Jurisprudential and legal review of the positive and negative points of giving points to martyrs
Subject Areas : Jurisprudence of war and jihad
S.Jafar Moosavi
هرمز اسدی کوه باد
Seyed Hasan Hoseyni
1 -
2 - دانشیار گروه حقوق، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، واحد رامهرمز،رامهرمز، ایران
3 - Islamic Jurisprudence Department.Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences. Islamic Azad University . Ramhormoz . Iran
Keywords: al-kharaj balzaman, civil responsibility of the government, the law of martyrs, the necessity of non-cruelty.,
Abstract :
The issue of granting privileges to respected martyrs is one of the issues whose origins are less investigated and neglected from the point of view of jurisprudence and law; Therefore, following the central question of this issue, what are the principles of granting material and spiritual privilege to martyrs, its principles were investigated and analyzed with a descriptive-analytical method and by examining jurisprudential and legal findings. Therefore, in the fields of Quranic reasons, jurisprudence rules and legal rules, its basics were introduced. The results of these investigations include the need to pay attention to the Mujahideen, the rule of al-Kharaj Balzaman, Al-Ghanam Balgarham, the connection between the understanding of property and objects, along with the issue of the government's responsibility based on the benefit caused by the risk, and citing the necessity of non-cruelty, as well as the transnational and common theory of using veterans and honoring them can be considered as the most important theoretical foundations of granting Privileges should be introduced to the honorable martyrs. In terms of the innovation of this research, it can be stated with others that no research has been reviewed that has introduced the theoretical basis of giving privileges to martyrs in a general and comprehensive manner. And therefore, the current research in the investigations has resulted in crediting the rights of precious martyrs.
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