List of Articles responsibility of the government Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Duties and Authorities of the Government in the Face of Widespread Disease Outbreaks; A Case Study of Corona Disease. Mostafa Rajabi Bagherabad Zohreh Nikfarjam tahmures shiri Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - The government's civil responsibility in protecting citizens' health from the perspective of Shia jurisprudence, citizenship rights and international documents hossein esmail zade Abbas Moghaddari Aimiri Abdolhamid Mortazavi 10.22034/ijrj.2023.705520 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Jurisprudential and legal review of the positive and negative points of giving points to martyrs S.Jafar Moosavi هرمز اسدی کوه باد Seyed Hasan Hoseyni