country and relative security, Islamic thinking and worldview shows itself clearly in the urban spatial structure in the late third and fourth centuries. Arrangement of buildings in urban spaces and the urban spatial structure in Islamic period changed according to Islamic ideology and necessities. At the same time buildings such as Grand Mosque, Madrasa (school), Caravansary and Bazaar entered the urban context. In conclusion it must be said, urbanism in Islamic period, is created from transformation of the urban spaces of Sassanid period under the influence of Islamic thought. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Ardashir Khorreh; the Capital of Ardashir Papakan
        Reza MehrAfarin Sorour Khorashadi Abbas Jame Bozorg
        Ardashir Papakan, the founder of Sassanid dynasty, emphasized to urbanism. He made a large number of cities to who pointed out most of historians and geographers of the first Islamic century. The largest and most important city of Ardashir was Gur or Ardashir Khoreh whi More
        Ardashir Papakan, the founder of Sassanid dynasty, emphasized to urbanism. He made a large number of cities to who pointed out most of historians and geographers of the first Islamic century. The largest and most important city of Ardashir was Gur or Ardashir Khoreh which was located in the vicinity of Firooz Abad in Fars province. This was the capital of Ardashir and also had a circular shape as like as some Parthian cities. There was located a lofty tower called Terbal in the middle of the town. It was the symbol of Anahita, the goddess of water and near it was a large palace. Islamic geographers have described the buildings of Ardashir Khoreh and also the archaeologists have dug in it in recent century. So, there are many data about this city and its installations. Ardashir Khoreh was founded after Ardeshir victory over Ardavan V and then constructed a glorious palace called Ardashir palace in the vicinity of the town and at a good climate place. This palace was Appropriate to dignity and glory of Ardashir, so, he rest in it at the end of his life and indeed, after abdication of power. Ardashir ordered to construct a strong and stable fortress on the summit of Tangab in order to maximize his small army against Ardavan`s attacks and also underpin the release of Iran. Manuscript profile
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        23 - A Critical View on New Urbanism Theory in Urban Planning: From Theory to Practice
        Mitra Ghorbi Hamid Mohammadi
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        24 - The Situationist Urban Design; Rules and Principles
        Shirin Izadpanah
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        25 - Development of a regeneration model based on neo-urbanism with an emphasis on the socio-cultural dimension in run-down urban neighborhoods (Case study: District 7 of Isfahan)
        Parisa Mohseni Keramatollah Ziari Masoud Elahi Mohammadreza Khatibi
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        26 - Analyzing the Biophilic Paradigm in Urbanism, Based on Content Analysis Technique
        Sahar Moarefi Zahra Sadat Saeideh Zarabadi Farah Habib
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        27 - Investigation of trends to fertility and the related social factors (A case study of married women 15 to 50 years in Tabriz)
        Hamideh Savabi FIRUZ RAD
        Iran as a transferring country from aging and developing points of view has quick fertility decline in recent years. Fertility relates to human’s biologic and social conditions. The aim of this study is the recognition of social factors related to tendency to fert More
        Iran as a transferring country from aging and developing points of view has quick fertility decline in recent years. Fertility relates to human’s biologic and social conditions. The aim of this study is the recognition of social factors related to tendency to fertility. Using survey, data are obtained from 460 married women 15 to 50 years in Tabriz with multi-stage cluster sampling.  The results show religious belief is one of the most important factors in women’s tendency to fertility. As shown in the results of multi-stage regression, the major part of tendency to fertility is religious belief (21%) and in total, 30%of tendency to fertility is determined by religious belief, ideal child, social capital, and residence period in Tabriz and social status. The obtained data show that women age has maximum effect on fertility and social status has the minimum effect on it. Finally it can be concluded that Bongart, Noshtein, Rang and Beaker’ s theories and also social status theories , religious beliefs and social capital are appropriate in determining the relationship between social factors and tendency to fertility. Manuscript profile
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        28 - Structuralism and its effect on Urbanism
        parna moradi Bizhan Kalhornia Nowzar Ghanbari
        Structuralism is a school of thought and a way of exploring the issues that comes from four close intellectual sphere: French sociology and Durkheim's ideas, Saussure's linguistics, Kant's philosophical roots and English and French anthropology. Structuralists always tr More
        Structuralism is a school of thought and a way of exploring the issues that comes from four close intellectual sphere: French sociology and Durkheim's ideas, Saussure's linguistics, Kant's philosophical roots and English and French anthropology. Structuralists always try to pull over the appearance of the things and achieve the constant and unchangeable principles; So pass the boundaries of philosophy and enter to mathematics, literature, architecture and even urbanism. They believe that the form or structure as a clear or hidden general framework of anything is the system that in which all components of the organization are related together and have harmonic function. With this communication and coordination they build the totality of the system and the existence of the organization depends on this harmonious relationship. Structuralists generally believed to holistic and this idea led to post-structuralism movement. From the post-structuralism perspective, this approach has a dominant and authoritarian nature and specify the function of the system formerly. Post-structuralism refuse any theory that explain general and universal explanation of the phenomenon, and any holistic and integrity considered inappropriate. In this article according to Saussure and Kant views, general discussion of structuralism reviewed and then the quality of the genesis and the characteristics of post-structuralism movement have been studied. In continue to rely on this belief of structuralists - as the body of every living being has a basic building and other organs work in the main building consequently – city as an organism has been studied and the view of structuralist urban planners has been expressed. Manuscript profile
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        29 - Structural Analysis of Neuro-oriented Urban Planning Solutions in Tehran: Experts’ Perspective Using MICMAC Software
        Khatereh Moghani Rahimi Mostafa Behzadfar samaneh jalilisadrabad
        Mental health disorders pose a significant threat to human well-being, particularly affecting urban populations. Despite the paramount importance of addressing urban mental health, effective strategies for improvement remain elusive. This concern has garnered heightened More
        Mental health disorders pose a significant threat to human well-being, particularly affecting urban populations. Despite the paramount importance of addressing urban mental health, effective strategies for improvement remain elusive. This concern has garnered heightened significance in Tehran, a city with a pressing need for viable solutions. This research aims to identify key strategies to enhance the mental health of the city. Employing a descriptive-analytical research method, the study utilizes content analysis and structural analysis to pinpoint crucial solutions. The findings reveal that three primary strategies — the formulation and execution of a comprehensive mental health plan, the integration of aesthetically pleasing urban design to promote mental well-being, and the adoption of innovative approaches such as mobile health programs and online services — are deemed pivotal variables. Consequently, the implementation of these solutions holds the potential to significantly enhance urban mental health in Tehran. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Urbanism Planning System and Urban Development in Sassanid Iran Period (224-651 mm)
        MohammadMehdi Jahanparvar Zahra Jahanparvar
        City and urban planning are one of the characteristics of human civilization. This phenomenon arises from both human and ideological elements and reflects the social, cultural, political, and economic conditions that have dominated the social space that has evolved over More
        City and urban planning are one of the characteristics of human civilization. This phenomenon arises from both human and ideological elements and reflects the social, cultural, political, and economic conditions that have dominated the social space that has evolved over time. Urban development and urban development in the Sassanid era is one of the most important developments in this research that aims to identify the factors affecting the urban context and pattern, study the physical space of the city and its functions, as well as examine the relationship between city construction and community beliefs. It is the Sassanid era. In this analytical study, using documentary and library data and information, Sassanid city and Iran's urbanization system has been studied and analyzed and according to the ecological conditions, some kind of alignment of Iranian urban style with the environmental and ideological components of the mentioned period. It has emerged that in addition to political, social, cultural and military growth, there has also been an economic boom that can be exploited in the present circumstances. Manuscript profile
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        31 - A comparative study based on the principles of neo-urbanism in urban neighborhoods Case study: Rasht metropolis
        Behnam Rahimi mohammadtaqi masoumi Hossein Nazmfar
        The issue of environmental quality in the neighborhoods of Rasht is one of the priorities of managers, because some variables have challenged the quality of urban environment in Rasht in terms of quantity and quality. That can be addressed to issues such as environmenta More
        The issue of environmental quality in the neighborhoods of Rasht is one of the priorities of managers, because some variables have challenged the quality of urban environment in Rasht in terms of quantity and quality. That can be addressed to issues such as environmental pollution, access, safety and comfort and the lack of neighborhood identity noted. The aim of this study was to identify the indicators of the new urbanism at the level of urban neighborhoods and to study and adapt the situation of Rasht neighborhoods based on the indicators of new urbanism. Three criteria of transportation, physical, housing and urban context were examined based on 15 indicators. GIS maps and expert questionnaires were used to collect information. For data analysis, AHP model and index overlap method in GIS software were used. The results showed the southern neighborhoods of the city had the highest compliance with the principles of neo-urbanism, the central and western neighborhoods had the least compliance with the principles of neo-urbanism, and the eastern and northern neighborhoods had moderate compliance with the principles of neo-urbanism. Finally, according to the situation of each area, solutions such as planning and design for the construction of neighborhood centers and neighborhood centers in the neighborhoods of the region, preventing the increase of building density in the area of valuable and historic buildings, tree planting along the sidewalks, increasing the optimal building density in new constructions to improve the quality of urban neighborhoods based on the principles of neo-urbanism was presented. Manuscript profile
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        32 - Analyzing the Role of Ethnocentrism and Consummate World of Urbanism on the Preference of Domestic and Foreign Sports Brands with Considering the Mediating Role of Product Quality
        شکوفه درسازان ملایری بهرام یوسفی شهاب بهرامی
        Abstract Since consumers are the turning point of all marketing activities and the purchase of sports products is increasingly successful. Thus the current study was designed to determine analyzing the role of ethnocentrism and the consummate world of urbanism on the p More
        Abstract Since consumers are the turning point of all marketing activities and the purchase of sports products is increasingly successful. Thus the current study was designed to determine analyzing the role of ethnocentrism and the consummate world of urbanism on the preference of domestic and foreign sports brands with considering the mediating role of product quality. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and, based on the type of research method, a cross-sectional descriptive correlation based on structural equation modeling that was conducted in the field. The statistical population was students of the Islamic Azad University of Physical Education in the centers of the western provinces of the country. Using multi-stage cluster sampling and using the maximum likelihood method, 300 students were examined. SPSS statistical package was used for data analysis and the structural model was implemented with Amos22 software and the research hypotheses were tested. The results showed that the variable of consumer ethnicity directly and mediated by the quality of product performance could have a significant effect on the preference of domestic and foreign brands among students. While the variable of consumer urbanism did not affect the variable of preference to buy domestic brand over foreign and due to the lack of significance of the path coefficient was not able to predict the preference of buying the domestic brand. In general, the findings of the study confirm the main hypothesis expressed in the concept of ethnicity, people prefer to use domestic goods because of the insider goods.   Keywords: World urbanism, Conscious ethnicity, Brand value, Product quality                   Manuscript profile