• List of Articles the man

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        1 - The Manifestation of the Truth [= Haq] in Hierarchical Degrees of Being in Mowlana's Views
        دکتر حسن جعفری
        One of the most debated concepts within mysticism and Sufism is theconcept of the manifestation of the Truth (as the Principle of being) inHierarchical Degrees of Being from the archangelic to the material.Mysticism deals with the manifestation as a science of the cosmo More
        One of the most debated concepts within mysticism and Sufism is theconcept of the manifestation of the Truth (as the Principle of being) inHierarchical Degrees of Being from the archangelic to the material.Mysticism deals with the manifestation as a science of the cosmos inrelation to the Truth and as a form of knowledge that guides humanbeings, being situated in the confines of cosmic existence, to theMetacosmic Reality. Therefore, the Truth and all levels of themanifestation make the pantheistic point of view which dominates over allmystical perspectives, so that one might say that mysticism is dominatedby two basic doctrines of the transcendent unity of being and the PerfectMan. One of the greatest poets of the Persian language, that is, MowlanaJalaleddin Balkhi began to versify wisely and systematically certainaspects of Sufi doctrine.Thus, this paper mainly deals with the nature of the manifestation of theTruth and how it relates to the Perfect Man. This study also tries to throwsome light on Mowlana's concept of the manifestation of the Truth. So, itcan show how human being is really grown in maturity as he attains thedeep understanding of the manifestation through sincerity in obeying God.The spiritual journey as an esoteric interpretation of the manifestation ofthe Truth is to lead man from the state of ignorance to one of illuminationand true awareness. Therefore, the first part of this paper contains theexplanation of some characteristics of the manifestation of the Truth andhistorical approaches of Islamic philosophers such as Ibn Sina, and al-Suhrawardi as well as Ibn Arabi’s view. The second part developsMowlavi's theory of the manifestation of the Truth, background of whichhas been prepared in the first part. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Analysis of the Theory of intertextuality in SiminDaneshvar’sThe Serpent and the Man
        Fateme Bidakhoidi Fateme Heidari
        Literature is a dynamic, alive entity, which is inevitably adapted, composed, affected, impressed and recreated. Therefore, literary worksinteract. Every text is inevitably created based on the previous literary texts and literary heritage. A few literary works can be f More
        Literature is a dynamic, alive entity, which is inevitably adapted, composed, affected, impressed and recreated. Therefore, literary worksinteract. Every text is inevitably created based on the previous literary texts and literary heritage. A few literary works can be found with no link to other texts in any way. Poets and authors have acknowledged the fact that the themes and issues have already been uttered or written, and it makes the situation difficult to them. Julia Kristeva introduced the theory of intertextuality which indicates any relationship between the various texts. Having studied Kristeva’s theories and works, Gérard Genette expanded the theory. The main point of the present paper is to examine the instances of intersexuality in SiminDaneshvar’sThe Serpent and the Man in the light of in the light of intersexuality. The researcher tries to figure out and analyze the relationship between this story and text before it. Considering the theory of intertextuality and its history in literary texts, the researcher presents a brief summary of the story, and then analyzes the story through Gérard Genette’s theory.This research aims to deal with the interaction between the story of The Serpent and the Man with other literary texts and obtain extra information on the subject. The methodology deals with Genette’s theory of intertextuality. Manuscript profile
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        3 - The study of the application of SWOT plan in the performance the managers
        mohammad salehi aliasghar ghorbani
        It is crucial that modern organizations have a strategic plan through which it would be possible to achieve a dramatic change in the organizations . Therefore, it is required that every organization or institution make use of SWOT plan to understand imminent threats , o More
        It is crucial that modern organizations have a strategic plan through which it would be possible to achieve a dramatic change in the organizations . Therefore, it is required that every organization or institution make use of SWOT plan to understand imminent threats , opportunities , strengths and weaknesses to promote its applicability. In this paper, SWOT was studied from several perspectives, that is , its function and efficiency were examined in hospitals provided with medical services in Mazandaran. Also, the significance of each factor relevant to function and applicability was determined. The conducted research was a descriptive type carried out among 209 hospital administrators . Meanwhile, sample volume based on Krejcie & Morgan tables was 135 subjects selected randomly. A two-part four angular questionnaire with a reliability coefficient of  0.84 was used for data collection. Descriptive and inferential statistics methods (ANOVA and DUNKEN) were applied for analysis. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Strategic Management of the Innovative Activity of the Enterprise
        Zalutska Khrystyna Petrushka Kateryna Myshchyshyn Olha Danylovych Olena
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        5 - Evaluation of the influential components of western architectural culture in the modern era on the physical and decorative structure of the Qajar period gardens of Shiraz.
        fatemeh nekooeimehr hossein soltanzadeh shervin mirshahzadeh
        During the Qajar period, due to Iran's relationship with other countries and the changes that occurred in the cultural and political fields, differences were also created in the thoughts, trends and styles of Iranian art and architecture. These effects, which were mostl More
        During the Qajar period, due to Iran's relationship with other countries and the changes that occurred in the cultural and political fields, differences were also created in the thoughts, trends and styles of Iranian art and architecture. These effects, which were mostly seen in the residential buildings of the nobility, have occurred in all the building components from the body to the decorations. This influence was to such an extent that at the end of the Nasrid period, the architectural style of the buildings was a fusion of the traditional architecture of Iran and the West. Therefore, the question is raised, what components of western culture and architecture have influenced the physical and decorative structure of the Qajar period garden mansion in Shiraz? Therefore, in the conducted research, it is tried to investigate the influence of Western architectural art and culture on them by examining the physical and decorative features of the Qajar era gardens in Shiraz city. The combined research design used in this research is the type of alignment design and convergent model. In the qualitative part, a case study Chaharbagh mansions related to the Qajar era in Shiraz city (Eram Bagh mansion, Afifabad Bagh mansion, Narenjestan Qavam Bagh mansion and Manshibashi Bagh mansion) has been done. The relevant data were collected through the researcher's visit and observation of the structures and the registration physical and decorative features in accordance with the research question. The analysis the findings showed that in decoration component, the results qualitative and quantitative findings support each other and show that the elements of western architecture are widely used in the decorative components of these buildings. At the same time, regarding the physical component, although the qualitative findings show the significant presence of western elements in the physical architecture of these buildings, according to the respondents, western architectural elements were seen to some extent in the volume composition and elements of these buildings, but they do not have a strong presence the body of the buildings compared to the decoration components. .As mentioned earlier, the art and architecture of the Qajar era, affected by the currents modernism and the changes and developments of modernism and westernism, took on a new shape and color, and the achievements the modern era can be clearly seen in the buildings and mansions this era. to be Although the Qajar architecture is derived from the traditional architecture of Iran, especially the architecture of the Safavid and Zandiya eras, but at the end of the Qajar era, the elements western architecture can be seen in all parts of the building, especially in the appearance of the building and decorations. Even the use of new materials that were used in Europe were also used abundantly in the buildings of this period.As seen in the theoretical foundations of the research, the art and architecture of the Qajar era was influenced by the art and architecture of the West and European countries, and the trends of the modernity and developments that were the results of the Western modernity era entered Iran in different ways during this period. The art and architecture of this era had an impact. These effects can be seen in the aristocratic houses and mansions built in the big cities of Iran such as Shiraz. In this research, the effects of western art and architecture were investigated in two areas, physical and decorative, in four mansions of Bagh Eshrafi in Shiraz city. First, it was found that physical factors such as extroversion, columns, capitals, and long and wide porches are among the western elements in the examined buildings, but almost all the decorative elements in the buildings are influenced by western art and architecture. They are combined with Iranian decorations.Therefore, according to the examination of the studied samples and the issues raised, it can be said about the influence of Western art and architecture on the architecture of the Qajar period mansions that the mansions built in the city of Shiraz during the Qajar era can be the most He observed the influence of western patterns, especially in the decoration of buildings, and it was such that the closer to the end of this era, the buildings were more oriented towards western architecture. Manuscript profile
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        6 - The Common Recitation in Iran in the Fifth and Sixth Lunar Centuries: A Case Study of Strong Recitations in Astan Quds Razavi's Masāḥif
        Elaheh Shahpasand Seyede Mahnaz Sharifianfar
        In order to discover common recitations in the 5th and 6th centuries of Iran, this research has investigated the recitations recorded in three Qur'ans from the fifth century and three Qur'ans from the sixth century in the library of Astan Quds Razavi. Therefore, a table More
        In order to discover common recitations in the 5th and 6th centuries of Iran, this research has investigated the recitations recorded in three Qur'ans from the fifth century and three Qur'ans from the sixth century in the library of Astan Quds Razavi. Therefore, a table containing 1000 words was prepared. After preparing the statistics of the degree of similarity of the reading of these words with each of the ten readings as well as the remaining cases from Abu Hatem's authority, it was concluded that the calligraphy of this book is most similar to the script of Būm of Basrah, and then Kufah. It has the least resemblance to the Shami script. In this sense, there has been no change compared to the fourth century. Examining the "field of the letters" (farsh al-ḥorūf) of the Qur'an and comparing it with the ten recitations also shows that these Qur'an were not subject to a single reading, but they contain an authority, one of the criteria of which is the approval of more reciters. In general, the recitation of these books is similar to the recitation of Āṣim and then Khalaf". In comparison with the fourth century, the common recitation has turned away from being more similar to Abu Amr's Basri recitation and is inclined to the Kufic recitations, especially the Ḥafs narration of the Āṣim recitation. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Quranic Readings; from the Literary Approach to the Tradtional Approach: a Comparative study of Quranic Readings in the Maʾāni al-Qurʾān by al-Farrā’ and Maʾāni al-Qurʾān by al-Zajjāj
        Elaheh Shahpasand
        In the transition from the third century to the fourth century, we are witnessing a change in the approach of the Scholars towards the Quranic readings. The Quranic readings, which were previously used as a literary tool and with the least of limitations, at the beginni More
        In the transition from the third century to the fourth century, we are witnessing a change in the approach of the Scholars towards the Quranic readings. The Quranic readings, which were previously used as a literary tool and with the least of limitations, at the beginning of the fourth century, relied on the use of traditional patterns and used numerous instruments of authentication for the hadith. This paper presents one of the evidences of this change of approach, comparing two “maani al-Quran”s, one of them by Farra and of the early third century, and the other by Zajjaj, which belonged to the early fourth century, and concluded that Farra, who in The period of prevalence of rationalism and moderate temperament has lived, in addition to semantic use, has used Quranic readings as a means to advance its literary debates. But Zajjaj that lived during the time of the Dominant of the Ashab al-hadith and itself belongs to this way of thinking considers the Quranic reading to be a "tradition," and in all its interactions with the readings, is affected by the “Sunnah” as a key term Manuscript profile
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        8 - The Man, the Locus of Theophany of Quran: the Thoughts of Imadaddin Nasīmī
        مهدی تدین نجف آبادی علی رمضانی
          Hurufīyya was a mystical sect that was formed after Mongol invasion in later 14th and early 15th century. Their teachings took root in Ismailism and belief in  symbolic interpretation of Scriptures.  Imadaddin Nasīmī (14th-century), the most famous an More
          Hurufīyya was a mystical sect that was formed after Mongol invasion in later 14th and early 15th century. Their teachings took root in Ismailism and belief in  symbolic interpretation of Scriptures.  Imadaddin Nasīmī (14th-century), the most famous and learned poet of the sect, has presented the thoughts of Hurufīyya. He believes that the man is vicegerent of God on earth Earth and manifestation of Him. The m Man is the locus of theophany of Divine Names and Quran. In the present article, the thoughts of Imadaddin Nasīmī are entertained.   Manuscript profile
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        9 - Introducing The Ghataratol Hayat from Mohammad Amindar Kashmiri, a Less known Work in the eleventh century A. H.
        Kayhan Namjoo Mehdi Famoori Jalil Nazari
        Abstract            One of the most valuable and distinguished cultural heritage of each country is its enormous treasure of manuscripts. The Ghataratol Hayat from Mohammad Amindar Kashmiri is of the precious manuscript More
        Abstract            One of the most valuable and distinguished cultural heritage of each country is its enormous treasure of manuscripts. The Ghataratol Hayat from Mohammad Amindar Kashmiri is of the precious manuscripts of the 11thc A. H. From this work which has not yet been corrected or edited, two copies have been survived. The first one is in the library of Tehran University with the number of 7866 in 253 pages in Nasta'liq calligraphy. The second copy which is our source for correction is the pictorial one with the number of 184 in the same library. Its authenticity Ganj Bakhsh with 861 Ganj 754/2 in 347 pages. Since it is one of the works which deals with the Islamic mysticism, excursion, and beliefs of the leaders Nagshbandieh order, we may consider it as a distinguished work to attain the author's stance in the literature and its impressiveness on the tenets of sufi sects. We have tried to be familiar with its stylistic traits in literature and mysticism. The method of correction in this copy is based on the comparative one through which a possible error is eliminated by adaptation with the substitute copy. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Correction of the manuscript copy of treatise on mysticism composed by Kamal-al Din Molla Abdulrazagh Issac Kashi
        Mehdi Mahoozi
        There exists a manuscript in 505 pages from Kamal-al Din Kashi in Higher School of Sepah Salar(Shahid Motahari). It contains a collection of treatise on wisdom, Erfan, manifestations of the Almighty God, argumentative and intuitive science. Pages 100-126 of this treatis More
        There exists a manuscript in 505 pages from Kamal-al Din Kashi in Higher School of Sepah Salar(Shahid Motahari). It contains a collection of treatise on wisdom, Erfan, manifestations of the Almighty God, argumentative and intuitive science. Pages 100-126 of this treatise are devoted to the issues regarding mysticism and discourse. The significance of the subject and the character of the writer inspired the correction of this manuscript copy in the hope that subtleties in this work could assist authorities in their criticism and analysis. Manuscript profile